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    • 1、Social Marketing AnalyticsA New Framework for Measuring Results in Social MediaA Joint Research Presentation With:SOCIAL MARKETING ANALYTICS: A New Framework for Measuring Results in Social Mediajohnlovett jowyang#SocialAnalyti cs3About This Research A Collaborative Effort Our Methodology A Nod To Open Research4Special Thanks To. Our co-authors Charlene Li, Eric T. Peterson, Christine Tran Our Ecosystem Contributors Lisa Barone, Connie Benson, David Berkowitz, Blake Cahill, Adam Coomes, Monica C

      2、ordina, Bill Gassman, Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, Rob Key, Justin Kistner, Scott Lake, Matt Langie, Alex Mann, Louis Marascio, John McCory, Aaron Neumann, Katie Delahaye Paine, Sean Power, Chris Ramsey, Boaz Ronkin, Shiv Singh, R “Ray” Wang, Alan Webber, Jennifer Zeszut Alterian SM2, Biz360, Cymfony, Lithium, Omniture, Radian6, Scout Labs, Social Radar StatsIT, SWIX, Trackur, Trendrr, LugIron, Visible Technologies, Webtrends5The conversation has shifted off domainSource: Pew Resource Centers Internet a

      3、nd American Life Project , October 8, 20096Facebook is the second biggest site in USSource: : C , January 2010750 million tweets a day on TwitterSource: Twitter, February 22, 20108companies are confusedSource: http:/9The Big Social Experiment Many companies are stumbling blindly into social media marketing without a measurement strategy in place910The Numbers are Telling “While 2009 may have been a “trial” run for many brands and social media, in 2010, CMOs expect social initiatives to directly

      4、impact their bottom lines, without exception.” “CMOs reported that 64% of them would increase their social media budgets within the next year.” In 2009, 89% of CMOs tracked social medias impact by using standard metrics such as site traffic, pageviews, and number of fans. Source: BazaarVoice “CMOs Plan for Higher Social Media Measurability in 2010” December 8, 200911.Still Marketers are Perplexed Social media vendors and platforms are proliferating at an astounding rate Solutions exist for every

      5、 channel A multitude of choice creates confusion1214The Big Payoff is Elusive15The Marketing Funnel16 The vast majority of businesses tracking social media today are using the wrong metrics!Its time for a new Social Media Measurement standard. 17Introducing. Social Marketing Analytics is the discipline that helps companies measure, assess and explain the performance of social media initiatives in the context of specific business objectives. 18The Discipline Includes a Framework19Begin with an Inside-Out Strategy20The SMA Strategy In PracticeCorporate GoalsBusiness ObjectivesMeasures of SuccessOperational Tactics21The SMA Strategy: Goals Corporate Goals = Vision Understand, embrace then select vendors4. Develop your social media measurement playbook5. Make our measurement framework your ownDONT BE THIS GUY, OKAY?DONT BE THIS GUY, OKAY?62Want to Learn More?Questions?


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