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2017秋九年级英语上册 module 12 save our world unit 2 repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle(第2课时)习题 (新版)外研版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86857077
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:25.50KB
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    • 1、Module 12 Save our world第二课时,01基础过关.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1The old man has three grandsons(孙子) and Toby is the youngest.2Larry was so thirsty that he drank two bottles(瓶)of water.3If you take this job,you will have to buy a pair of rubber(橡胶) gloves first.4She cleaned the TV set with a dry cloth(布)5Plastic(塑料) bags are bad for the environment for many reasons,so take your own bag when shopping.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。healthy,harm,little,use,pollute6Uncle Wang bought a used car to save money.7Running every morni

      2、ng can help to improve your health8All the farmers tried to stop the factory polluting the river.9Reading in the sun is harmful to your eyes.10The doctor told me to eat less meat and more vegetables.单项选择。(B)11.We can save energy,such as _ the light.Aturn off Bturning offCturn on Dturning on(D)12.By planting more trees,we can help keep the air _.Adirty BclearCbeautiful Dclean(C)13.Our government has _ to stop the air pollution.Atook some steps Btaken stepCtaken some steps Dtook step(C)14.A little

      3、 wine will not be _ to your health.Just dont drink too much.Ahelpful BhelplessCharmful Dharmless(C)15.We throw _ rubbish every year.Aton of BtonsCtons of Da ton of.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16聚会十分钟后开始,请尽快来吧。The party will begin in ten minutes.Please come as quickly as possible17当你需要帮助的时候不要害怕寻求帮助。Dont ever be afraid to ask for help when you need it.18我们是时候采取措施保护这些濒危动物了。Its time for us to take steps to protect these animals in danger.19游戏开始前,我要把你们分成三组。Before the game starts,Ill divide you into three groups.

      4、20别扔掉那个箱子,我想把这些书放进去。Dont throw away the box.I want to put these books into it.,02能力提升.短文填词。根据短文内容用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(每词限用一次)factory,as,recycle,value,if,read,success,humorous,describe,weBoys and girls,have you ever read the book The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle?Its by Alison Inches,a _21_ childrens book author(作家)This is a great diary story about _22_,told from the point of view of a plastic bottle.It _23_ the life of the plastic bottle from the _24_ to the store shelf,then to the rubbish

      5、 bin(垃圾桶) and finally to a recycling centre where it starts a new life _25_ a jacket.This book is both _26_ and educational.It creates a sweet journey for its young _27_ to follow and enjoy.It teaches _28_ that recycling is not only good for the environment,but also gives something that seems not so _29_ a chance to be something else entirely(完全地)Read the book _30_ you havent read it.And you will never look at a plastic bottle the same way again!21successful22.recycling23.describes24factory 25.as 26.humorous27readers 28.us 29.valuable30if

      《2017秋九年级英语上册 module 12 save our world unit 2 repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle(第2课时)习题 (新版)外研版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017秋九年级英语上册 module 12 save our world unit 2 repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle(第2课时)习题 (新版)外研版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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