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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练2 unit 2 english around the world 新人教版必修1

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    • 1、题组提分练2 Unit 2 English around the world限时35分钟加黑体小题训练细节理解题之直接信息题阅读理解A(2018泉州质检)体裁:应用文话题:旅游和交通难度:Toronto ZooBasel Zoological Garden细节理解题的设计其实就是用英语来解释英语Basel Zoo, which lies in Basel, Switzerland, is a non-profit zoo that first opened up in 1874, making it one of the worlds oldest. Rated as one of the top zoos in the world by Forbes Traveler, Basel Zoo is an awe-inspiring sight to see. There are presently over 6,000 unique animals housed there. Basel Zoo has also bred (繁殖) several endangered animals

      2、, making it one of the most animal-friendly zoos, too.National Zoological Gardens of South AfricaAs the largest zoo in South Africa, there isnt much you wont see at this amazing habitat for animals. While many of the animals have been bred and raised in the zoo, there is enough room in this vast park for the animals to run freely. Here youll find African animals and the third largest collection of fantastic trees in South Africa. If youre looking for an adventure-packed day, with its magnificent

      3、 animals in a cruelty-free environment, a trip to Pretoria, it may be your best bet.【语篇解读】文章介绍了三个动物园的相关信息。1How many aspects make Toronto Zoo special?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four. D. Five.答案与解析B直接信息理解题。第一段中提到多伦多动物园的三个与众不同之处:动物最多,有儿童发现区和保护政策。2In what way is Basel Zoological Garden different from the other two?A. It offers children a special zone.B. It doesnt run for profits.C. It lies on the mountain top.D. Visitors can see animals run freely.答案与解析B直接信息理解题。由第二段第一句non-profit可知这个动物园是非盈利的,故选项B正确。3Where c

      4、an you see a large collection of fantastic trees besides animals?A. Toronto Zoo.B. Discovery Zone.C. Basel Zoological Garden.D. National Zoological Gardens.答案与解析D直接信息理解题。利用题干关键信息fantastic trees 可直接定位原文对National Zoological Gardens的介绍,故选项D正确。词汇微存be worthy of a visit 值得参观阅读理解B(原创)体裁:说明文话题:历史与地理难度:As history goes, the road to Shu has witnessed many wars and has many stories to tell. In the Three Kingdoms period, the prime minister of the Shu Kingdom, Zhuge Liang, ordered his army to burn down the ro

      5、ads to drive away the enemy. There are also many historical buildings and towns along the road.【语篇解读】西成高铁:让蜀道不再难。4Why is the poem of Li Bai mentioned in Paragraph 1? A. To some historical facts.B .To introduce the topic. C. To tell about the roads history.D. To draw attention to the poem.答案与解析B写作意图题。文章在开头引用李白“蜀道难,难于上青天”的目的是为了引入介绍蜀道的话题,故B项正确。5Trains used to take longer to travel between Xian and Chongqing because _.A. they had to run through the Qinling MountainsB. the gallery roads were out of u

      6、seC. they had to go around the Qinling MountainsD. there were so many historical buildings along the road答案与解析C直接信息理解题。根据第一段最后一句“trains have to take a detour (绕道) around the Qinling Mountains”可知,列车需要绕着秦岭行驶,因此从西安去重庆需要花很长时间,故选项C正确。6According to the passage, the road to Shu _.A. links many provincesB. is a series of mountain roadsC. was part of the gallery roadsD. was built under Zhuge Liangs command答案与解析B直接信息理解题。根据第一段中“on the road to Shu, a series of mountain roads linking Shaanxi and Sichuan prov

      7、inces”可知,蜀道是山路,连接陕西省和四川省。故选项B正确。7What is the best title for the passage?A. The History of the Road to ShuB. Modern Technology Shortens the RoadC. High-speed Rail Comes to Ancient RouteD. The Road Hard to Travel答案与解析C主旨大意题。文章介绍高铁经蜀道通车后,从重庆到西安的时间缩短了四小时,并介绍古人修建蜀道的智慧在其中所起的作用,故选项C不仅体现了现代科技也凸显古代路线的重要性,符合标题特点。阅读理解C(原创)体裁:说明文话题:科普知识与现代技术难度:The moon provided a rare triple treat on January 31, when much of the world admired not only a blue moon and a visible supermoon, but also a total lunar eclipse (月食).

      8、 Having all three events taking place at the same time is extremely unusual. Such celestial (天体的) coincidence hasnt happened in more than 150 years.(连词not only . but also 以及and的使用,提示这次天文现象是三种现象的重合,结合three可猜测出第1题画线词含义)Its the first lunar eclipse since September of 2015. A total lunar eclipse happens when the earth comes between the sun and a full moon. The earth blocks the suns light, making the moon appear dark in the sky.(解释特殊点之一,并解释月全食发生的成因)Being the final one in a supermoon trilogythe first t

      9、wo of which appeared on December 3, 2017 and January 1, 2018, it also won the title of a blue moon. A blue moon is a second full moon in one month. It is rare enough that English speakers use the expression “once in a blue moon” to describe something that does not happen often! (该段介绍特殊点之二,并解释“blue moon”之意)A supermoon is a full moon. It appears brighter and bigger than average because the moon is at its closest orbital point to the earth. The eclipsed moon appeared about 6% bigger than an average moon when it moved into the earths shadow. In the total lunar eclipse, the earth covered the moons surface with its shadow, giving it a red-like colour. For that reason, it is also known as a “blood moon”(该段介绍特殊点之三,并解释血月亮的颜色之因)Some called the l

      《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练2 unit 2 english around the world 新人教版必修1》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练2 unit 2 english around the world 新人教版必修1》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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