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    • 1、2018考研英语填空模考题及答案When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were equally effective on television. Some of the 1 they experienced when they were trying to 2 themselves to the new medium were technical. When working 3 radio, for example, they had become 4 to seeing on 5 of the listener. This 6 of seeing for others means that the 7 has to be very good at talking. 8 all, he has to be able to 9 a continuous sequence of visual images which

      2、10 meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the 11 of television, however, the commentator sees 12 with the viewer. His role, therefore, is 13 different. He is there to make 14 that the viewer does not 15 some points of interest, to help him 16 on particular things, and to 17 the images on the television screen. 18 his radio colleague, he must know the 19 of silence and how to use it at those moments 20 the pictures speaks for themselves.1. A. difficultiesB. successesC. sufferingsD. in

      3、cidents2. A. turnB. adaptC. alterD. modify3. A. onB. atC. with D. behind4. A. experiencedB. determinedC. establishedD. accustomed5. A. accountB. sideC. pointD. behalf6. A. efficiencyB. technologyC. artD. performance7. A. commentatorB. TV viewerC. speakerD. author8. A. OfB. ForC. AboveD. In9. A. inspire B. createC. causeD. perceive10. A. addB. applyC. affectD. reflect11. A. occasionB. eventC. factD. case12. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything13. A. equallyB. completelyC. initiallyD. ha

      4、rdly14. A. definiteB. possibleC. sureD. clear15. A. loseB. depriveC. relieveD. miss16. A. focusB. attendC. followD. insist17. A. exhibitB. demonstrateC. exposeD. interpret18. A. LikeB. UnlikeC. AsD. For19. A. purposeB. goalC. valueD. intention20. A. ifB. when C. whichD. as参考答案及解析:1. 【答案】A. difficulties【解析】本题测试词义搭配。本句译文:当他们试图适应这种新的媒体时他们遇到的困难是技术性的。2. 【答案】 B. adapt【解析】本题测试结构型词义搭配。adapt oneself to sth. 使适应于:When you go to a foreign country, you should adapt yourself to new manners and customs.turn t

      5、o 求助于 :You can turn to him for help when you are in trouble. (你有困难时可以求助于他)alter (部分的)改变,修改:Have you altered your mind? (你是否已改变主意?)modify (稍稍)修改,变更:You have to modify the plan if necessary. 此外,modify 还可以作“修饰”解,如:Adverbs modify verbs. (副词修饰动词。)3.【答案】A. on【解析】本题测试惯用搭配。on radio 用无线电,通过广播(强调行为手段):The concert is broadcast on radio. on radio 在涵义上相当于 by radio, 例如,We can listen to music broadcast by radio. 此外,还有 on the radio 意为:“通过广播,无线电广播中”,例如:1) I listen to the music on the radio. 2) There was good mus

      6、ic on the radio last night.at, with, behind 与 radio 不能构成惯用搭配,而且从上下文意思上看也不符合题意。1. 【答案】D. accustomed【解析】本题测试词义搭配。be(或 become ,get ) accustomed to sth. or to doing sth.习惯于:You will soon get accustomed to the climate here. (你会很快习惯这里的气候的。)从上下文的逻辑意思和语法结构上看,experienced, determined, established 均不切题。5.【答案】D. behalf【解析】本题测试惯用搭配。on behalf of 代表,为了。 on account of 由于;on the side of 在. 一边;be on the point of doing sth. 刚要做某事。6. 【答案】C. art【解析】本题测试词义搭配。art 技能,本领:the art of seeing for others 意为:“这种替别人看实况的技能”。tec

      7、hnology 技术,performance 演出,节目,执行,完成;efficiency 效率,均不符合题意。7.【答案】A. commentator【解析】本题测试逻辑型词义搭配。本句译为:这种替别人看实况的技能意味着,电视解说员必须有高超的谈话艺术。8.【答案】C.Above【解析】本题测试惯用搭配。above all (= most important) 最重要的。 in all 总共:There are thirty students in all in the class. for all 是复合介词,意为“尽管”。9.【答案】B.create【解析】本题测试词义搭配。create 创立,创建:1)They are struggling to create a new social order. 2) That would create a wrong impression. (那样会造成错误的印象) cause 引起;inspire 鼓舞;perceive 认识到,察觉到。本句译文:最要的是他必须善于把看到的情景变成一个个连续的画面,用声音把实况介绍给观众。10.【答案】

      8、A.Add【解析】本题测试词义搭配。add .to 把 加到. which add meaning to the sounds which the listener hears 意为“这些图像使得观众听到的声音具有一定的意义”,即“听众听到了解说员用声音介绍的实况内容”。11.【答案】D.case【解析】本题测试惯用搭配。in the case of 就而言。注意 in the case of 和 in case of 在涵义和用法上的区别:in case of 万一发生.。 in the event of(=in case of )如果发生。occasion 不能与 in 搭配,但是可以与 on 搭配,如:on the occasion of 在.场合,值.之际:He gave me a present on the occasion of my birthday.12. 【答案】C. everything【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配。本句译为:然而,就电视而言 ,解说员与电视观众都能看到全部图像。13.【答案】B. completely【解析】本题测试词义搭配。completely d

      9、ifferent 完全不同。equally, hardly, initially (起初,最初)均不符合题意。14.【答案】C. sure【解析】本题测试词义搭配。make sure 查明,弄确实;后可接 of 或 about, 也可接从句,例如:1)Please make sure of the date of the next meeting.(请确定下次会议的时间。) 2)Please make sure that the house is locked properly.(一定要把房门锁好。)15.【答案】D.miss【解析】本题测试词义搭配。miss vt. 错过。本句译为:电视解说员要确保电视观众不错过一些精彩场面,他要提醒电视观众注意一些特殊的事情并向观众讲解电视荧幕上的图像。16.【答案】A. focus【解析】本题测试词义搭配。focus on 注视,集中。insist on 坚持(某种意见或看法);attend on 照顾,伺候:Two nurses attended on the patient. follow vt.后面不能接 on ,意为“跟随”。17.【答案】D.interpret【解析】本题测试词义搭配。interpret 解释,说明:How can I interpret this behavior? exhibit 展览,展示;demonstrate vt. 演示,显示,表演;expose vt. 暴露。18.【答案】B. unlike【解析】本题测试词义型结构搭配。unlike 不像, 和.不同。从上下文逻辑意思来看,本句是讲电视实况解说员与无线电实况解说员转播方式不同,他按照电视图像进行讲解。可见,只能选择 unlike.19. 【答案】C. value【解析】本题测试词义搭配。value 价值,有用性。电视实况解说员在图像很清楚时,就不必再作解释。这时“沉默”就起了微妙的作用,让观众自己去欣赏,体会和评论。可见,此处只能选 value. purpose (目的),goal(目标)和 intention(意图,意向)均不符合题意。20.【答案】B. when【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配。句中 when 引导定语


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