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    • 1、1 1:England and America are _ in many ways.1.like 2.alike 3.likely 4.likewise 1313:_ with size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.1.when compared 2.Compare 3.While comparing 4.Comparing 1414:He was a cruel and _ person; that was why all of them were afraid of him.1.insensitive 2.sensitive 3.sentimental 4.sensible 2020:The situation calls _ prompt action.1.on 2.in 3.down 4.for 2 2:Though you failed in this job interview, you should trust yourself. Its sad that one

      2、lacks _ in himself.1.belief 2.patience 3.respect 4.confidence 1111:The change in government is a(n) _ event of our time.1.historic 2.historical 3.permanent 4.eternal 1313:The director was critical _ the way we were doing the work.1.at 2.in 3.of 4.with 1919:This advertisement is directed mainly _ young people in their early twenties.1.in 2.on 3.from 4.at 7 7:She never regretted paying $ 200 for the bookcase. As a matter of fact she would gladly have paid_ for it.1.as much twice 2.as twice much 3.

      3、much as twice 4.twice as much 8 8:The new project is expected to start early next year; it has won the _ of the board.1.approval 2. approve 3.disapprove 4.prove 1717:We made plans for a visit, but _ difficulties with the car prevented it.1.consequent 2.following 3.subsequent 4.successive 2020:He talks to his best friends to find an _ for his anger.1.outlet 2.entrance 3.exit 4.door 7 7:We hoped to be able to move into our new house at the end of the month, but things did not work _ as we had expe

      4、cted.1.for 2.out 3.in 4.on 1212:We _ paying you a visit but the bad weather prevented us from doing so.1.had thought of 2.have thought of 3.were thinking of 4.thought of 1313:The doctor told Penny that too much _ to the sun is bad for the skin.1.exposure 2.extension 3.exhibition 4.expansion 6 6:The woman has made up her mind again to go on a diet to get rid of her _ weight, thought she failed several times in the past.1.excess 2.access 3.exceed 4.success 8 8:He ran _ twice from his boarding scho

      5、ol because he couldnt put up with being limited in an institution.1.in 2.over 3.away 4.down 1616:It is important to _ between right and wrong. You cannot follow others blindly.1.extinguish 2.distinct 3.differ 4.distinguish 1818:Our son doesnt know what to_ at the university; he cant make up his mind about his future.1.take in 2.take over 3.take up 4.take after 1515:New York _ second in the production of apples, producing 850 000 000 pounds this year.1.ranked 2.occupied 3.arranged 4.classified 16

      6、16:Living in the central Australia desert has its problems, _obtaining water is not the least.1.for which 2.of which 3.to which 4.in which 1717:The pressure _ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.1.to compete peting 3.to be competed 4.having competed 1919:Those foreigners enjoy making _ friendly contacts with the Chinese people.1.extensive 2.extend 3.expand 4.expansive 2020:The_ search for the lost boys proved_ and the search party returned ho

      7、me at nightfall quite_.1.exhaustive; exhausted; exhausting 2.exhausting; exhausted; exhaustive 3.exhausted; exhaustive; exhausting 4.exhaustive; exhausting; exhausted 8 8:The soldiers showed great joy and satisfaction after winning the final triumph _ their enemies.1.over 2.out 3.from 1010:The judge at first thought the man was a thief, but after he heard all about him he _ his opinion and said that he was not guilty.1.reserved 2.revived 3.reversed 4.received 1616:They tried to _ hard plastic fo

      8、r metals in manufacturing machine parts.1.replace 2.substitute 3.take the place of 4.give way to 2020:They have _ on a journey round the world.1.set off 2.set back 3.set up 4.set aside 3 3:The fashion model had a very _ figure.1.slim 2.skim 3.thin 4.small 6 6:Scientists say they are beginning to break _ in the fight against cancer.1.out 2.down 3.through 4.apart 1010:_ your letter, I am very pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.1.Concerning 2.Concern 3.Regarded 4.Regar

      9、d 1818:The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to _ over two hundred people.1.contain 2.provide 3.reside 4.accommodate 6 6:John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher, the _ is an engineer.1.later 2.late 3.latter 4.latest 7 7:Operations which left patients _ and in need of long period of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.1.injured 2.exhausted 3.deserted 4.abandoned 1010:The man and his friend were supportive _ one another at that critical moment.1.in 2.on 3.at4.of 1818:It is difficult to _ the importance of the decision.1.assess 2.access 3.judge 4.identify 1 1:He wrote on such diverse subjects as the brain _, research and development, a


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