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全球运营管理课件new gom3-product design and process ()

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
  • 文档编号:70582801
  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:373.81KB
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    • 1、GOM 3,Product Design and Process Selection,The Product Design Process,Major Business Functions Involved in the Product Development Process,Customer Market system,Marketing,Sales,Advanced research,Product design,Process planning,production,Customer Market system,Needs,Customer orders,Calls,Promotion,New Product ideas,Product specifications,Technical concepts,Production orders,Products,Marketing & Sales,Product Development,Manufacturing,The Product Design Process,PHASE Concept Development Product

      2、architecture Conceptual design Target market Product Planning Market building Small-scale testing Investment/financial Product/process Engineering Detailed design of product and tools/equipment Building/testing prototypes Pilot Production/Ramp-Up Volume production prove out Factory start-up Volume increase to commercial targets,Project Months before Market Begins market introduction introduction 36 27 18 9 0,SCHEDULE,TYPICAL PHASES OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT,Concept,Program approval,Design/ planning

      3、,First full prototype,Product,Process,Final engineering release,Pilot production,Market introduction,Ramp-up,The Product Design Process,The Product Design Process Design-build-test cycle Engineering “release” or “sign-off” Concurrent Engineering (CE) Three types of teams: a program management team, a technical team, and numerous design-build teams,4,Concurrent Engineering,Concurrent engineering can be defined as the simultaneous development of project design functions, with open and interactive

      4、communication existing among all team members for the purposes of reducing time to market, decreasing cost, and improving quality and reliability.,5,Designing for the Customer,Industrial Design Aesthetics Ergonomics QFD (quality function deployment) Is a useful tool for helping to ensure that designs for new products and services satisfy market requirements and are ultimately producible by the firm VA/VE (value analysis/value engineering),6,Quality Function Deployment,Interfunctional teams from

      5、marketing, design engineering, and manufacturing Voice of the customer (customer requirement) House of Quality,House of Quality,7,8,VA/VE,Achieve equivalent or better performance at a lower cost while maintaining all functional requirements defined by the customer Does the item have any design features that are not necessary? Can two or more parts be combined into one? How can we cut down the weight? Are there nonstandard parts that can be eliminated?,10,Design for Manufacturing and Assembly,Gre

      6、atest improvements related to DFMA arise from simplification of the product by reducing the number of separate parts: 1. During the operation of the product, does the part move relative to all other parts already assembled? 2. Must the part be of a different material than or be isolated from other parts already assembled? 3. Must the part be separate from all other parts to allow the disassembly of the product for adjustment or maintenance?,Process Selection,Process Selection: Refers to the stra

      7、tegic decision of selecting which kind of production processes to have in the plant Types of Processes: Conversion Processes: changing iron ore into steel sheets Fabrication Processes: forming gold into a crown for a tooth Assembly Processes: assembling a fender to a car Testing Processes:,Process Selection,Process Flow Structures Job shop: production of small batches of a large number of different products Batch shop: a somewhat standardized job shop Assembly line: production of discrete parts

      8、moving from workstation to workstation at a controlled rate, following the sequence needed to build the product Continuous flow: conversion or further processing of undifferentiated materials such as petroleum, chemicals, or beer. The Virtual Factory,Source: Modified from Robert Hayes and Steven Wheelwright, Restoring Our Competitive Edge: Competing through Manufacturing (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984). p. 209.,13,Product-Process Matrix,Flow Diagrams,* = Points critical to the success of the

      9、 service, = Points at which failure is most often experienced,Service visible to customer,Service not visible to customer,Parts available,Corrective work necessary,Repair not authorized,Repair complete,Parts not available,Repair authorized,Designing Global Products and Services,Customized,Periphery,Large Standardized Core,Ideal Global Products,Platform (the chassis and related parts) for Automotive Industry,High,Low,Low,High,Breadth Of line In Each Country,Global Product Standardization,European,Options in Global Product Line Strategy,Business can standardize the worldwide mix of Products as well as the content of a product,An American chemical additives company versus Its European competitor: Did the competitors approach suggest that customer needs were as different as this businesss executives assumed? 2. Did this businesss product line strate

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