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    • 1、北理工大学英语(2)在线作业-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Three people, _, were injured in the accident.A.including a childB.include a childC.included a childD.includes a child正确答案:A2.Every means _ been tried ever since the machine broke down.A.hasB.haveC.areD.is正确答案:A3.After Jackson _ for an hour, he came to the conclusion that Mrs. Bonnie was not coming.A.waitedB.was waitingC.has waitedD.had been waiting正确答案:D4.Ill take down your name and address in case you _ as a witness.A.will needB.will b

      2、e neededC.needD.are needed正确答案:D5.The United States tried to _ the badly damaged relationship between the two countries.A.fixB.mendC.correctD.revise正确答案:B6.I hope you_ the instructions ready before I come tomorrow.A.to getB.shall getC.will getD.will have gotten正确答案:D7.Well leave as soon as it_ raining.A.is stoppingB.stopsC.will stopD.shall stop正确答案:B8.He suggested _ a lecture given by Professor White on English language learning.A.me to attendB.my attendingC.my attentionD.me attending正确答案:B9.Giv

      3、e a little from the heart, _ you receive a lot in spirit.A.thenB.andC.ifD.unless正确答案:B10.Its a/an _ to waste your money on such a film.A.crimeB.offenceC.wrongD.illness正确答案:A11.“This is a terribly heavy box.” “_help you to carry it.”A.I am toB.I willC.ID.I am going to正确答案:B12.The actor went to the United States many years ago. He has been _ forgotten.A.above allB.after allC.all butD.all out正确答案:C13.I_ yesterday, but I was suspended by an unexpected visit.A.cameB.did comeC.was to comeD.come正确答案:C1

      4、4.The English students should be encouraged to _ more practical approaches.A.pickB.receiveC.fetchD.adopt正确答案:D15.Henry talks to his dog as if it _ him.A.understoodB.understandC.understandsD.would understand正确答案:A16.Those _ are selected come to register, please.A.heB.theyC.whoD.whom正确答案:C17.I _ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night.A.might fallB.must fallC.must have fallenD.can have fallen正确答案:C18.They have decided to _ another telephone line in their hous

      5、e.A.fit upB.fit inC.fitD.install正确答案:D19._ he worked very hard all day, he couldnt finish the job in time.A.AlthoughB.EvenC.In spiteD.In case正确答案:A20.When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _.A.shoneB.shinesC.has shoneD.was shining正确答案:D21.There are many kinds of metals, _.A.each having its special propertiesB.having its special propertiesC.one has its special propertiesD.each has its special properties正确答案:A22.I have taken many photos. Im going to get the film _.A.being developedB.develo

      6、pingC.developedD.to be developed正确答案:C23.With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy _ to a hospital.A.sendB.to do sentC.being sentD.sending正确答案:C24.My best friend and advisor _ changed _ mind again.A.have; theirB.has; hisC.are; theirD.was; his正确答案:B25.The various measures the government has taken are meant to _ the world trade.A.produceB.proceedC.promoteD.remote正确答案:C26.Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them _taken in the past.A.was notB.

      7、were notC.were not beingD.being not正确答案:B27.Myra would not forget her mothers birthday, _ she was very busy.A.even ifB.on ifC.if onlyD.if正确答案:A28.She?lied?to?me?because?she?_?in?order?not?to?make?me?sad.A.mustB.shouldC.had toD.needed正确答案:C29.The company has been looking for the right man to manage the important project, and they have now put Dr. White _.A.in dutyB.in chargeC.in placeD.in power正确答案:B30.I was _ at the stop as long as thirty minutes.A.made waitingB.kept waitingC.keeping waitedD.kep

      8、t waited正确答案:B31.I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you _ next month for a dinner.A.comeB.would comeC.cameD.have come正确答案:C32.Return the book immediately to the library as soon as you _ with it.A.finishB.are finishedC.have finishedD.are finishing正确答案:A33.Your hard work over the years for the company _.A.is worth of a creditB.gives him creditC.does you creditD.has lots of credit to you正确答案:C34.All the apparatus_ before the experiment began.A.have been testedB.had been testedC.were testedD.had tested正确答案:A35.I dont think youve heard of him before, _?A.dont IB.do IC.have youD.havent you正确答案:C36.We do not _ that the past years have been without problems for us.A.attendB.


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