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    • 1、The Coming out of Maggie. Chapter 1 Plain MaggieThe Clover Leaf Social Club held a dance every Saturday night at the Give and Take Athletic Associations hall. 2. Usually, Maggie went to the dance with Anna and Jimmy, but this particular Saturd ay she had a new gentleman friend to take her. 3. At the dance, Anna thought that Maggies new partner looked very handsome and stylish. However, the Clover Leaf Social Club boys showed that they disapproved of him by pretending to bow and turning up their

      2、noses when they greeted him. Chapter 2 Charming TerryMaggie introduced her new boyfriend as Terry OSullivan to the other members of the Clover Leaf Social Club. After dancing with Maggie, Terry danced with other girls, including the girl Dempsey brought from the box factory. During the dance, Mike OSullivan came, talked to Dempsey, and left shortly after. When the music stopped, Dempsey stopped Terry on the dance floor and began to question him. The two boys were well matched; if they fought, on

      3、ly one of them would survive. Chapter 3 Fight for a Happy OutcomeDempsey and Terry started to fight after Dempsey called Terry a tree climbing rat. . Terry tried to hit Dempsey, but Andy Geoghan caught his arm. In the back room of the dance hall, where the boys had moved to for the fight, Terry pulled out a knife. But Maggie came just in time to stop him, and the fight came to an end. After Maggie explained who Terry really was, Dempsey asked her if he could take her home and if she would come t

      4、o the dance with him the following Saturday.The Outcasts of Poker Flat Chapter 1 Sent out of TownMr. Oakhurst was a gambler who played poker in the camp of Poker Flat. He was thrown out of the town because he was winning a lot of money from the residents in poker games. Other undesirable characters who were also kicked out were a young woman known as The Duchess, another called Mother Shipton, and a man named Uncle Billy. The group of outcasts decided to travel to another camp called Sandy Bar.

      5、Chapter 2 Tom and Piney Join the OutcastsOn their way to Sandy Bar, the group of outcasts met Tommy and Piney. The young couple was on their way to Poker Flat to get married and find their fortune. Mr. Oakhurst tried to convince Tommy to continue on to Poker Flat, but Tommy decided that they would join the group. That night, the women slept in a broken hut. In the morning, Mr. Oakhurst discovered that Uncle Billy was gone, along with the animals. Chapter 3 Snowed inIn the morning, Mr. Oakhurst r

      6、ealized that the snowstorm the night before meant that the group was snowed in. Later that day, Mr. Oakhurst searched for Uncle Billys tracks but was unsuccessful. When he returned, he heard the group laughing and thought they were drinking the alcohol he had hidden, but then he realized their amusement was genuine. That evening, the group sat around the campfire, playing music and enthusiastically singing religious songs. Chapter 4 Cold OutcomesAs days went by, Piney suggested a new activity, w

      7、hich was telling stories. No one wanted to retell their past experiences, so Tom decided to tell the main story of the Iliad. Over the next week, Mother Shipton grew weak and ill. She gave Mr. Oakhurst a parcel with her weeks supplies of food for Piney before she died. When Tom came back with rescuers from Poker Flat, they found that Piney and The Duchess had frozen to death and Mr. Oakhurst had shot himself in the heart.The Specter Bridegroom Chapter 1 The BrideThe Baron had only one child, a b

      8、eautiful young daughter. The people of the town said that she was the most beautiful person in all of Germany. She was raised under the protection and care of her two aunts. The aunts brought her up with very strict rules, with the result that she grew up to be a lovely woman with perfect behavior and a good sense of duty. Chapter 2 The Fatal MeetingThe Baron and an old nobleman from Bavaria had made an agreement for their two children to be married. Neither the Barons daughter nor 3the young Co

      9、unt Von Altenburg had met each other before their fathers set the date for the wedding. On his way to the Barons castle to meet his bride, the young Count met a young soldier that he knew named Herman Von Starkenfaust, and they decided to travel together. However, they were attacked by robbers as they passed through the forest, and the young Count was seriously injured. On his death bed, he asked his friend to leave immediately for the Barons castle and explain what had happened. Chapter 3 Deception Starkenfaust felt deeply sad and cried over the early death of his friend. 2. Before he left for the Barons castle, he made all the necessary funeral arrangements for the young Counts burial in the Wurtzburg Church. 3. When Starkenfaust finally reached the castle, the Baron was greatly ashamed and annoyed that the young soldier had not shown proper respect for the occasion by arriving alone. 4.


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