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学案3:必修1 Module5

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****o
  • 文档编号:88049869
  • 上传时间:2019-04-17
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    • 1、高一同步学案 必修1 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 话题:1. A lesson in a lab 实验室里的一堂课 2. Preparing a report on a simple scientific experiment准备一篇关于简单的科学试验的报告。功能:Words and expressions of sequence 表示顺序的词或短语须掌握的句型: 1. It is hard to think of a world without metals. 2. Add some oil to the water. 3. Im going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Department. 4. Its your turn. 5. Youve got it.须掌握的语法: 比较级结构 1.“比较级 + than”结构 2.“less + 原级 + than”的结构 3. “the + 比较级(

      2、+主语+谓语),the +比较级(+主语+谓语)”的结构 4. “比较级+ and +比较级”结构 5. 表示倍数第一课时词汇词汇拓展: 1.liquid (反义词) 2.expand (反义词)3.mixture (v.) 4.conclusion (v.)5.react (n.) 6.equipment (v.)7.partial (n.) 8.electricity (adj.)9.describe (n.) 10.ordinary (同义词) (adv.)11.astonished (v.) 12.aim (adj.) (adv.)13.exist (n.)须掌握的短语: 1.add 往加入 2. to 过去常常 3. the area of在领域 4.be proud 为感到骄傲 5. be supposed 应当,理应 6.at 至少 7.draw a 得出结论 8.make 确信 9. or或者或者 10. be astonished 对.感到吃惊 11. find 查明 12. aim 瞄准,针对 13. put 把按顺序放好 14. keep 把保持在外 15.wri

      3、te 写下,记下 16. the air在空中 17. the pastyears在过去的年里 18.go 用吧;行 19. learn 向学习 20. an experiment 做试验须掌握的单词:1. 液体 n. 2. 膨胀 vi. 3. 收缩 vi. 4. 物质 n. 5. 混合物 n. 6. 氧气 n. 7. 电 n. 8. 阶段;时期 n. 9. 结论n. 10. 目标,目的 n. 11. 反应 n. 12. 设备,装备 n. 13. 部分的,局部的 adj. 14. 煮沸,煮 vt. 15. 普通的,平常的 adj. 16.蒸汽;水气 n. 17. 漂浮 n. 18.形成 vi. 19. 溶解,分解,分离 vi 20.天平n. 21.火焰 n. 22.演讲 n. 23.(大学的)科、系 n. 24.吃惊的,惊愕的 adj. 第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习佳句背诵: 1.很难想象一个没有金属的世界会是什么样子。 2. 当我们使用金属时,懂得它们与不同的物质是怎样发生反应的,比如水和氧气,是很重要的。3.金属与这些物质的反应程度可以按顺序排列起来。4.在水中加一些油。5.将水

      4、煮3分钟(这可以确保水中没有空气)6.科技设备非常好,有配有最新设备的实验室。7.事实是,加拿大有许多一流的科学家。8.诺贝尔奖是现有最高奖项,因此我们应该引以为自豪知识点配套练习:1. A balloon as it is filled with air. A. is increased B. increase C. expands D. is expanded2. 改错(1) How did your mother react with the news?(2) Applause reacts against a speaker.(3) The students reacted on the political system.3. The workers went to strike to the price policy. A. react on B. react with C. react to D. react against4. (1) Say numbers (按顺序).(2) I cant get in touch with him now, because my te

      5、lephone is .(出了故障)(3) The room is .(乱七八糟)(4) He with that factory.(向定购了500辆自行车)5. (1) These figures dont (加起来) right.(2) His whole school education (合计) no more than one year.6翻译句子 (1)30的1/5是多少?(2)1000的30是多少?(3)我们市的人口是多少?7. The scientist also other experiments. A. made B. carried out C. performed D. A、BC8.Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water. . A. Heard it. B. Got it. C. Made it. D. Taken it.9. There are often some fields the scientists devote all their live

      6、s to doing some researches. A. on which B. which C. that D. in which10. Water electricity widely all over the world. A. is used to produce B. is used to producingC. used to produce D. used to producing11.用astonish, surprise, shock, amaze的适当形式填空. (1) To my , the door was unlocked.(2) He was to see his father there.(3) His death was a great to the family.(4) We are all that he won the first place.12. (1) Neither you nor Tom (be) interested in pop music.(2) Both you and he (be) right.13. she doesnt

      7、 come, we will still go. Which one is WRONG? A. If B. Suppose C. Supposing D. Though14. All her neighbors her to be a good girl. A. thought B. supposed C. imagined D. AB15. My brother is than I. A. older two years B. two years olderC. two years elder D. elder two years16. There are magazines in our library than in yours. A. a less B. less C. a fewer D. fewer17. The city of Beijing is getting . A. more beautiful and beautiful B. beautifuler and beautifuler C. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and more beautiful18. This house is that one. A. three times the size of B. 3 times as large

      《学案3:必修1 Module5》由会员ha****o分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《学案3:必修1 Module5》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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