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2018-2019学年高一英语人教版必修一学案:unit 1 section ⅰ reading

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  • 文档编号:60617783
  • 上传时间:2018-11-17
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    • 1、Unit 1Friendship单元话题导读How to make friends拥有真诚的、十分理智的友谊是十分重要的,因为它是人生的无价之宝;友谊助人体验人生的美好,友谊助人渡过难关。那么怎样才能交到更多的朋友呢?下文给出了一些建议。 Many teenagers find it hard to make friends.It is NOT!Here are some ways for them._1_Dont be shy,because it wont help you in anything.Look around for someone that seems interesting,and then talk to them.A good subject to talk about to anyone is music,because almost everybody like music.You can ask someone what kind of music they like and start a cool conversation with them and

      2、even find things in common.Other topics could be movies or sports.Keep away from those subjects like politics,religion,relationship problems and drama._2_How do you expect them to like you if you are not nice?Put a calm smile on your face and find out what you and the person you are trying to be friend have in common.Youll be able to be more comfortable if you find out that other person has things in common with you._3_Pay attention to what they say,look straight in their eyes and show youre pay

      3、ing attention.Its important to be a good listener,because everyone likes to be heard.If this person feels like youre listening to them,your new friend will enjoy talking with you more._4_You may talk to someone now but soon theyll forget you if you stop.Youd better take a time to say hi to them every day and ask how theyre doing.Say their names as often as you can.If you do that every day,theyll be happy that you care about them and remember them,so they wont forget you and they will become your

      4、 good friends.根据短文内容,从AF中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项AHow to make friends.BBe a good listener.CMake the first move.DDevelop friendships.EBe nice.FBeing yourself.【答案】14CEBDSection Reading (Warming Up,Prereading,Reading & Comprehending)新生词汇初识.匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思1upsetAv.& adj.(使)平静;平静的2ignoreBn.窗帘;门帘;幕布3calmCadj.&n.德国(人)的;德语的;德语;德国人4looseDadv.完全地;全然地;整个地5GermanEadj.&vt.心烦意乱的;不安的;使不安;使心烦6thunderFvi.&n.打雷;雷鸣;雷(声)7entirelyGn.伙伴;合作者;合伙人8powerHvt.不理睬;忽视9curtainIadj.松的;松开的10partnerJn.能力;力量;权力【答案】15EHAIC610FDJBG

      5、.选择下列句中相对应词组的汉语意思A为了 B故意C(使)平静下来D合计 E记下;放下;登记F关心;挂念 G不再 H经历;经受1Write down your scores of all subjects and then add them up._2At last the wild wind calmed down._3Parents are all concerned about their children._4Go through those things that seem impossible,and we may get what we never believed we could._5I set down new words and added them to my collection._6She broke the dish on purpose just to show her anger._7The girl got up early every day in order to take care of her mother._8He didnt smoke a

      6、ny longer after his wife died._【答案】15DCFHE68BAG教材语篇细研第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意.速读P2课文内容第一、二段,匹配段落大意1Para.1AAnnes family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.2Para.2 BAnne made her diary her best friend.【答案】12BA.速读Anne的日记,匹配段落大意1Para.1 AOne evening,Anne stayed awake until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon.2Para.2 BAnne was only able to look at nature throughdusty windows.3Para.3 CAnne hadnt been outdoors for so long that shehad grown crazy abou

      7、t everything to do with nature.【答案】13CAB第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P2课文内容,选择最佳答案1According to the passage,we know Anne wanted_Aa friend who could help her when she was in troubleBa friend who could share her feelings and thoughtsCa friend who could laugh at herDa friend who could play together2Anne and her family had been in the hiding place for _ when she wrote this part of her diary.Aabout one yearBabout two yearsCabout three years Dhalf a year3How did Anne feel about nature before she and her family hid

      8、away?AShe liked it very much.BShe appreciated it.CShe ignored it.DShe forgot it.4Annes feelings changed because_Ashe was very disappointedBshe was calmCshe wasnt interested in natureDshe was no longer able to go out as she pleased5Anne no longer just liked looking at nature out of window because_Ashe found the curtains dirtyBshe was badly illCshe wanted to live a normal life againDshe was discovered by Nazis【答案】15BBCDC第三步精读能力升华接轨高考根据P2课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式Anne 1._(live)in Amsterdam in th

      9、e Netherlands during World War .Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be 2._(catch) by the Nazis.During that time she wasnt able to go outdoors for so long 3._she had grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.One evening,she stayed 4._(wake)on purpose to have a good look at the moon by herself,but she didnt dare open a window.Another time she happened 5._be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held her 6._(entir

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