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    • 1、1 ModuleModule 5 5 ( (句型篇句型篇) ) .句型转换 1It is wrong of you to treat her like that. _ _ _to treat her like that. 2He can run three times faster than me. He can run_ _as_as me. 3Chances are that we will win easily. _ _ _ _that we will win easily. 4I met Li Hua in the street yesterday. _ _I_met Li Hua in the street yesterday. 5However hard he tries,he wont be able to win the first prize. _ _ _hard he tries,he wont be able to win the first prize. 6As you can see,the number of cars on roads keeps risi

      2、ng these days. As you can see,the number of cars on roads is_ _ _these days. 7It is likely that she does not know how to send and receive a fax. _ _ _ _she does not know how to send and receive a fax. 8Twothirds of the apples are rotten. _ _ _ _apples are rotten. 9Our school basketball team consists of 12 excellent students. Our school basketball team_ _ _ _12 excellent students. 10Tom,together with his parents,is coming to China for a holiday this summer. Tom,_ _ _his parents,is coming to China

      3、 for a holiday this summer. 答案 1You are wrong 2.four times;fast 3There is a chance 4.It was;that 5.No matter how 6on the increase 7.The chances are that 8Two out of three 9.is made up of 10.as well as .完成句子 1I didnt realize that I left a book at home until I reached the school.(强调句) It was_I reached the school_I realized that I left a book at home. 2As a student,I_(保证努力学习) in order not to let my parents down. 3Protons(质子) are nearly_(2 000 倍重) as electrons. 4At present,_(的数量) young people who sm

      4、oke is_(正在 增加) 5There is a chance that he may fail in the exam,because he is too careless.(同义句) _that he may fail in the exam,because he is too careless. 6_(我是外国人这事实)was a big disadvantage. 7_(众所周知),China is a developing country. 8It was said that imported steel_(比有优势) steel made at home. 9He added that the film should win_(它被提名的所有奖项) 10He and his friends like going shopping.(同义句) He_his friends likes going shopping. 2 答案 1not until;that 2.guarantee to study hard 32,000 times as heavy 4the numbe

      5、r of;on the increase 5The chances are 6.The fact that I was a foreigner 7As is known to all/we all know 8had an advantage over 9everything it is nominated for 10.as well as .阅读理解 A A I am a long distance runner.When I was thirtyone,I was in a serious car accident.The doctor told me that they would try to get me to walk “normally” but I would never run again terrible news for someone who views running as the oxygen she breathes.The doctors were right.For the next nine and a half years,I was unabl

      6、e to run more than twentyfive feet. In 2006,I began selftraining to take part in a 60mile walk.Three months into preparing,I realized that walking 45 hours a day was too long.If only I could jog part of itthat would cost me less time.I started jogging without my knees aching.Slowly,I increased the distance.The doctors were proved wrongit only took nine and a half years to do so. While practicing,I suffered a lossa dear friend suddenly died.His work had been to help women to accept themselves and

      7、 reach their fullest potential (潜力)He believed that people should let nothing hold them back from achieving their goals.Soon after his death,a crazy thought entered my mind:what if I could run the LA Marathon? I knew that if I didnt train to my fullest,the doctors would win.So I trained seven days a week.And I succeeded in crossing the finish line of the LA Marathons all over the United States to the astonishment of my doctors.They never believed I would achieve that. The aches and pains I exper

      8、ience while training and racing are nothing compared to the suffering people whom I respect must accept. 1What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 1? AShe loved running very much. BShe lost heart after the accident. CShe often felt it was hard to breathe. DShe didnt believe what the doctors said. 2The author tried jogging because she wanted to_ Aprotect her feet Bget more practice Csave some time Dcatch up with others 3Why did the author decide to join in the marathon? ABecause she wanted to make more friends. BBecause she was so sorry for the loss of a friend. CBecause she wanted to prove the doctors were wrong. DBecause she was encouraged by her dead friends words. 3 4The writers story tells us_ Awhere there is a will,there is a way Ba friend in need is a friend indeed Cby falling we learn to go safely Da good medicine tastes bitter 答案与解析 作者酷爱长跑,一场事故几乎使她丧失了跑步的能力,在朋友的鼓励下,经过自己的努力,作者又出现 在长跑的运动场上。


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