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    • 1、Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Period Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1May God have (怜悯) on your soul.2There was an upward (趋势) in oil shares yesterday.3How will they judge which is likely to be (可靠的)?4He reduced his needs to the minimum by (简化) his life.5Please keep this sheet in a safe place for (查阅)6Amy made an (笨拙的) gesture with her hands.7There was (无处) to hide.8The list is arranged in a (随意的) order.9Your future in the company is (可靠的)10A scientist must be (精确的) in making tests.【答案】1.mercy2.tendency3.r

      2、eliable 4simplifying5.reference6.awkward 7nowhere8.random9.secure10.precise.阅读填句 【导学号:15680039】(2015全国卷)Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady,gradual increases in the length of the runs. 1 ,buy the bestfitting,bestbuilt running shoes you can find.No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet,so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop.When you have found shoes that seem right,walk in them for a few days t

      3、o doublecheck the fit. 2 As always,you should stretch(伸展)at least ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries.During the first week,do not think about distance,but run five minutes longer each day. 3 ,it is wise to take a day off to rest.But during the next week,set a goal of at least a mile and a half per run. 4 After two weeks,start timing yourself. 5 Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.AAfter six daysBFor a goo

      4、d marathon runnerCBefore you begin your trainingDWith each day,increase the distance by a half mileEIf they still feel good,you can begin running in themFTime spent for preparation raises the quality of trainingGNow you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time【答案】15CEADG.完形填空Recently,we went on a vacation for a week that involved visiting four different parts in the sunny and warm climate of the Caribbean.There were 1 of laughter,fun,and great food.Its a 2 thing when you go

      5、away that each day of the vacation also 3 to the end and a return to work.It was twelve years since we went on a vacation,so this vacation was viewed with expectation of a great break away from my daily routine.And,we werent 4 But there was something very different about this vacation compared to those when we worked in a cooperative 5 The main 6 was that when we returned,when the vacation was rapidly drawing to a close,we didnt have the same feelings of 7 stress and dread(恐惧)In this most recent

      6、 vacation,it wasnt that we 8 enjoy the various fun and new activities,the break away from routine,the pleasure of touring different countries and cultures,the 9 to do what we wanted when we wanted,or the leisurely 10 of each day that was significant.What was significant was that we didnt 11 dread the last day of vacation.You see,we knew that we were 12 what we love to do not what we had to do.The feelings experienced in the last couple of days of vacation were viewed with the same joy as the ver

      7、y first days.In previous times,the last days of vacation were dreaded.We experienced a mounting(日益严重的) 13 of stress 14 we knew that a return to our field of employment was “work” and not, 15 that we loved and thoroughly enjoyed.The 16 is this:If you do what you love,it doesnt matter 17 that a vacation has to end.If you love what you do you will not 18 yourself wishing for even a few more days of vacation,or wishing that you could 19 enjoying this vacation for much,much longer.A love of what you

      8、do 20 you back like a magnet.【语篇解读】外出旅行时人们在行程即将结束时往往会产生恐惧感,其原因是他们又要重新回到自己不喜欢的工作岗位上。但如果所从事的是自己很喜欢的工作,那么人们会不会还有这种恐惧感呢?1A.momentsBpossibilitiesCsituationsDways【解析】那是有欢笑、快乐和美食的时光,所以用moments。possibility可能性;situation形势,情况;way方法,手段。【答案】A2A.typicalBbitterCwonderfulDfunny【解析】根据上下文,作者认为外出度假本来是一件令人愉快的事情,但人们往往由于对度假结束以后重新走上工作岗位的恐惧而不能充分享受这种快乐,这是一件很奇怪的事情。funny在这一语境中的含义为“奇怪的,难以解释的”。【答案】D3A.comes upBcounts downCgives outDdies away【解析】count down倒计时。人们在度假的同时在倒数距离假期结束,重新上班的天数。本句旨在表明人们对假期结束后重新上班所表现出的恐惧感。【答案】B4A.sati

      9、sfiedBtiredCdisappointedDoptimistic【解析】由下文内容可知,作者对最近的这次旅行感到很满意,没有失望之情。【答案】C5A.situationBconditionCstateDenvironment【解析】environment环境;in a cooperative environment在协作的环境下。【答案】D6A.advantageBproblemCdifferenceDdrawback【解析】根据上文的something very different判断,此处应使用difference(差异,区别)。【答案】C7A.approachingBrelievingCbearingDovercoming【解析】当假期结束回来的时候,我们没有以往那种走近压抑和恐惧的感觉。approach(时间或空间上的)接近,靠近。【答案】A8A.necessarilyBthoroughlyCabundantlyDsmoothly【解析】thoroughly在文中的含义为“彻底地,完全地”。【答案】B9A.opportunityBdesireCpossibilityDright【解析】做我们想要做的事情的机会。opportunity机会。【答案】A10A.patternBpaceClifestyleDatmosp


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