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Unit 5 first aid课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:48604143
  • 上传时间:2018-07-18
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    • 1、Unit 5 First aidUnit 5 First aid120When can you call the phone number?When I or others suddenly fall ill or get injured. 120But before a doctor arrives, you should do something to help him / her, which is called . first aidFirst aid for burnsFirst aid for burnsfirst aid fall ill skin organ layer poison liquid radiation mild mildlyWords 皮肤 n. 器官 n. 层;层次 n. 毒药; vt.毒害 n. 液体 n. 辐射; 射线 adj. 轻微的; 温和的 adv.轻微地; 温和地ray tissue swell blister char unbearable bandage ointment infection vitaln. 光线; 射线 n. 组织;

      2、手巾纸 v. 膨胀; 隆起 n. 水泡; v. (使)起泡 vi. 烧焦 adj. 难以忍受的 n. 绷带 n. 药膏; 油膏 n. 传染; 感染 adj. 至关重要的急救生病 器官n. 皮; 皮肤n. 层;层次n. 毒害vt. ;毒药n. 液体n. 辐射; 射线n. 光线; 射线n. 绷带n. 传染; 感染n. 至关重要的adj. first aid fall ill organ skin layer poison liquid radiation ray bandage infection vitalWords ExpressionsReading-skimming:How is the passage organized? It is organized under headlines.In such a way, we can quickly find the main idea of each part.Whats the topic of the passage?Reading-skimming:Its about first aid for burns.( )( )( )

      3、( )( )Translate the following subtitles/headlines.the types of burnsfirst aid treatmentthe functions of the skinthe characteristics of burnscauses of burns烧伤的类型急救措施皮肤的功能烧伤的症状烧伤的原因3 5 14 2(副标题)Reading-scanning:Give them the right order from 1 to 5.Fill in the blanks(Part 1) :Reading- detailed reading: 1.Our bodys largest organ: .2.We have of the skin.3.Your skin you or .4.It your body .5.It gives you your .skinwarmcoolpreventsfrom losingwatersense of touchthreelayers keeps1. How can we get burned

      4、?Answer the questions.(Parts 24)Reading- detailed reading: 2. How many types of burns? What are they? 3. Match the pictures with types of burns.third degree burnsfirst degree burnsseconddegree burnsListening _ clothing and jewellery near the burns. _ the burns with cool water. _ cool, clean wet cloths or the burns. _ the burned area gently. _ the burned area with a dry clean bandage. _ the burned area _ than the heart, if possible. _ the victim _the doctor or hospital, if possible.Take offPlace

      5、Dry Cover Keep Get tohigherCool (Part 5)Answer the questions: 1. Why should you put cool water on a burn? 2. Can you put butter, oil or ointment on burns? Why? 3. We shouldnt break the blisters, or they will make the wound inflected. ( T/F ) 4. Which sentence is the closest in meaning to the following one?If your arms or legs get burned, they should be higher than the heart, if it is possible. 5. Translate the sentence into Chinese.If the injures are second or third degree burns, it is vital to

      6、get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once. (Part 5)Reading- detailed reading: Answer the questions Why should you put cold water on a burn?2. Can you put butter, oil or ointment on burns? Why?Because the cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and reduces the swelling. No, because they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.(Part 5)Reading- detailed reading: 3. We shouldnt break the blisters, or they will make the wound inflected. 4. Which sentence is the closest

      7、 in meaning to the following one?If your arms or legs get burned, they should be higher than the heart, if it is possible.True/False)(If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.5. Translate the sentence into Chinese.If the injures are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once. 如果属于二度或三度烧伤,就必须 立即把患者送往医院或送去看医生 。1. What is the main idea of the text? A. The functions of the skin. B. The characteristics of burns. C. T

      8、he burns and the first aid treatment. D. How to carry out the first aid for burns. 2. The largest organ of your body is the .A. brain B. mouthC. stomachD. skinChoose the best answer .Consolidation: 3. Which of the following is NOT thefunction of the skin according to the text? A. It protects you against disease, poisonsand the suns harmful rays. B. It helps the heart beat. C. It can keep you warm or cool. D. It prevents your body from losing water and gives the sense of touch. 4. If someone gets

      9、 burned and his handsget black and white and charred. Whichtype of the burns does it belong to? A. The first degree. B. The second degree. C. The third degree. D. None of the above. 5. Which is the proper first aid for first degree burns? A.Put some butter on the burned area ifnecessary. B. Place cool cloths on the burned areaover and over again for about an houruntil the pain is not so bad. C. Get the victim to the doctor or hospitalat once. D. Place cool, clean, wet cloths on burnsuntil the pain is not so bad. First aid is a form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. As we all know, t

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