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七年级下册unit 2 travelling around the world教案-含课后作业

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    • 1、龙文教育一对一个性化辅导教案学生学校年级次数第 次科目英语教师罗仕韬日期时段 课题Unit 2 Travelling around the world教学重点重点词汇、短语、句型和语法的识记、理解和运用教学难点词汇的准确拼读和理解,课文重点句子理解和复述,考点灵活准确运用教学目标改善学生的语音,积累词汇,提高句子翻译(听说读写)的能力。教学步骤及教学内容一、课前热身: 1.了解学生本周在校的学习进度和学习情况。2.口语训练Free talk:Talk about your holiday plans 3.检查学生上一课的课后作业。二、内容讲解:步骤一:课文基础知识巩固复习1.单词与短语:读、听默,检查学生对本单元的词汇掌握情况 2. 单词与短语的巩固练习(单词拼写、完成句子) 3. 课文内容及重点句型、短语表达及用法巩固复习步骤二:课文同步语法知识点讲解及中考链接练习步骤三:综合巩固练习(找出学生未掌握的知识点)(二)重点讲解(三)习题巩固三、课堂小结: 通过今天的学习,帮助学生整体梳理本单元的基础知识,进一步夯实学生对于词汇,短语,句型,语法及综合运用的能力。四、作业布置: 完成讲义

      2、要求作业,进一步巩固本节课知识点的理解和综合运用能力。管理人员签字: 日期: 年 月 日作业布置1、学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差 备注:家长建议长签字: 日期: 年 月 日Unit 2 Travelling around the world一、口语训练 A、情景对话:Talk about your holiday plansWhere would you like to go on holiday?Why would you like to go to.What would you like to do in.Tips: Eat some delicious food Go shopping Go sightseeing Visit some parks and zoosB、朗读Reading部分二、Reading重点和难点解释1. France is calling.France . 法国France is one of the nearest neighbours of Britain.法国是距离英国最近的国家之一。拓展: French . 法国的 Frenchman.

      3、法国人 French. 法语练一练: He speaks _, so he is _ .2. Which of the following is the French flag?Flag . 国旗,旗帜 e.g. The flag is flying for the Queens birthday. 旗帜正为庆祝女王的生日而飘扬。3. Tick the possible answer.Possible . 可能的 Is it possible to get to Beijing by train? 做火车能到北京吗?拓展: As soon as possible 尽可能快 Impossible 不可能的 练一练:1. I will phone you as soon as .2. It is for you to eat 1000 apples an hour.4. This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores.Store 大型百货商店拓展:shop 书店 Supermarke

      4、t 超市练一练:这家新百货商店将于4月4号开业。 Will be opened on 4 April.5. The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.South. 南方,南部 Have you been to the South of France? 你去过法国南部吗?拓展:South。 南方的,南部的提示:east ,west , north等词都与South有着基本相同的用法 6. The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.lie . (lay , lain )位于,坐落在 Shanghai lies at the mouth of the Yangtze River. 上海位于长江的入海口。拓展:lie(lay , lain )v 躺 ; lie(lied , lied ) v 说谎 Alice is lying under an umbr

      5、ella. 爱丽丝正躺在太阳伞下。7. The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.coast . 海岸,海滨 Their house is near the . 他们的房子靠海。 The city is on the west of France. 该城位于法国的西海岸。8. A French town by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday.Perfect 完美的 The film is over with a perfect end. 这部电影以完美的结局收场。9. If you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.Prefer 更喜欢 Which do you prefer , the red one or the blue one? 红色的和蓝色的,你很

      6、喜欢哪一个?提示:prefer 的用法 1). prefer + 名词 如: - Would you like meat or fish? 你要肉还是鱼? - I prefer meat, please. 请给我肉。2)prefer + 动词-ing 形式 如;Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in a restaurant?你喜欢自己煮饭还是去饭店吃饭?3)prefer + to do sth 如:I prefer to spend the weekend at home.我更喜欢在家里过周末。4)prefer A to B (A和B是平行结构,可以是名词,也可以是动词-ing形式 I prefer dogs to cats。 比起猫,我更喜欢狗。10. Paris if the capital of France.The capital of 、 的首都 Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。11. Here you will find many famous places of

      7、interest such as the Eiffel Tower.Places of interest 名胜 I visited many places of interest when I was in Beijing. 我在北京的时候去参观了许多名胜古迹。Such as 例如,= for example 12. France is very famous for its wine. 法国以葡萄酒闻名 Be famous for 以、而闻名 Shanghai its night views. 上海以它的夜景闻名。13. There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.In the centre of 在、中部;在、中心 Peoples Square is in the centre of Shanghai. 人民广场位于上海的市中心。14. You can try skiing on the mountains in the

      8、French Alps.Try doing sth 尝试去做某事 Lets try knocking at the back door. 我们敲后门试试。Try to do sth 尽力去做某事 = try ones best to do sth 练一练:1) Lets (skate) this time. 2) Lets (make ) a poster for our club together.15. Why not visit France this year?Why not 为什么不、?Why not + 动词原形 = why dont you、练一练:Why not start the meeting at once? = start the meeting at once?随堂练习1. Janson can speak well, but he isnt from .A. France, France B. French, FrenchC. French, France D. France, French2. and see a film with me tonight?A. Why not to go B. Why not goC. What about go D. What about to go 3. The town its beautiful buildings.A. is famous for B. is fa

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