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    • 1、snooker,by YangLiyuan,2011100066,GAME OVERVIEW,Snooker is a sport where two palyers ues cues and a cue ball to pocket as many colored balls as possible on a table with six pockets. Each of ball has it points value, and they should be pocketed in a paticular order.,History,Snooker originated in the later half of the 19th century, generally regarded as having been invented in India by British Army officers. The game of snooker grew in the latter half of the 19th century and the early 20th century,

      2、 and by 1927 the first World Snooker Championship had been organised by Joe Davis who, as a professional English billiards and snooker player.,Main Event,一、职业排名赛: 世界职业锦标赛 WORLD PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP F.U.T.国际赛 FIDELITY UNIT TRUSTS INTERNATIONAL ROTHMANS大奖赛 ROTHMANS GRAND PRIX MERCANTILE CREDIT经典赛MERCANTILE CREDIT CLASSIC,UK公开赛 UNITED KINGDOM OPEN 英国公开赛 BRITISH OPEN BCE加拿大大师赛 BCE CANADIAN MASTERS ICI欧洲公开赛 ICI EUROPEAN OPEN 中国公开赛,二、职业非排名赛 BENSON AND HEDGES 大师赛 BENSON AND HEDGES MASTERS 世界杯赛 WOR

      3、LD CUP,三、非职业赛 世界锦标赛 IBSF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 世界青年锦标赛 IBSF WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP 欧洲业余锦标赛 EUROPEAN AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP 亚洲锦标赛 ASIAN CHAMPIONSHIP,The Table,Snooker table with balls placed in their starting positions.,made of woodengreen3569mmx1778mmtwo pockets at the top cushion corners, two at the bottom, two at the middle.,green baize,pack of red,cushion,The Ball,balls are made of plastic. there are 21 balls on a snooker table, besides the white cue ball. 15 red-1 point eachyellow-2 pointsgree

      4、n-3 pointsbrown-4 pointsblue-5 pointspink-6 pointsblack-7points,Main Equipments,Chalk-The tip of the cue is chalked to ensure good contact between the cue and the cue-ball.Cue-A stick, made of wood or fibreglass, the tip of which is used to strike the cue-ball.,Extension-Is used for shots where the cue-ball is a long distance from the player.Rest-A stick with an X-shaped head that is used to support the cue when the cue ball is out of reach at normal extension.,Spider-Similar to the rest but wit

      5、h an arch-shaped head; it is used to elevate and support the tip of the cue above the height of the cue-ball.,Rules,The object of the game is to score more points than the opponent by potting object balls in a predefined order.Their aim being to pot one of the red balls and score a point. Whenever a red ball is potted, the shooter is allowed to pot one of the colours. Every time one of the colours pocketed, it must be return to the table.,Until all the reds are potted and only the 6 colours are left on the table; at that point the aim is to pot the colours in the order yellow 2, green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6, black 7, with the balls not being returned to play.,147?,the maximum numble of point that can be scored on a snooker table if every red ball pocketed is followed by a break.,END,


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