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2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 4 第三课时x

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:62033930
  • 上传时间:2018-12-16
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.18MB
  • / 12 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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    • 1、第三课时 Section B (1a一le)工, 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1.Doing housework at home all day is very (乏味的),2.Li Yundi is a famous(著名的) piano (演奏者),3.My brotheris 富有创造力的) and he always comes up with(想出) good ideas.4 Jack reads the iext (最大声地) 诅 Oiir ciass,S. The Reader(朗读者)a CCTV programyis more and more 受欢迎的), 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.1think English is the interesting) of all the subjects,2.Tomis oneofthe (quiet) boys in our class,3.He drank (iittle) water ban yen4. Beijing is one of the big) cities in China, S. The next perfo

      2、rmj is Mary.Shell play a piano piece for us,于, 选择填空。( 镍,Whois performer?A,young B. funnier C,taller D,the funniest人 有一 book do you like best?一Like Ordirary Woridy至凡要夫愉) besA,. Who 了B, Which C, Where D,. When)3,一What do you think of the food in the restaurant? ”一A.Its boring B.Its loud Clts delicious D.Its worse)4.Sun Yang iseneof most popular players in China.A.a 号,3 all the subjects, 1 like math best,了.Im C,. From D.Of 下, 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1.A meal is 200 yuan in this restaurant, 对画线部分提问) is a mea

      3、l in this restaurant?2.How do you like the program2? 改为同义句)do yo0n he program3. Beckys brother is pretty outgoing, (用 in his class 改写为含最高级的句子)Beckys brother is in his class, 4. This jacket is worse than the other two. (改为同义句)This jacketis the three, 和让from here to school?T ,阅读理解。MYy Town一the Best Place to BelMy town is a great place to live in, Its the best place to enjoy your free time, There are three movietheaters ip the town, They are all good ,but the closest one to my house is the best, Sh

      4、opping is also easy, Thereare many shops and most of them are trendy( 时尚的). They sell very fashionable clothes. The shops are alsocheaper than those in other citiesso students love to shop here. There are also a lot of video and music stores,They are very popular with students, 上 gto the music store every week to buy new CIhang out(闲有逛) is te pthere are even Street performers. Some students think they re boring ,but I think theyre The most erowded place for students to .Everyomte goes tbere,sthe most creative people,工want to be a street performer,too.( )LThe writers town is the best place forA,having food B, having fun C,playing games D.swimming )2.The cinemas in town are ,A.all terrible 下. relaxing 人Call ba D.all good

      《2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 4 第三课时x》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 4 第三课时x》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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