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江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语下册《8b unit 3 online travel》period 2 reading(1)教案 牛津版

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    • 1、18B8B UnitUnit 3 3 OnlineOnline travelPeriodtravelPeriod 2 2 ReadingReading(1 1)TitleTitle ( (课题课题) )Online Travel Reading (1)TypeType ( (课型课型) )New 新授课PeriodPeriod ( (课时课时) )2SupportingSupporting ththeorieseories (理论支持)(理论支持)皮亚杰的建构主义认为,知识不是通过教师传授得到,而是学习者在一 定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助, 利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式而获得。由于学习是在一定的情 境下,借助其他人的帮助即通过师生、生生间的协作活动而实现的意义建构 过程,因此建构主义学习理论认为“情境” 、 “协作” 、 “会话”和“意义建构” 是学习环境中的四大要素或四大属性。 在本节课中设计与课文内容相符的情境,让学生身临其境,在具体语境 中协作、会话和操练,学习的质量是学习者建构意义能力的函数,而不是学 习者重现教师思维过程能力的函数

      2、。换句话说,获得知识的多少取决于学习 者根据自身经验去建构有关知识的意义的能力,而不取决于学习者记忆和背 诵教师讲授内容的能力。B: Language skill (语言技能)To know how this CD-ROM helps you learn English.AimsAims & & demandsdemands ( (教学目标教学目标) )C: Feeling (情感态度)1. To develop the students interest in computers. 2. To make the students know more about computers and learn how to use computers correctly.KeyKey pointspoints & & difficultiesdifficulties ( (教学重难点教学重难点) )passive voiceTeachingTeaching MethodsMethods ( (教学方法教学方法) ) Task-based approach Aids:Aids: 课前准备(教具、

      3、课前准备(教具、 活动准备等)活动准备等)1. Look for something about the educational CD-ROM on the Internet . 2. Present different parts of a computer. 3. Pre-reading and learn about the main idea of Reading. 教教 学学 设设 计计2课前延伸 (预习)(预习)1.自学生词(会拼写、知词义) 2.听磁带,朗读课文,了解大意。 3.查阅与 Reading(educational CD-ROM)内容相 关的资料,以备课上合作交流。培养学生自学的 能力Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan (学习计划)Aims (设计意图)StepStep Lead-inLead-inGuide the students to recall the use of the computer in their daily lives, and lead in the topic of this unit by asking

      4、:Can you tell me some uses of computers?1.检查课前预习 2.老师设问,导 入新课。课课内内拓拓学学StepStep IIII Pre-taskPre-task通过问答或对话, 在语境中运用生词, 激发兴趣,对 Reading 内容有进一步的感性 认识。3. SkimmingSkimming1. Skim the passage for the following questions: 1). Whats the name of the new educational CD-R om? 2). Who is the designer? 3). How many levels does this game have? 4). Where can we buy it? 2. Listen to the tape and encourage them to divide the passage into three parts.通过听力训练, 培养学生搜索有用信 息的能力,提高学生 的理解能力。展展导导StepStep IIIIII While-Whi

      5、le- tasktaskIIII.Scann.Scann inging1. Scan Line 2-10, and complete the following table:Name of the gameHelp you learnDesignerAnother piece of workMain characterAge of the main characterHobbies of the main character2. Scan Line 11-36 for some questions: (1) What did Itchy Feet see in his dream?注意学生的个性 差异,分层要求。向 优生提出深层次的问 题,充分发挥他们的 聪明才智。4(2) What will happen when you get enough points? (3) How long will it take you to finish each level? (4) What will you see when you pass a level? 3. Scan Line 37-

      6、39 for the main idea of the passage. 4. Check the answers. TaskTask 1 11. Listen to the tape and finish C1 on page 44. 2. Check the answers.练练StepStep IVIV Post-taskPost-task. TaskTask 2 2Ask some students to retell the passage according to what they have learned so far. Finish C2 on page 45. Check the answers.同学互助,合作 交流。板书答案,检 测词汇。课后提升课后提升StepStep V V AssignmentAssignment1. Recite all the new words and phrases. 2. Find more information about CD-ROM on the Internet. 3. Workbook( Period 2)及时复习,控制

      7、 作业量,提高能力。Blackboard design (板书设计)Around the World in Eight Hours Words:Nouns: traveller online traveller point get a point every time role play the role of level eight levels knowledge grammar the knowledge of English grammar screen on the screen Verbs:come outreach reach get to arrive in/atpass pass the exammark mark the place in red Adjectives: educational an educational CD-ROM5asleep fall asleep purple a purple dress Phrases:come out at the same time the main characterfall asleep answer a question correctly play the role ofby testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabularyone of the best sell out

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