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    • 1、,非谓语,不定式(to do),分词,动名词(-ing),过去分词(-ed),现在分词(-ing),- ing分词,-ed分词,现在分词与动名词,现在分词与动名词的基本形式你知道吗?,那么简单,谁不知道。是由动词末尾加 -ing 形式构成,因此又叫动词的 -ing 形式。 V+-ing,千万要注意V-ing形式的规则哟!,不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,可以有自己的宾语和状语。还有时态和语态的变化。,时 态 和 语 态,作主语:动名词,1.Teaching is my full-time job.,2.Writing an English composition is not easy. 3. Being exposed to the sun is harmful to our health. 4.Its useless taking this kind of medicine. (no good, no point),作表语,(1)动名词(强调行为) 1.My job is teaching. = Teaching is my job. 2.Her full-time job i

      2、s laying eggs. =Laying eggs is her full-time job.,(2)现在分词(强调性质) 1.The play is exciting. Exciting is the play. 2.The story he told us was very interesting. Interesting was the story he told us.,作宾语:动名词,I have just finished doing my home work.,I suggested asking his brother for some money. He keeps buying expensive maps. He must have more than 200 by now. 4.He imagined being praised by others.,只接动名词作宾语的常见动词有十六个:resist、mind、suggest、delay、keep on、look forward to、enjoy、include、 appreciate、imagine、pra

      3、ctise、finish、succeed in、consider、 cant help、miss。 太多了,怎么记呀?,别着急,我们来动动脑筋。有了,你看: 抗议推迟盼喜报,心想练成考不错,作宾语补足语:现在分词,I heard the girl singing in the classroom.,I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open. The baby watched his dad shaving his face with great interest. With the boy leading the road, we found the place easily. He found himself surrounded by others.,能跟现在分词作宾语补足语的常见动词有这些,看看有什么好方法可以将它们记住: make、let、have、look at、see、watch、hear、listen to、notice、feel。 对了,用“三让、三看、两听、注意感觉”。多简单!,动名词

      4、作定语表示性质或用途。 a washing machine a machine for washing a swimming pool a pool for swimming This is a new washing machine.,作定语,作定语,现在分词作定语表示动作。如果是单词,放在被修饰的名词前;如果是短语,放就放在被修饰的名词后。 a developing country a country which is developing a sleeping boy a boy who is sleeping The man talking with my father is Mr. Wang. China is a developing country.,1.The boy reading a book under the tree is Tom. 2. The patient being treated is a VIP. 3. The house being built is my home. 4. the falling leaves the fallen leaves

      5、 the boiling water the boiled water the developing countries the developed countries,作 状 语,现在分词作状语。表时间、原因、条件、结果、伴随(方式)等。,Hearing the cry for help, he rushed out.(时间),Being ill, he went home. (原因),European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world. (NMET 98)(结果),He read a magazine waiting for the bus.(伴随),Seeing from the hill, you can get the whole town.(条件),现在分词作状语,1. Having finished the work, they left for home. 2. Not having received his letter, the mother wrote to her son again. 3. Having been told for many times, the student still didnt know the answer. 4. When playing on the ground, he saw some money on the floor. 5. When asked about his secret of success, the man kept silent. 6. Dressed in a white coat, he looks like a doctor.,V + -ing 形式用法归纳 现 1、作表语 (与动名词的区别) 在 2、作宾补(能跟现在分词作宾补的动词) 分 3、作定语(与动名词的区别) 词 4、作状语 动 1、作主语 名 2、作表语 (与现在分词的区别) 词 3、作宾语(能跟动名词作宾语的动词) 4、作定语(与动名词的区别),The end,


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