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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:43129088
  • 上传时间:2018-06-04
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:102.50KB
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    • 1、论简奥斯汀论简奥斯汀爱玛爱玛中价值观和女权主义中价值观和女权主义Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要中文摘要Chapter One Introduction11.1Introduction of Emma1 1.2Structure of this thesis2Chapter Two Emmas Views of Values22.1 View of Wealth2 2.2.1 Attitude towards Her Fathers Property2 2.2.2 Attitude to Womens Social Activities3 2.2 View of Friendship4 2.2.1 Kind and Helpful (With Miss Taylor, Harriet and Bates)4 2.2.2 Mutual Respect (With Mr. Knightley)6 2.3 View of Love7 2.3.1 Advocacy of Equality in a Marriage (others ma

      2、rriage in Emmas eyes)7 2.3.2 Belief in the Foundation of a Marriage-Love8Chapter Three Causes of These Values93.1 Influences of Family and Surrounding Community 10 3.2 Influences of Feminism at That Time10 3.3 Economy Background11Chapter Four Conclusion124.1 Conclusion12 4.2 Suggestions12References13AcknowledgementsId like to give my great gratitude to my supervisor, my dear teacher Li Xia, for the help and support she gave me. When I attended the course of Business English Reading taught by Pro

      3、fessor Li, I was inspired by her seriousness in study and research. At the beginning of my selecting this topic, Professor Li offered many precious suggestions to me. She helped me lay out the clear outline and key points that my essay had better focus on as well as recommended many research examples and information concerning my topic for me to read. During my writing of this essay, she made great efforts to provide guidance to me. Whats more, I owe my accomplishment to all the teachers who hav

      4、e taught me in the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Professor Zhang Jie, Professor Lv Hongling, Professor Shao Shan, Professor Wei Yan, Professor Xia Hanhua and so on, especially Professor Lv Hongling and Shao Shan who introduced me to English literature and American Literature. Their profound knowledge and perfect English greatly attract my attention in improving my English. Id like to take this opportunity to give my thanks again to all the people mentioned above, for their generous h

      5、elp and the great support theyve given me! Thank you!AbstractEmma may not be the most popular one of all Jane Austens novels, but undoubtedly its the most mature one in style and the most complete one in structure. In this novel, the authors understandings of reality, reflections of life and the use of writing techniques are more profound and skilled than the earlier ones. Emma fully reflects Jane Austens ability to master language and shape the characters, and the skills of literary exploration. Her true and accurate portrayal of human nature, keen observation of British Regency society, as well as superb mastery of the art techniques still make us gasp in admiration.Jane Austen has successfully created a series of female characters, who have their own ch


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