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    • 1、2021年江苏省连云港市中考英语一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。1. Shall we play _ basketball this afternoon? Good idea! Do you have _ basketball?A. the; aB. a ; aC. / ; /D. / ; a2. Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others?A. dogB. polluteC. knockD. strong3. Miss Li, a humorous teacher, taught _ maths last term. A. usB. ourC. ours D. ourselves4. Jim, youd better not _ too much time on your mobile phone.A. costB. spendC. takeD. pay5. The Communist Party of China will hav

      2、e its 100th birthday _ July 1,2021.A. inB. atC. onD. around6. What an amazing robot! It _ cook more than 5, 000 dishes. A. shallB. needC. mustD. can7. The _ Lianyimgang-Xuzhou High-speed Railway was open to the public this year. A. 180 kilometer longB. 180 kilometers longC. 180-kilometer-longD. 180-kilometers-long8. Wait politely, please. Dont _ on others. A. cut inB. cut downC. cut outD. cut short9. Look at the sign, please. You can park your car on _ side of the street.A. bothB. otherC. either

      3、D. all10. Drinking tea is usually seen as a _ lifestyle in China.A. strictB. boringC. cleanD. healthy11. _is the concert going to start?Ive no idea. Why not check the ticket?A. What time B. What aboutC. How longD. How often12. David Attenborough _ 40 documentaries over the past 67 years. A Life on Our Planet is his latest work. A. makesB. madeC. has madeD. is making13. Tomorrow is Earth Day. Lets discuss _.A. when shall we give out the leafletsB. what we can do to recycle thingsC. how should we

      4、save more energyD. whether can we make our city greener14. Keep on dancing, and you 11 be better at it. _. A. Practice makes perfectB. Bum the candle at both endsC. It never rains but it poursD. A friend in need is a friend indeed15. Tom, turn off the tap. Dont leave it running. _.A. Better notB. Sorry, I willC. Not at allD. You re welcome二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。It was a beautiful morning with a soft wind blowing. Jina the giraffe was walking on the gra

      5、ss. A group of zebras ran 16 . Jina looked at them and thought, Zebras take such 17 leaps. How easily they run! Look at my 18 it is so strange-looking. Then she saw an elephant by the lake. The elephant takes water in her long nose and sprays (喷 洒)it everywhere. She has so much fun. 19 I had a long nose, I would become happy like her. Jina thought. Just then a crow came and sat on Jinas head. Why are you so 20 ?”Jina stood there with a sad face and said, They all look so good, but I am so 21 . ”

      6、 “Jina, why do you think so? You 22 your own strengths, dont you/ said the crow. At that moment, a 23 came and said to Jina, “Jina, I need your 24 ! My kid has climbed up a tree. Will you bring him down?”Of course!” Jina stretched her long neck up and 25 brought the young lion down from the tree.So much joy in helping! Did you 26 helping someone, Jina?” asked the crow. It really feels very nice. Now I have understood how 27 it is to have legs like long sticks and a long neck. I shouldnt consider

      7、 them as my weaknesses. Instead I can 28 them into my strengths. ”Yes, instead of feeling sad by comparing 29 to others, you should make the most of what you have and be happy. In this way, we can 30 a happy and meaningful lift. said the crow. Jina the giraffe nodded and walked away with the crow happily. 16. A. afterB. byC. inD. inside17. A. cleverB. stupidC. beautifulD. ugly18. A. walkB. touchC. danceD. ride19. A. BecauseB. WhetherC. IfD. Though20. A. pleasedB. angryC. amazedD. unhappy21. A. e

      8、xcellentB. strangeC. prettyD. narrow22. A. haveB. pickC. loseD. miss23. A. crowB. giraffeC. zebraD. lion24. A. helpB. adviceC. choiceD. discussion25. A. carelesslyB. sadlyC. heavilyD. gently26. A. suggestB. enjoyC. preventD. refuse27. A. uselessB. awfulC. valuableD. active28. A. separateB. crashC. takeD. change29. A. yourselfB. myselfC. herselfD. himself30. A. remainB. liveC. provideD. control三、阅读理解(共两节, 20小题;满分35分)第一节阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30 分)AThe Sunniest Show of All MusicalsThe sunniest showThe show is set on a Greek island. The sun always shines. It is about a tale of love and friendship. It is mainly about Sophie* s search for her father. Every day you have the time of your life at the worlds sunniest and most exciting musical. Show timeMondaySaturday, 7:45 p. m. 9:15 p. m. Sun


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