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    • 1、Unit 3ComputersSection Warming up & ReadingPrereading.阅读理解AToday many people call Paul Cezanne the Father of Modern Painting.In fact,he sold few pictures and won no prizes.He had to be supported by his father and was also helped by the writer Emile Zola,his boyhood friend.Only in the last ten years of his life was his greatness recognized.Paul Cezanne was born in AixenProvence,France,on Jan.19,1839.His father,LouisAuguste,was a successful banker.Cezanne received an education at the College Bourb

      2、on and studied drawing at the Aix Museum.After studying for a short time at law school and working in his fathers bank,he went to Paris to study painting.Then he often returned to Aix.He worked many summers painting the scenery (景色) near his fathers home away from the center of the city.During the FrancoPrussian War in 1870,Cezanne fled to LEstaque,near Marseilles.With him went Hortense Fiquet.In 1872 their son Paul was born.Cezanne took part in the first exhibition of impressionist (印象派的) paint

      3、ings in 1874,though he later broke with the impressionists.He was more concerned with structure and color than with the effects produced by light.Not until Cezanne was about 60 years old did galleries and museums begin to look for his works.Even with his newfound success he still remained unsociable.However,he continued to paint until a week before his death on Oct.22,1906.Most 20thcentury painters were influenced by Cezanne.He invented a way of modeling threedimensional (三维的) forms by painting

      4、in small areas of color.He painted from nature but often changed a shape or its color to express its special effect.His finest works are very calm and peaceful but they are powerful expressions of forms in space.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章介绍了现代绘画之父法国著名画家保罗塞尚。1During most of his life,Paul Cezanne seemed to_.Abe a failureBbe a great artistClike to help othersDlike to make friends解析:推理判断题。根据第一段可知,保罗塞尚卖掉的画作很少,也没有获过奖项,他不得不依靠父亲和朋友的资助,而他的伟大在其生命的后十年才被认可。由此可推断,在保罗塞尚一生的大多数时光,他看似是个失败者。答案:A2What was Paul Cezannes attitud

      5、e towards impressionist paintings in his later life?AHopeful.BUncertain.CFavorable.DUninterested.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的he later broke with the impressionists.He was more concerned with structure and color than.可知,塞尚并不喜欢印象派绘画。答案:D3The author introduces the life of Paul Cezanne mainly by_.Ashowing his achievementsBtelling his interesting storiesCfollowing the order of timeDfollowing the order of importance解析:写作手法题。根据第二至第五段出现的时间1839,1870,1872,1874,1906等可知,作者按时间顺序介绍了塞尚的一生。答案:C4The last paragraph mainly tel

      6、ls us about Paul Cezannes_.Afinest worksBpainting styleCfavorite paintersDpowerful influence解析:段落大意题。从最后一段的He invented a way of.,often changed a shape or its color to.,they are powerful expressions of forms in space可知,本段主要介绍了塞尚的绘画风格。答案:BBThe Internet plays a big part in human life.We use it for work and pleasure.We use it to learn a new language.We find advice on it.We use it to connect with family and friends.We use it to stay in touch with events we care about.The list goes on and on.Well,that

      7、 train has left the station.But can using the Internet too much be bad for our health?It might be,researchers say.A new study finds that heavy Internet use may be connected to high blood pressure (血压) in an unlikely group : teenagers.High blood pressure makes your heart and blood vessels (血管)work too hard.Over time,this extra pressure increases your risk of a heart attack.High blood pressure can also cause heart and kidney (肾脏)disease.It is also closely linked to a brain disease.The Henry Ford H

      8、ospital in Detroit,Michigan did the study.335 young people,from 14 to 17 years old ,took part in it.134 of the teens were described as “heavy Internet users.”And researchers found that out of these 134 teens,26 had high blood pressure.The researchers say the study is the first to connect heavy web use with high blood pressure.Other research has connected heavy Internet use with anxiety,depression and obesity(肥胖)The lead researcher is Andrea CassidyBushrow.She said,“Using the Internet is part of

      9、our daily life,but it shouldnt ruin us.” Ms CassidyBushrow adds that it is important for teens to take regular breaks from their computers or smartphones and do some kind of physical activity.She also suggests that parents limit (限制) their childrens use of the Internet to two hours a day,five days a week.语篇解读本文是说明文,话题是社会生活类。一项研究发现,青少年过度使用因特网可能会导致高血压。5The expression “that train has left the station” in Para.2 is used to show_.Athe Internet develops rapidlyBno one can escape from the InternetCthe Internet can provide whatever we wantDthere is no going back to an Internetfree life解析:句意理解题。文章首句讲到现在因特网对于人类生活来说至关重要,接着列举了我们日常生活中用到因特网的方方面面。在第二段作者引用了这句that train has left the station,紧跟着又提出疑问:过度使用因特网会不会影响我们的健康?由此可知这句话在此处所要表达的意思就是:我们不能返回到没有因特网的生活了。答案:D6What is Para.3 mainly abo


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