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德国汽车工业质量标准VDA 4.2_en_ug

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  • 文档编号:60872419
  • 上传时间:2018-11-19
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    • 1、 3 VDA Quality Management in the Automotive Industry System FMEA 1st Edition 1996 Quality Assurance Part 2 before series production 4 Quality assurance before series production System FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 1. Edition 1996 Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) 3 Exclusion of liability The VDA publications are recommendations, which everybody can apply without restrictions. Anybody, who applies them, has to take care of the correct application in the concrete case. The VDA pub

      2、lications consist of the state of the art prevailing at the time of edition. Nobody shirks his responsibility for his own behaviour by using the VDA recommendations. Everybody acts in so far at his own risk. Any liability on the part of the VDA or the persons involved in drawing up the VDA recommendations is excluded. Everybody is requested to inform the VDA immediately if he comes upon any incorrectness or the possibility to misinterpret anything, in order to facilitate the elimination of possi

      3、ble lacks. Note on standards The individual quotations from standards denoted with DIN number and date of issue are reproduced by permission of the DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V The version with the latest date of edition is definitive for the application of the standard, which can be obtained at the Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin. Copyright Protection This work, including all of its parts, is protected by copyright. Every exploitation outside the restricted boundaries of the copyright

      4、law without consent of the VDA is illegal and punishable. This is valid especially for copying, translations, microfilming and for storage and processing into electronic systems. ISSN 09-9412 Copyright 1996 by Verband of the Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Westendstrae 61 Overall production: Druckerei Henrich GmbH D-60528 Frankfurt am Main, Schwanheimer Strae Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper 4 5 Preface The System FMEA, we are dealing with, is developed from the D

      5、esign FMEA and the Process FMEA and consists of a risk analysis accompanying the development and project scheduling, which is integrated into the special fields. The System FMEA is an important methodical instrument for recognition and prevention of possible failures in a premature state, especially with new conceptions. The System FMEA supports the team and project work, mainly by the consistent structuring of the failure potentials of the system. The quality of development and project scheduli

      6、ng will be analysed and evaluated with the System FMEA during the stage of development and project scheduling. It represents in that way a possible “Monitor for the degree of maturity“ and an important management instrument, which supports the interdisciplinary co-operation. The System FMEA demonstrates at all critical points of the project how the risk has already been reduced or has to be reduced in future, by using experience, estimations, proving and tests. The structured documentation of th

      7、e System FMEA can be used for sub- sequently added tasks, as for example for diagnosis and maintenance, as well as during the type approval tests and certification. The documentation supports the familiarisation with the system and the failure prevention for later advances and new developments. The project flow diagram for the quality assurance activities (project plan, annex 11.5) shows when the System FMEA is required as a method of TQM during development and project scheduling and when their

      8、presence will be required by the quality management system (QM-system). The System FMEA belongs to the range of methods indicated in the VDA publication volume 4, part 1 in the overview and in the main section 5. 6 We express our gratitude to all enterprises and to their collaborators, which have contributed to this working group: BMW AG, Mnchen Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart Fichtel e.g. heat, cold, dust, splash water, salt, freezing-up, vibrations, electrical disturbances, etc. Functions Each SE

      9、 has different functions or purposes, respectively, independently of its arrangement in the structure (fig. 3.3). For carrying out individual functions of a SE also the functions of the other SE are normally required. These can be differentiated into departing functions, arriving functions and internal functions: Departing functions are the functions, which act from a SE on its superior SE or via interfaces on the SE of other substructures. Arriving functions are the functions, which act on the examined SE from the subordinated SE or via interfaces. Internal functions of a SE are the functions of the examined SE substructure, which can be represented by functional structures without passing the structure interfaces (cf. also fig. 3.4) Fig. 3.3:System element with Functions Internal functions of the system element Arriving functions (subordinated SE) Departing functions (suberior SE) Departing functions (via interface to SE) Arriving functions (from SE via interface) 20 Funct

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