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    • 1、语法六 连词语法随堂演练(一)用适当的连词填空1(2018新疆中考改编)I really want to have a pet dog, my mother disagrees.2(2018天津中考改编)Tony was drawing a picture I was doing my homework.3(2018甘肃白银中考改编)Never put off tomorrow what you can do today.4(2018江苏南京中考改编)Work hard, youll have a big success.5(2018安徽中考改编)Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, he is only four years old.6(2018河北中考改编)Bob, dinner is ready. Please wash your hands you eat.7(2018江苏宿迁中考改编)The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate the guests

      2、 arrived.8(2018重庆中考A卷)Its hard for us to say goodbye we have so many happy days to remember.(二)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。1如果你不努力学习,就不会通过考试。 you dont work hard, youll not pass the exam.2放学后,玛丽一回到家就会帮忙做家务。Mary will help do the housework she comes home.3昨天晚上直到九点我才回家。I did go home nine oclock last night.4母亲迫不及待地为我准备晚餐。My mother dinner for me. 5她不仅在学习上帮助我,在生活上也常常帮助我。She helps me in my study, in my life.6她能跑得像鹿一样快。She can run fast deer.7尽管他已经60多岁了,他依然健康、强壮。 he has been sixty years old, hes still healthy

      3、and strong.8她如此年幼以至于她不能照顾她自己。She is young she cant look after herself.9我认为他犯错了。I think he made a mistake.10他建议我住在空气更清新的地方。He advised me to live the air is fresher.11他努力学习以便能通过考试。He works hard he can pass the exam.12请把它放在绿树成荫的地方。Please put it there are a lot of green trees. (三)用括号中所给的连词将两个简单句合并成一个复合句1The girl is only nine.She takes care of her brothers and cooks meals every day.(although) .2She was late for school.She missed the 6:30 bus.(because) .3Jack was trying hard.I gave up.(while) .4The st

      4、udents still had their sports meeting.It was raining.(but) .5You are able to book three tickets.I will go to the show with you.(if) . . (四)单句改错1Practice more, but youll do better in playing chess.2A car hit an old lady at the crossing. She was hurt, and not badly.3Be quiet, my kids, but you will stay outside, because this is a library.4We decided to stay at home and watch TV, so it was raining heavily outside.5There will be less pollution but more people use public transportation.6He hasnt got a

      5、ny hobbiesif you call watching TV a hobby.7Dad, when did you come back from the farmland yesterday?Well, I didnt come back when the rain stopped.8Although my cousin is very young, but she can help with the housework.9A Spring Morning is my favorite poem even its words are beautiful and I can feel the sense of spring in it.10What do you think of your Junior High School life?As I am always busy, I think it is colorful.参考答案(一)1.but2.while/as3.until4.and5although/though6.before7.when8because(二)1.If2

      6、.as soon as3.not; until4cant wait to prepare5.not only; but also6as; as7.Although8.so; that9.that10where11.so that12.where(三)1.Although the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brothers and cooks meals every day.2She was late for school because she missed the 6:30 bus.3Jack was trying hard while I gave up.4It was raining, but the students still had their sports meeting.5If you are able to book three tickets, I will go to the show with you.(四)1.but改为and。2and改为but。3but改为or。4so改为because。5but改为if。6if改为unless。7第二个when改为until。8删除but或删除Although, my改为My。9even改为because。10As改为Though或Although。4


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