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  • 文档编号:169474224
  • 上传时间:2021-02-25
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    • 1、文献信息:文 献 标 题 :Proactive Fashion Design for Sustainable Consumption(可持续消费的具有前瞻性的服装设计)国外作者:Kirsi Niinimki文献出处:Nordic Textile Journal,2012,1:60-69.字数统计:英文 3104 单词,17881 字符;中文 5737 汉字外文文献:Proactive Fashion Design for Sustainable ConsumptionAbstract This article presents a study that investigates product satisfaction in the context of clothing. The paper furthermore presents suggestions on how this knowledge can be used to create proactive fashion design for sustainable consumption. One of the main c

      2、hallenges in todays consumer society is how to design products that encourage consumers to engage in more environmentally responsible behaviour, sustainable consumption. This paper opens the discussion on how to change current unsustainable consumption behaviour related to clothing through a visionary, far- sighted design approach. Designers can create future-oriented sustainable designs that can transform consumption patterns towards more sustainable ones. Design for sustainability can thus be

      3、a redirective practice that aims for sustainable consumption, and the ways in which fashion design can be a proactive process with this aim will be described.Keywords: proactive design, sustainable design, sustainable consumption, emotional satisfaction, PSS.IntroductionProducts configure consumer needs and use patterns; hence, design can be said to be “practice-oriented”, creating certain everyday practices and consumption behaviour (Shove et al. 2007, 134136). Current industrial design and mas

      4、s- manufacturing systems stimulate consumerism and the production of disposable products (Walker 2007, 51). Fast changing trends lead to consumers unsustainable consumption behaviour. To create a new, sustainable balance between design, manufacturing and consumption, alternative ways to create products are required to drive more sustainable consumption behaviour. Therefore, designers should evaluate how each design decision affects a consumers consumption patterns. Understood in this way, sustai

      5、nable design can be a redirective or a proactive practice that aims for sustainable practices in consumption (Fry 2009, 53).Higher production volumes and simultaneous growing consumption have caused an increase in material consumption (Throne-Holst et al. 2007). Ever-changing fashion trends, affordable product prices and low-quality products cause consumers to engage in unsustainable consumption behaviour, such as impulse purchases, overconsumption, short use time and premature disposal of produ

      6、cts. The increase in the purchase of short-lifespan products results in a notable increase in waste. Currently, approximately 70 percent of disposed clothing and textiles end up in landfills, and in many Western countries clothing and textile waste is estimated to be the fastest growing waste stream (Fletcher 2008, 98). Consumers discard gaments not only because they are worn out but also because they actively seek novelty. Nevertheless, product durability and longterm use are prerequisites for

      7、sustainable consumption: i.e. extending the life span of products is essential when the goal is sustainable consumption (Cooper 2005). Importantly, however, consumers associate durability with high quality and not with environmental impact.Emotions lie at the centre of human life, and they influence most of our behaviours, motivations and thought processes (Desmet 2009, 379). Emotions alsoplay a strong role in consumption. The interplay between wants, needs, values, attitudes and experiences is

      8、emotionally meaningful for a contemporary consumer. Clothing and fashion items belong to the category of self-expressive products, and with such products, consumption-related emotions are important to the consumer. As Richins (2009) argued, these consumption emotions are important elements in contemporary society and especially after the purchase event. The purchase situation becomes a strong positive experience for a consumer, but it is very short term innature and has no connection to the expe

      9、rience of deeper satisfaction or person product attachment (ibid). Through a new purchase event, the consumer can again experience excitement, enjoyment, joy and pleasure, at least momentarily.From an environmental point of view, studying consumption patterns and themeanings of consumption is important when sustained positive emotions in person product relationships are desired or solutions are sought to replace materialistic consumption with other positive emotional states. The design process should focus onsustainable consumer satisfaction with a product or with the personproduct attachment process. Moreover, a new kind of product service system (PSS) should be developed that aims to prolong the enjoyable use time of the product. A PSS strategy can also offer the consumer new emotional experiences, which can postpone the disposal of the product; PSS thinking can thereby aim to avoid a new garment purchase, which i


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