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    • 1、Small steps lead to big accomplishments,Issue.1054 May 14, 2014,Dress to stand out,Small steps lead to big accomplishments,Writing a research paper and get it published is indeed very difficult for college students. But Zhang managed to do that. What do you think of scientific research? What do you learn from Zhangs story? Talk with your group members and share ideas.,Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible.,Instruction,1.What has Zhang Bolin ach

      2、ieved in colledge? 2.How did Zhang feel in his sophomore year?,He struggled in vain to find his way by being class leader and participating in various science and technology competitions. For months in his sophomore year, he felt stressed and frustrated because his college life met none of his expectations.,General Questions,Getting papers published in authoritative journals or writing a guide on doing scientific research he has accomplished tasks that other students seldom take on in college.,3

      3、.What is the secret of the vehicle team of Shang Dong university? 4. What did Zhang learn from the secret?,Shandong University has one of the best smart vehicle teams among Chinese colleges. The teams secret is passing on their winning work from generation to generation. “That allows new team members to innovate upon the already mature technology,” Zhang says.,General Questions,He learned that innovation is not about creating new things, but making small adjustments to improve things that alread

      4、y exist.,5. What is Zhangs routine for writing a paper? 6. How do most students feel about scientific research?,His routine is finding a topic, doing lots of background research, and developing a challenging point. “Existing papers are published for a reason,” he says. “Learning from them can ensure Im on the right track.”,General Questions,“They think of it as a complicated mystery,” Zhang says. But Zhang believes it is students who make it so complicated. “Put simply, doing research is like us

      5、ing the television theres no need to figure out how it works, we only need to know how to use it,” he says.,Detailed Study,Read the two passages closely and find out the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Chinese.,Instruction,Getting papers published in authoritative journals or has accomplished tasks that other students seldom take on in college.,Detailed Study,Authoritative adj. 有权威的 Accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到,If wed all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.,如果我们齐心协力

      6、,我想我们能实现我们的目标。,Tientsin University, believes that, rather than being a star student, hes grasped the right way to do things.,Rather than 而不是Grasp vt./n. 抓住;领会,Detailed Study,He grasped both my hands.The government has not yet grasped the seriousness of the crisis.,他紧紧地抓住我的双手。政府还不明白这场危机的严重性。,When Zhang first entered university, he was still wet behind the ears. “I had the ambition and passion to make a difference, but I didnt know how,” he says.,Detailed Study,Wet behind the ears 少不更事的;初出茅庐的 Make

      7、 a difference 有(重要)作用;有影响;有关系Enter vt. 进入;开始;参加,他从来没有想过有人比他更出色。,It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him.,He struggled in vain to find his way by being class leader and participating in various science and technology competitions.,Detailed Study,They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity. Life became a struggle for survival.,Struggle v. 奋斗,努力,挣扎In vain 徒劳地,他们不得不同各种困境斗争。生活变成了一场争取生存的斗争。,For months in his sophomore year, he felt stressed and frustrated because his college li

      8、fe met none of his expectations.,Detailed Study,Stressed a. 紧张的,有压力的 Frustrated a. 沮丧的Expectation n. 期望,预期,Work out what situations or people make you feel stressed and avoid them.Stephen had determined to live up to the expectations of the company.,弄清是什么样的情况或什么样的人使你焦虑不安,并避开他们。斯蒂芬蔡斯已决心不辜负公司的期望。,He therefore told himself that innovation is not about creating new things, but making small adjustments to improve things that already exist.,Detailed Study,Adjustment n. 调整,调节 Improve v. 改善,增进;提高的价值,He

      9、will have to make major adjustments to his thinking if he is to survive in office.He had improved so much the doctor had cut his dosage.,他要想继续任职的话,就得对他的思维方式作大的调整。他康复了很多,医生减少了他的用药量。,The teams secret is passing on their winning work from generation to generation. “That allows new team members to innovate upon the already mature technology,Detailed Study,Pass on 传递;继续Innovate v. 创新;改;新,What sets Rice apart from most engineers is his constant desire to innovate and experiment.,赖斯与大多数工程师不同之处在于他不断地渴望创

      10、新和实验。,“Existing papers are published for a reason,” he says. “Learning from them can ensure Im on the right track.”,Detailed Study,Ensure v. 保证,确保;使安全On the right track 在正确的道路上,We must ensure that all patients have access to high quality care.,我们必须确保所有的病人都能够得到高质量的护理。,Dress to stand out,Read the passage and then summarize the passage. The following questions serve as clues for you.What do we learn from the research from Harvard Business school? How did Silvia Bellezza and two Harvard professors carry out their study? What are the surprising results of these studies? And what inspiration can we draw from them?,


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