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二 职业与身份文本

  • 卖家[上传人]:kms****20
  • 文档编号:40642575
  • 上传时间:2018-05-26
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:40.50KB
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    • 1、1二二 职业与身份职业与身份 典型例题剖析典型例题剖析 1. Who is the man? A. He is an anthropologist. B. He is student in a middle school. C. He is university student. D. He is visitor. W: How long have you been here? Whats your major? M: Im a junior. I am majoring in anthropology.2. What does Henry do? A. He is teacher. B. He is writer. C. He works in a publishing house. D. He is salesman. W: What has Henry been doing lately? M: He had a collection of stories published last month and now he is writing a book about his ex

      2、periences when he was a teacher.3. What is the womans job? A. A teacher. B. A clerk. C. A librarian. D. A driver. M: Id like to check out those three and return these two. W: OK, but they are overdue. Ill have to charge you for two days.职业与身份题历年实考提问方式职业与身份题历年实考提问方式 What was Miss Boyces mother? What is the man likely to be? What was the mans last job? Who was the man? 相关词汇相关词汇 Accountant 会计 Actor 男演员 Architect 建筑师 Artist 艺术家 Astronaut 航天员 Attendant 服务员 Barber 理发师 Broker 经纪人 Butcher 屠夫 Carpenter 木

      3、匠 Cartoonist 漫画家Chef 厨师长 Chemist 化学家 Clerk 职员 Computer programmer 电脑程序员 Cook 厨师 Dancer 舞蹈家 Dentist 牙医 Designer 设计师 Detective 侦探 Doctor 医生 Driver 司机2Editor 编辑 Engineer 工程师 Farmer 农民 Firefighter 消防员 Fisherman 渔夫 Gardener 花匠 Geologist 地质学家 Guard 警卫 Guide 向导 Hairdresser 美发师 Housekeeper 管家 Housewife 家庭主妇 Interpreter 口译员 Janitor 看门人 Journalist 新闻记者 Judge 法官 Lawyer 律师 Librarian 图书馆管理员 Mechanic 技师 Miner 矿工 Model 模特 Monk 和尚 Musician 音乐家 Nun 修女 Nurse 护士 Operator 操作员 Pharmacist 药剂师 Photography 摄影师Pilot 飞行员

      4、 Policeman 警察 Postman 邮递员 President 总统 Priest 牧师 Professor 教授 Real estate agent 房地产商 Receptionist 接待员 Repairman 修理工 Reporter 记者,通讯员 Sailor 水手 Salesman 销售员 Saleswoman 女销售员 Salesperson 销售人员 Scientist 科学家 Secretary 秘书 Singer 歌唱家 Solider 士兵 Tailor 裁缝 Taxi driver 出租车司机 Teacher 教师 Tour guide 导游 Translator 翻译 Typist 打字员 Vet 兽医 Waiter 男侍者 Waitress 女侍者 Writer 作家 Quiz 1.What is the womans job? A. bank clerk B. receptionist C. Shop assistant D. Teacher2. Whats Jerrys occupation now? A. he is an English tea

      5、cher B. he is a novelist C. he is newspaperman D. he is a businessman3. What is Daniel now? A. he is a poet B. he is a writer3C. he is critic D. we dont know4. What did the man want to be when he was young? A. an artist B. a doctor C. a teacher D. we dont know5. What is Susan Mayer? A. a writer B. a teacher C. a reporter D. a student6. Who is the man most probably speaking to? A. a shop assistant B. a telephone operator C. a waitress D. a clerk7. What was Peters occupation? A. a mechanic B. a ba

      6、nk employee C. a guard D. a movie starText 1 M: Id like to make an appointment for a check-up. W: When would you like to come? M: Some time this weekend, please. W: This weekendI think we could fit you in on Saturday evening. Is that OK? 2 W: Jerry worked as an English teacher for three years. Then he became a newspaperman. After that he started running his own company. M: I know. And he has been doing that ever since. 3 W: Did you read the review of Daniels novel in todays newspaper? M: Yes, he

      7、 seems to have discovered a new career in literature. 4 M: What do you think youll do when you leave school? W: Oh, Im not clear about that. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher. How about you? M: When I was young, my dream was to be a doctor. However, as I grow old, I am more willing 4to be an artist. 5 W: Good morning, Professor Lee! My name is Susan Mayer. Im working in the local newspaper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? M: Not at all. Go ahead, please. 6 M: How about the foo

      8、d I ordered? I have been waiting for 20 minutes. W: Im very sorry, Sir. Ill be back with your order in a minute. 7 Some people dream of being the president of the United States, some of becoming hot in a Hollywood movie, and others of making millions of dollars overnight. But, could a dream like that come true in real life? Well, it did happen to Peter Johnson. Peter was an auto mechanic. One day, he walked into the Union Trust Bank in Baltimore and took 5,000 dollars that did not belong to him.

      9、 The guards and other employees stood back and let him stuff the bills in his shirt and pants, without trying to prevent him from taking the money. No one tripped the alarm. No one pulled a gun. No one called the police. Why did they allow him to get away with the money? Well, everything was legal. Peter has won a contest promoted by a Baltimore radio station. The first prize entitled him to enter the Union Trust Bank and gather up as much money as he could. Because he could not bring any large bags or boxes into the bank, all the money had to be placed in his pockets. As time went by, Peter ran about wildly, turning to pick up as many bills as he could find. When time was up, he was out of breath, but was 5,000 dollars richer.

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