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2019-2020年高一英语 Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 7 Sports Stars Period 1说课教案 新人教版.doc

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    • 1、2019-2020年高一英语 Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 7 Sports Stars Period 1说课教案 新人教版(一) 教学内容1 本课是Unit 2 heroes lesson 7 sports stars 的第一课时,前一两课分别介绍了national hero and history makers,这三篇文章的主题都是hero,但涉及的领域不同,它们融会贯通,承上启下,融为一体。2 本课是介绍sports stars,是学生特别感兴趣的话题,前部分需要介绍部分体育明星,让学生对他们自己喜欢的明星进行描述,后一部分是介绍venus and serena williams 这两姐妹的背景,成功之路等。3 本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),还有一些专有名词,在这样的困难前提下,我通过网页的展示,图文并茂,对一些背景知识进行介绍,除了丰富学生的知识面,拓宽学生对体育特别是网球的了解,让学生了解体育明星们的成长之路,渲染出一种拼搏向上的气氛。(二) 学生分析1 组成情况高一(1)班的学生年龄都在1516岁,

      2、而且是美术特长班,学生们的思维活跃,反应敏捷,勇于表达自己的想法和意见,但由于初中的知识基础打得不扎实,而且缺乏主动学习的能动性,自学能力差,对学习没有持有探究性和方向性,也没有养成良好英语学习习惯,所以学习成绩不太理想。2 学生的知识与技能水平这一届的高一适逢区属中学扩招,所以留下来的学生都是比较一般的同学,基础知识比较薄弱,甚至连音标都不会读,词汇的掌握范围狭窄,影响了阅读,听力和作文。学生的表达能力还是停留在比较低级的水平,面对每幅图片或某个主题只能说出一两句话,而且在阅读上,未能掌握泛读和精读的技巧和方法,课后的预习和复习能力较差,缺乏总结归纳的能力。3 学生已掌握的学习策略尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,但经过了一定时间的训练后,他们还是掌握了group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。(三) 教学目标1 学生能用英语对自己最喜欢的体育明星进行描述,表达出他们对体育明星们的品德,成绩和精神进行简单评论。可以要求学生使用表达自己观点的词汇,如:In my opinion, I agree, I dont

      3、agree等2 通过阅读文章,学生进行true or false判断和进行选择的方式对课文进行进一步理解,以便提高学生的阅读水平。3 通过短片和图画去了解体育明星们的风采和成绩,对他们进行课外延伸,让学生既了解体育也体会高尚的体育精神,德育渗透到教学中。4 通过课文复习一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。5 学生运用所学的单词,词组和句子写出自己心目中的体育明星。(四) 教学策略1 教学方法:使用交际法,充分调动学生的积极性,积极参与到课堂教学中,通过师生互动,小组讨论的途径,完成各种任务,以达到完成教学任务的途径。2 使用多媒体教学,通过图文影片,让学生轻松掌握课文。3 备课资源:体育明星图片资料,新单词词组的解析,音乐等。(五) 教学过程第一步 导入T: Good morning, Everyone! Could you sleep well? If you couldnt, you should do more sports which will help you to sleep. So do you like doing sports?Ss: Yes.T: what are the

      4、y? What kind of sports do you like to do?Ss: basketball, football, badminton,table tennis, joggingT: As you like sports, you may know some famous sports stars. Who is your favourite sports star? Now I would like to show some pictures. You will see your favourite sports heroes.( 用网页的形式呈现图片,让学生边看边了解他们喜欢的体育明星,然后,以小组讨论的方式,使用表达意见的词组,如I agree, I think, I dont agree, in my opinion等,然后选几组进行演示,发表自己的看法。还有通过看图片,呈现出新单词,加深他们对新单词的认识和理解,为下一步的阅读扫除障碍)T: Everyone has his own favourite sports stars. As we admire t

      5、heir sports skill and their wonderful performance, we should learn from their spirit of trying best to do everything. As we know, its not easy for everyone even the sportsman to achieve in a game or to bee a sports star. They need much practice and much sweater. Today I want to talk about two unusual sisters from America. They do well in tennis and win many champions. They are Venus and Serena Williams. Now lets look at how they can succeed.第二步 介绍文章人物T: Venus and Serena Williams are the two youn

      6、gest of five sisters. The others are Yetunde, Isha, and Lyndrea. Their father started teaching them tennis when they were four years old. Venus and Serena play tennis professionally- a sport in which very few people of African descent are involved. Venuss first singles title was the IGA Tennis Classic in xx.(通过一些图片令学生更加了解威廉姆斯姐妹的生活,比赛等,为阅读作好充分准备)第三步 阅读文章(1) First Reading呈现出七题true or false question , 然后让学生进行快速阅读,完成这项任务。(1) Venus is third and Serena is eleventh now in the world.(2) The two sisters

      7、could practise tennis in a safe and quiet place.(3) At first the two sisters lived in a place full of drugs and violence.(4) When Venus and Serena were young, they began to be trained by their father.(5) The two sisters studied in the high school.(6) Venus played in a big event in 1996.(7) Their father helped them to succeed学生单个回答并改正错误(2) Second Reading学生通过first reading,完成了七题 true or false question后,基本对课文有一定的了解,然后呈现出五道选择填空,要求学生再进行第二次阅读,对课文进行更深入的了解。( )1.What kind of background are they from?A. fo

      8、rtable and rich B. dangerous and poorC. dangerous and free D. rich and petitive( )2. In 1991, what did the sisters and family do?A. Their parents began to train the two sisters.B. The two sisters went to high schoolC. Venus won the first championD. The Williams family moved to a safer area( )3.Which of the following express is true?A. The two sisters didnt finish their high school.B. Their father is kind to them when practising tennis.C. The two sisters are studying the same subject at college.D

      9、. They will be lawyers after they finish their tennis career.( )4.Which of the two Tennis Open Game did the two sisters win?A. US Open and Australia Open B. Wimbledon and France OpenC. US Open and Wimbledon D. Wimbledon and Australia Open( )5.How do the two sisters get on at home?A. they hate each other B. they often quarrel with each otherC. If one of them wins champion, the other will be unhappy.D. They get on well with each other and often play jokes on each other通过两次阅读让学生对课文熟悉,训练学生的阅读速度和解题技巧,最后通过work in pairs,以培养学生的归纳能力为目的,要求学生归纳每段的主题。第四步 巩固练习呈现课文里出现的重点词组,然后通过选词填空,进行对语言运用能力提高,区分它们的用法,最后学生one by one 地说出答案。第五步 分组讨论为提高学生对生活中的热点问题发表自己观点的能力,提出话题“whats the advantage and the disadvantage of being a sports star”,把全班同学分成若干个小组,每个小组找一名记录员,记录组员的意见,然后分别提交,进行汇总,全班讨论。

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