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  • 上传时间:2018-05-26
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    • 1、浅析影响机械加工精度的主要因素浅析影响机械加工精度的主要因素摘 要:文章介绍了影响机械加工精度的几个重要因素。在诸多误差因素中,机床的几何误差、工艺系统的受力变形和受热变形占有突出的位置,通过了解这些误差因素是如何影响加工误差的,可以使工件的加工达到质量要求。Pick to: this paper introduces several important factors affecting machining precision. In many error factors, the forced deformation of the geometric error of the machine tool, process system and heat deformation has a prominent position, by knowing how the error factors affect machining error, can make the workpiece processing to meet the quality requirements. 关键词:加

      2、工精度;误差;工艺系统Key words: machining precision; Error; Process system Abstract: This article introduced influence machine-finishing precision several important attributes. In many erroneous factors, engine beds geometrical error, the craft systems stress distortion and the heating distortion hold the prominent position, through understood the processing error, may enable the work piece the processing to achieve the quality requirement.Abstract: This article introduced influence machine - finishing pr

      3、ecision http:/ important attributes. In many erroneous factors, engine bed s geometrical error, the craft system s stress distortion and the heating distortion hold the prominent position, through understood the processing error, may enable the work piece the processing to your the quality requirement. Key words: working accuracy; error; craft systemKey words: the working accuracy; The error; Craft system随着国民经济实力和科学技术水平的提高,社会要求提高产品的质量。而加工精度是衡量零件加工质量的重要指标,所以保证零件的加工精度很重要。这就要求我们来了解影响机械加工精度的因素,从而提高加

      4、工精度。在加工过程中工艺系统会产生各种误差,这些误差与工艺系统本身的结构状态和切削过程有关,产生加工误差的主要因素有:With the improvement of national economic strength and scientific and technological level and social requirements to improve the quality of the products. The machining accuracy is one of the important indicators to measure parts processing quality, so its very important to guarantee the parts machining precision. This requires us to understand the factors that influence the machining precision and improve the machining accuracy. In the p

      5、rocess of machining process system can produce all kinds of error, the error and process structure state of the system and the cutting process, a major factor in the production of machining error are: http:/ http:/ 加工原理误差1 processing principle error 加工过程由于采用了近似的加工方法,近似的传动或近似的刀具轮廓而产生的加工误差。Machining process with approximate method, approximate transmission or similar cutter contour machining error. 1.1 采用近似的加工运动造成的误差1.1 USES the approximation of the machining error caused by motion 在许多场合,为了得到要求的工件

      6、表面,必须在工件或刀具的运动之间建立一定的联系。从理论上讲,应采用完全准确的运动联系。但是采用理论上完全准确的加工原理有时使机床或夹具极为复杂,致使制造困难,反而难以达到较高的加工精度,有时甚至是不可能做到。如在车削或磨削模数螺纹时,由于其导程 t=m,式中有 这个无理因子,在用配换齿轮来得到导程数值时,就存在原理误差。On many occasions, in order to get the requirements of the workpiece surface, must be between the workpiece or tool movement to establish a connection. In theory, should be completely accurate movement of the contact. But using theory completely accurate processing principle machine or jig is very complex, sometimes causing trouble, but

      7、difficult to achieve high machining accuracy, sometimes even impossible. As in the thread turning or grinding module lead t = PI m, because of its type in http:/ the irrational factor, in use with gear to get lead value, there is a principle error. 1.2 采用近似的刀具轮廓造成的误差1.2 by using approximate contour error caused 用成形刀具加工复杂的曲面时,要使刀具刃口做得完全符合理论曲线的轮廓,有时非常困难,往往采用圆弧、直线等简单近似的线型代替理论曲线。如用滚刀滚切渐开线齿轮时,为了滚刀的制造方便,多用阿基米德基本蜗杆或法向直廓基本蜗杆来代替渐开线基本蜗杆,从而产生了加工原理误差。With forming cutting tools when machining complex curved

      8、surface, to make the cutter blade is done completely conform to the theoretical curve contour, sometimes is very difficult, often use the simple such as circular, linear approximation of the linear curve instead of theory. If use hobbing involute gear, the gear hob to hob manufacture is convenient, multi-purpose Archimedes worm or basic normal straight outline basic worm instead of involute worm, to produce the processing principle error. 2 机床几何误差及磨损其对加工精度的影响http:/ http:/ machine tool geometric

      9、error and wear their effects on machining accuracy 加工中刀具相对于工件的成形运动一般都是通过机床完成的,因此工件的加工精度在很大程度上取决于机床的精度。机床制造误差对工件加工精度影响较大的有:主轴回转误差、导轨误差和传动链误差。Processing the cutting tool relative to the workpiece forming sports are usually done by machine, so the workpiece machining accuracy depends largely on the accuracy of machine tools. Had a greater influence on the manufacture error of workpiece machining accuracy of machine tool are: the error of spindle, guide and transmission chain errors. 2.1 主轴回转误差2.1 the spindle rotation error 主轴的回转误差直接影响被加工工件的形状和位置精度,可分解为径向跳动、轴向跳动和角度摆动。由于存在误差敏感方向,加工不同表面时,主轴的径向跳动所引起的加工误差也不同。例如,在车床上http:/ rotation error of shape and position d


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