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    • 1、Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern heroSection Grammar & Writing.单句语法填空1I will never forget the days_we spent together.答案:that/which2There was a time_Anne was so crazy about everything to do with nature.答案:when3I saw a house,the windows of_were broken.答案:which4She has two sons,both of_graduated from Harvard University.答案:whom5The reason_he could not go there was that he was ill in bed.答案:why6We are living in an age_many things are done on computer.答案:when7After graduation he returned to the small town

      2、_he grew up.答案:where/in which8I dont like the way _ you speak to your parents.答案:that/in which9The house_was destroyed in the terrible fire has been repaired.答案:which/that10We went through a period_communications were very difficult in the rural areas.答案:when/in which.阅读理解Operating the largest private foundation (私人基金会) in history,Bill and Melinda Gates make decisions that influence millions of lives.But they deal with problems very differently.For example,they agreed that too many children die

      3、needlessly from diarrhoea (腹泻)But when it came to how to prevent it,their opinions were different.While her husband read a lot about vaccines (疫苗),Melinda Gates had been travelling and visited areas where poor people live in India.When she returned,she said,“I dont know what it is,but theres something in clean water and sanitation (公共卫生)” And Bill said,“OK,Melinda,I dont even have time to read in that space.Tell me what you know.”That conversation led to a new focus on water and sanitation.Since

      4、 2006,they have given more than $200 million toward those efforts.The foundations work is always a part of her familys life,even on holiday.This year,over the spring break,they took their three children to the Amazon in Brazil.There,she spoke about the advantages of a service to allow people to send money by mobile phones,after seeing the success of such a program in Kenya.Melinda believed its a way to help her children “know what goes on in their backyard,so they understand what its like for ki

      5、ds who dont have enough money to do what they do”When asked what made her and her husband establish a foundation to help others,she pointed to her family background.Both she and her husband came from families who encouraged social services.Melinda has an MBA and degrees in computer science and business from Duke University.She met Bill Gates shortly after going to work at Microsoft.By the time they married in 1994,she had already persuaded him to become active in philanthropy (慈善事业)“We talked ab

      6、out how this wealth will go back to society before we got married,” she said.“That seems like the right thing to do if youre a rich person.”语篇解读本文是记叙文。盖茨夫妇创办了有史以来最大的私人基金会帮助他人。1At the beginning,Bill Gates wanted to deal with diarrhoea by_.Aproviding clean waterBdeveloping vaccines Coffering clean food Dimproving sanitation解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“they agreed that too many children die needlessly from diarrhoea.While her husband read a lot about vaccines”可推测,盖茨企图通过研发疫苗来对抗腹泻。答案:B2We can infer Melinda Gates

      7、brought her children to Brazil this year because_.Ashe wanted her children to help sick kids in BrazilBher children wanted to enjoy the spring break abroadCshe wanted her children to value what they haveDher children hadnt visited Brazil before解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第四段的“Melinda believed its a way to help her children know what goes on in their backyard,so they understand what its like for kids who dont have enough money to do what they do”可知,梅琳达认为让她的孩子看看经济匮乏的孩子的生活可以使他们更加珍惜自己所拥有的。答案:C3According to the tex

      8、t,Melinda Gates_.Aoperates the foundation on her ownBvisited Kenya to help prevent diarrhoeaCpersuaded Bill Gates to practice philanthropyDdonated $200 million to help poor people in Brazil解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“By the time they married in 1994,she had already persuaded him to become active in philanthropy”可知C项正确。答案:C4What is the best title for the text?AA rich family that is always ready to help othersBHow rich people influence others livesCChildren in poor areas need a handDThe largest private foun

      9、dation解析:标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是第一段和最后一段可知,盖茨夫妇创办了有史以来最大的私人基金会帮助他人,因为他们认为这是富人应该做的。故A项最能体现本文主旨。答案:A.完形填空One day last June,Clifford Luther served a burger and fries to a man passing through his restaurant,Old West Express,in Saskatchewan,Canada.Two _1_ later,the man _2_and wrote him a check (支票) for $510,000.“I thought,they were good burgers and fries,_3_they werent that good,” Luther told CTV News.The_4_man was Bob Erb of British Columbia,who won Canadas $25 million Lotto Max jackpot (累积赌注) in November 2012 and has been giving money to people_5_.Hes donated (捐献) his _6_to food banks,the old people,and some organizations,and he_7_20 people in Terrace,his hometown,to get neces


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