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    • 1、国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 微波遥感理论与技术基础(第一周) 董晓龙 国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 提纲1.课程简介2.课时安排3.教学安排4.第一章国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 课程简介n内容:微波遥感理论与技术(偏重微波遥感技术)的基础知识 电磁波与物质相互作用(包括电磁波传输、散射和辐射)的基本概念和 基础知识,及其在微波遥感中的应用; 微波遥感器的基本形式,各种微波遥感器的探测机理、系统构成、主要 技术指标和典型的微波遥感器系统的概述; 微波遥感(偏重星载微波遥感)的典型应用及其发展情况。n预修课程: 电磁波理论 微波技术与天线基础 雷达原理国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The Natio

      2、nal Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 参考教材nIain H. Woodhouse, “Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing”. CRC press, 2006. nCharles Elachi, “Introduction to the physics and techniques of remote sensing”. John Wiley and Sons., Inc, 1987. (王松皋 等译,“遥感的物理学 和技术概论”,气象出版社1995年出版).nFawwaz Ulaby, etal, “Microwave Remote Sensing: Active and Passive ”, vol.1-2. Artech House Publishers, 1982, 1983. (“微波遥感:有源与无源”第 1-2卷,科学出版社)nLeung Tsang, Jin Au Kong, Robert T. Shin, “Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing”

      3、. Wiely-Interscience, 1985n金亚秋,“电磁散射和热辐射的遥感理论”,科学出版社1993年出版。nHenri Sauvageot, “Radar Meteorology”, Artech House Publishers, 1992.nNASAs Earth Science program: A web-based remote sensing tutorial (http:/rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/)国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 课时安排(1st half)n第一章:概述 遥感的基本概念和分辨率,微波 遥感系统概述,被动微波成像仪 ,被动微波探测仪,主动微波遥 感器。n第二章:微波和微波遥感的历史简介 发展的初期,电磁场与电磁波, 无线电和雷达,射电天文,成像 雷达,星载微波遥感。n第三章:电磁波的基本参数及其应用 电磁波的基本参数,电磁波的能 量和功率,相干性,微波的传播 ,微波的产生。n第四章:微波的极化测量 电磁波极化特性的描述,极化波

      4、 的叠加,极化的表示,被动微波 极化测量,雷达极化测量,极化 特性。n第五章:微波与物质的相互作用 电磁波波谱及其与物质相互作用 的特点,连续媒质与大气,微波 与分立目标的相互作用,体散射 与辐射,光滑表面的反射与辐射 ,粗糙表面的散射与辐射,周期 表面的散射与辐射,自然表面的 散射与辐射,特殊的散射体。n第六章:微波的检测 概述,基本的微波辐射计,天线 的形式与特性,微波接收机,相 干系统,主动系统,系统性能, 定标。n期中考核(10,11)国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 课时安排(2nd half)n第七章:大气探测 大气探测的目标,测量原理,探 测的理论基础,观测方式,水汽 廓线的探测与反演,温度廓线的 探测与反演,被动降雨测量。n第八章:被动成像探测 测量原理,海洋探测,海冰探测 ,陆地探测。n第九章:主动微波遥感 测量原理,雷达方程与分辨率, 雷达高度计,雷达散射计。 物体的微波散射特性(面散射与 体散射),物体的微波发射特性 ,遥感探测的基本形式和微波遥 感器n第十章:

      5、成像雷达 成像雷达的应用,图像与雷达图 像,侧视机载雷达,合成孔径雷 达,合成孔径雷达的雷达方程, 雷达图像的几何畸变与矫正,雷 达参数,合成孔径雷达的模式, 图像的处理与应用。n第十一章:干涉测量 干涉测量的需求,干涉的原理, 被动干涉成像,雷达干涉,数字 高程,极化干涉,植被高度估计 ,差分干涉合成孔径雷达,永久 散射体,顺轨干涉。n期末考试国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 第一章 概述1微波遥感的基本概念2微波遥感的分辨率3微波遥感的发展历史4微波遥感的发展趋势国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 一、微波遥感的基本概念n遥感,Remote Sensing 广义:用非接触的手段获取物体的有关信息; Look, Hear, Smell 狭义:利用设备获得目标信息的电磁技术; Remote sensing is the science and/or technology of acq

      6、uiring information about the Earths surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information Remote sensing is the technology of using sensors such as conventional cameras, or electronic scanners sensitive to electromagnetic radiations outside the visible region, to obtain imagery for analysis. Active radar, band-limited passive microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, and multispectral

      7、or hyperspectral instrumentation have been used successfully. 国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 遥感的要素nEnergy Source or Illumination (A) the first requirement for remote sensing is to have an energy source which illuminates or provides electromagnetic energy to the target of interest.nRadiation and the Atmosphere (B) as the energy travels from its source to the target, it will come in contact with and interact with the atmosphere it passes through. This interact

      8、ion may take place a second time as the energy travels from the target to the sensor. nInteraction with the Target (C) once the energy makes its way to the target through the atmosphere, it interacts with the target depending on the properties of both the target and the radiation.nRecording of Energy by the Sensor (D) after the energy has been scattered by, or emitted from the target, we require a sensor (remote - not in contact with the target) to collect and record the electromagnetic radiatio

      9、n.国家863计划微波遥感技术实验室 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory董晓龙 遥感的要素(续1)nTransmission, Reception, and Processing (E) the energy recorded by the sensor has to be transmitted, often in electronic form, to a receiving and processing station where the data are processed into an image (hardcopy and/or digital).nInterpretation and Analysis (F) the processed image is interpreted, visually and/or digitally or electronically, to extract information about the target which was illuminated.nApplication (G) the final element of the remote sensing process is achieved when we apply the information we have been able to extract from the imagery about the target in order to better understand it, reveal some new information, or assist in solving a particular


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