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2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 unit 6 组合练x

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  • 文档编号:62033915
  • 上传时间:2018-12-16
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    • 1、Unit6 组合练 ,选择填空。|)1,Heisalm and hespends much time in the sky.人A, coO0k B,.violinist C.pilot D.engineer)2.一Mum,I have nothing to do in my free time but do homework,一My dear,you should ahobby like drawing or taking photos,A.take up BR,. make mp C,set up D,. put up3.Finish your homework firstand tnenyoull surfihe Internet for half an hour,A,can B, need C.be able to D.may儿4一This box is heavy for me to carry. Can you help me? ”一Certainly,人,SO 了B, much Crvery D.too环.PPm not quite whether she will tak

      2、e the advice,A,Sure B,certain C,right 了D. exact.If we want to get go00d grades,we should think and more.A, believe B.question C.mind D.stand,一Dont ask Mary that question, Itstoo ,一Sorry,1 wont next time,A. personal BE.creutie Cinterestin D, successful,一His look is different from ours, ls he ?一Yes, He is from London,A,.outgoing 了B,. handsomeC,.successful D,. foreign9.Julies birthday is coming. 1 plan to her a pen as a gift,)10,)11,)13,A.reach B.tell Csend D. make一Pm going to join a soccer club to

      3、 practice soccer next year, 一 ,A, No problem 了B.Sounds greatC, Thank you D, Have a good dayYou should try your best to improve your with Paul, You should become good friends,A.culture B.education C.relationship 了D. reason,一Lwonmt have tinte to go shopping with yo this afternoon.一But you me yesterday,A, ordered 了.knew 心志 D,promisedShe is going to study because she wants to be a doctor.A. music B.history Cart D,. medicine( )4. You make a resolution, you must try to keep it, 人A. Because B.If C.Alth

      4、ough D. Before( 3.一Why are you going to join an English club this year?一Because Pd likett mwPnalishA. question B.promise C.improve D. win工.完形填空。Recently,a group of smallholder farmers prepared the soil before planting potatoes,“Lets goleshouted the team leader They encouraged each other to work 1 than before .Three 2攻中 Weekythe group work together in a community field. Much of the land once 3 eultivated, Now,the land is mainly grassland,So recently,large landowners have been asked to 4 up more o

      5、f their land to individual farmers interested in cultivating crops.kthis a solution tn the land An organization called FOPAt 6 this group better farming methods like sowing improved seeds instraight line furrows(车牧), Itis also showing the farmers 7 to remove grass instead of burying(埋) it and to use animal waste as fertilizer, FOPAC tries to avoid confliet with ranchers whose animals often eat8 erops.A farming adviser Says “We decided to dig ditches around the fields to stop cows 9。 gettingacros

      6、s, But there 10 little fertilizer possible for their own fields,Many local people have trouble gaining use of the land, And payments have risen quickly in recent years,The usual rental payment in this area for one hectare is $ 200 for aseason of 11 months, Many peoplerent smaller fields ofabout 400 square 12 for $S10 aseason, Many farmers are not wealthy enough to payrentlet alone 13 tons of improved seeds, 14 the government Wocsn (introduce Doligies tv help smallhulder farmers they will have le

      7、ss and lessJand to use in this area.Smallholders risk 413 landless laborers as people with more money got them for their own lands,)1,A. harder)2. A,time)4. Acome)6. A, teaching7.A, whatAL, WaS加,A, question)8. A. farmer9. A, toB. hardB.timesB. wereB,. getB.trouble8B, teachiesB. whenB.farmersB.from中,hardly,yearsare.Stand,problem,teacl,how.farmers,withD. more hardlyD. monthsD.isD, freeD, waysD, taughtD, whereD. farmers”D, for 10.A. was)11.A,fourth)12.A, meters13.A,.borrow)14.A.I)15.A. becomeB.isB.

      8、fourB. kilometersB._keen5.Not only了B.becomingPP PP PP PPare,forth,deepbuy,OUr,to becomeD. wereD.the fourthD.longD, getD,. UnlessD. becomes下, 阅读理解。Most kids finish primary School at the age of 11. However,the American boy Tanishq Abrabam is 11vandhe just finished college with three degrees。Tanishq lives in Saeramento,Californiayin the US, He went to kindergarten justas other kids did, But heSkipped the first grade in primary School and went right to the second grade. When he was 7 ,he started tak

      9、ing台 at American River College, He was the youngest student there, In three years, Tanishq got three degreesfrom college. Did he find college to be 2 ES not really to0 hard foraey said,but he took lots of classes and was really“pusy last year。Most of Tanishqs elassmates were in their early 20s or older, They were really glad to have this younggenius in their class,In his free timey Tanishq plays video games and swims, He hopes to go to Standford University and studybiomedical engineering(生物医药工程).“1 just like studying maturey ”he said,

      《2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 unit 6 组合练x》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 unit 6 组合练x》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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