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    • 1、袁隆平和吴孟超院士的陨落,会不会出现在我们的考题中?(原创语法填空2篇,配答案与解析)袁隆平和吴孟超院士的去世带给我们的震撼与思考是无限的。很多老师和孩子找老师要相关方面的素材,以防期末考试或者高考会考。龚露老师献丑地原创了2篇语法填空并配上了答案与解析,希望对孩子们的高考和期末考试有所帮助。语法填空第一篇A memorial service (1) (bid)farewell to father of hybrid rice Yuan Longping (2) (hold) in Changsha, Central Chinas Hunan province on Monday.Despite (3) being a busy work day, thousands of people wearing black came to the Mingyangshan Mortuary House in the city, (4) the memorial service was held at 10 am, to present bouquets(花束) and bunches of r

      2、ice and pay tribute(颂词) to Yuan.The top rice scientist, who developed the first high-yield hybrid rice strain in 1973, died of organ(5) (fail) at age 91 on Saturday.The agronomist(农学家)spent over five decades (6) (research) and improving hybrid rice, which has reached its third generation, helping China work (7) great wonder - feeding nearly one-fifth of the worlds population with less than 9 percent of the worlds total arable(适合耕种的) land.People from all walks of life in China and abroad expresse

      3、d their condolences after Yuans death, which indicated that his contribution to the hybrid rice industry has been (8) (wide) recognized and highly praised, Zhao Lijian, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a news conference in Beijing on Monday.His death is a great loss to China and the world, and he (9) (remember) by people, Zhao said.He added that academician Yuan not only belongs to China, but also to the world. His lifelong dream was to see hybrid rice to be planted around t

      4、he world, (10) no one will be left hungry.答案与解析:1. to bid to bid farewell to 是作为service的后置定语2. was held 新闻报道类一般用一般过去时3. it (这个it 在此代指周一这一天,介词despite 后面加doing, it 做being 的逻辑主语。4. where 此处是where 引导的定语从句5. failure organ failure是器官衰竭6. researching spend some time (in) doing sth 固定搭配7. a work a wonder创造奇迹8. widely 副词修饰动词9. will be remembered 会被人们记住,用将来时的被动。10. so 这样,表示一种结果的连词。语法填空第二篇The national outpouring of grief (悲伤)at the death of two legendary academicians over the weekend, as if people (1). (lo

      5、se) beloved members of their own families, offers much food for thought.At 1:02 pm on Saturday, liver surgeon Wu Mengchao, 99, died in Shanghai. He is known (2). the founder of hepatobiliary surgery(肝胆外科) in the country and was the teacher of roughly 80 percent of the nations experts and doctors (3). (specialize) in liver surgery today. Wu operated on thousands of patients, and saved at least 16,000 lives.Five minutes later, with family members humming his favorite songs to him beside his sickbe

      6、d in Changsha, Hunan province, agricultural scientist Yuan Longping died at the age of 91. He was known as the father of hybrid rice who helped (4). (lift) the nation out of hunger.With their dedication to science and (5). (commit) to the people, the two devoted their lives to saving lives and (6). (improve) peoples livelihoods. Together with generations of their students, they not only made (7). big difference to the lives of the Chinese people, but also many living in other developing and leas

      7、t-developed countries.(8). distinguishes Wu and Yuan aside from their achievements, which were made under very difficult conditions, is their shared attachment to the people. The publics spontaneous outpouring of grief at their deaths, (9). has been rare in the country for decades, shows how much their down-to-earth dedication to improving peoples lives touched hearts (10). the country.答案与解析1.had lost as if 对过去的虚拟,用as if sb had done sth 2.as be known as 固定搭配3.specializing specializing in liver surgery 是作为后置定语修饰前面的先行词doctors. 不可以用be specialized in. 因为不存在这个短语。4. lift /to lift help 后面加do , help do sth , help to do sth也有,但是不常用。Help do 最常见。 5. commitment commitment与前面的dedication 并列名词。6.improving devote A to doing B 这是固定搭配7. a make a big difference to 是固定搭配8. What What distinguish difficult conditions是这个句子的主语,这是what 引导的主语从句。 9. which which 引导非限制性定语从句修饰前面整件事。10. throughout 整个国家,用throughout the country.


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