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《新编实用英语教程一》unit9 reading

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
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  • 上传时间:2019-01-15
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    • 1、,公共外语教研室,Passage I Thanksgiving Day and Christmas,Unit 9,Passage I,Related Information Intensive Study Practice,Related Information,Public Holidays in the West,early in the new year. The main content is to hold a parade, a party, and other joyful activities.,Carnival,Related Information,Valentines Day,February 14, for lovers to express their love to each other.,Public Holidays in the West,Related Information,April Fools Day,the first day of April. People can make and tell white jokes to one anot

      2、her.,Public Holidays in the West,Related Information,usually in early April. This is a religious festival. On the very Sunday morning, children are busy looking for the color eggs assumed to be given by the Easter rabbit.,Related Information,Independence Day,July 4. It began from 1776. The celebration activities are mainly made up of a parade and making patriotic speeches.,Related Information,Halloween,the evening of October 31. Dancing parties are held with people wearing fancy masks.,Related I

      3、nformation,the first weekday after Christmas. Presents are given to those who deliver newspaper, milk or do other kinds of service to the family to express the thanks for their good service and help.,Related Information,The title of the song may be translated as “圣诞夜” or “平安夜”. It is a very sweet Christmas carol.,Silent Night, Holy Night,Santa Claus,Related Information,Patron saint of children. The legend first came from Holland and was brought to the US by Dutch immigrants. In America, Santa Cl

      4、aus is fat and jolly, with white hair and beard, and rides in the sky in a reindeer-drawn sleigh, delivering gifts to children at Christmas Eve.,Text,Difficult Sentences,Important Words,Intensive Study,Thanksgiving Day and Christmas (Para. 1a) Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November is uniquely an American holiday which dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New World. America has been blessed with rich land and rich natural resources. However, those

      5、early settlers would not have survived their first cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors, who taught them how to plant corns, and how to hunt wild deer. The first Thanksgiving Day was observed after the fall harvest, and people gave thanks to God and to their friends.,Passage I,1,3,2,(Para. 1b) A traditional Thanksgiving dinner usually includes turkey, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie - all foods that early settlers and the Indians ate on the first Thanksgiving Day in

      6、 1621. (Para. 2) Thanksgiving Day also marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in stores and shops of every kind. The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year. Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve.,Passage I,4,(Para. 3a) Christmas is a family holiday. This feeling is expressed in the song “Ill be home for Christmas.” The sweet melody of “Silent Night, Holy Nig

      7、ht” often makes people far away from their family feel nostalgic. Those who cannot join the family will send a Christmas card home to express greetings of the season. At home family and friends gather to sing Christmas songs and play games.,Passage I,(Para. 3b) Children are kept busy with gifts they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus. Adults often talk over a cup of tea or coffee. Christmas dinner may be similar to Thanksgiving dinner; candy and fruitcake are especially associated with

      8、 this holiday. Though Christmas is now celebrated widely the world over, it still maintains its “home, sweet home” flavor.,Passage I,5,引导定语从句,means “specifically,solely”,1. (Para. 1) Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November is uniquely an American holiday which dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New World.,每年11月的第四个星期四的感恩节是唯有美国才有的节日。它可以追溯到第一批欧洲人移居到新大陆的时期。,English is one of the most important courses for the Chinese students which is compulsory in a

      9、lmost all the colleges and universities.,Difficult Sentences,Subjunctive Mood,2. (Para. 1) However, those early settlers would not have survived their first cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors, who taught them how to plant corns, and how to hunt wild deer.,然而,如果没有当地印第安人的帮助,那些早期的移民是无法度过他们在那里的第一个凛冽寒冬的。这些土著印第安邻居教他们如何种植玉米及如何狩猎野鹿。,I would like to say that without your help, I could not have completed the project on time.,引导非限制性定语从句,Difficult Sentences,3. (Para. 1) The first Thanksgiving Day was observed after the fall harvest, and people gave thanks to God and to their friends.,第一个感恩节是在秋收后庆祝的,人们借此对上帝和朋友们表示感谢。,The most important part of the Spring Festival is a big family reunion, and many people will also be busy with preparing all kinds of delicious traditional food.,means “ spend and celebrate”,引导并列句,Difficult Sentences,means “so early”,4. (Para. 2) Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this ea

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