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    • 1、写作过程中 你是否找不到合适的词汇而苦恼?,是不是一说到优点,满脑子想到的不是good 就是better,一说到认为不是think 就是suggest。,高冷词汇,1.people,persons individuals, characters, folks 2. good desirable ,positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior,3. think harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that It is widely shared that It is universally shared that,4. get many benefits -reap huge fruits 5. in my opinion for my part, from my on perspective,6. more and more increasing/growing (

      2、adj.) increasingly,(adv.) 没有 growingly,7. hardly little if anything little or nothing,8. helpful - beneficial, rewarding,9. very overwhelming, exceedingly, extremely intensely,10. unnecessary, avoidable -hardly necessary -hardly inevitable,11. sb take interest in /sb. be interested in -sth appeals to sb, -sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.,12. aspect -facet 英 fst dimension sphere,13. indicate, suggest , fear -be indicative of be suggestive of be fearful of,14. be against ;disagree with s

      3、th. -frown,15. for example , for instance -a good case in point is,16. about -regarding, concerning,firstly, secondly, thirdly -in the first place/ the first and foremost -there is one more point/ in the second place -the last but not the least (to begin with, equally important; plus ,18. quintessential 替换typical ( 举例事常用,例如: a quintessential example should be cited that= for example; for instance,19. So, Consequently; Accordingly 20. But, However,由数据推断出一定的结论, 用results indicate, infer, suggest, i

      4、mply that,学术论文中的研究观点类词语英文表达,examine, argue, state, according to 等词的使用。,最常见的引述别人的词汇,Much of the research in sexual selection in the last two decades has examined how a females preference that does not influence her immediate reproductive success can still evolve if it is genetically correlated with another character under direct selection Hint: Instead of study, examine and work can be used.,2.Burley argued that the preference for red beaks is adaptive because it indicates male health, and this p

      5、reference is then transferred to leg-band color. (argue ,引用别人观点的又一表述),引述别人观点时,如果不能完全同意,使用state 比show 更加中立,3. Two hypotheses for female preference evolution runaway sexual selection and good genes selection-state that preferences evolve indirectly because they are genetically correlated with male traits that are under direct selection ; that is , the preferences themselves are not under direct selection.,4. Studies of receiver biases suggest that such analogies might not be broadly applicable . (

      6、suggest 又一种较为客观的引述观点的表达方法),5. According to the anti-monotony hypothesis , habituation plays an important role in the evolution of complex vocalizations in songbirds; Increased song complexity reduces habituation of neighboring males and courting females. (根据),带有小小的强调,6. Previous studies of acoustic and bioluminescent interactions had emphasized potential advantages to group-signaling organization , such as minimizing predation ,preserving species-specific signal characters, or increasing the attractiveness of the group.,高效连接词,However, also , in addition, consequently , afterwards, ,moreover, furthermore, further, although , unlike, in contrast, similarly, unfortunately , alternatively, parallel results , in order to , despite, for example, Compared with, other results, thus , therefore,用好连接词能使文章层次清楚,意思明确。,比如, 叙述有时间顺序的事件或文献,最早的文献可用AA advocated it for the first time . 接下来可用 Then BB further demonstrated that . 再接下来,可用 Afterwards, CC 如果还有,可用 More recent studies by DD,


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