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    • 1、 Essay写作范文-电影中的萨克斯管音乐萨克斯管音乐是西方古典音乐的代表,具有音域幽邃,曲调高低调和,音色清缓明澈的特点,在现实生活中有很多层面的应用,如演唱会、音乐会以及电视电影等。其中,萨克斯管音乐在电影音乐中的应用备受世人喜欢,因为,萨克斯管音乐为电影的情节铺垫做出可极强的渲染,也为电影主题内涵的表达以及人物性格的表达做出了深刻的诠释。Saxophone music is the music played by saxophone from the west. It embodies the unique charm of western music and expresses the attitude and feelings of saxophone players towards life with pure, slow, soft and beautiful tunes. Since its popularity, saxophone music has been deeply loved and pursued by music lovers all over the

      2、 world, and has become the bright music representative in the world music church.Saxophone music is the representative of western classical music. It is famous in the world for its profound development history, beautiful timbre and slow and elegant melody. It is loved by saxophone players all over the world and music lovers all over the world. Saxophone has a unique charm of music. It is an instrument that needs to be played together with other instruments. It is also a pipe instrument with a un

      3、ique timbre. Saxophone music has the characteristics of profound range, harmonious melody and clear and clear tone. It has many applications in real life, such as concerts, concerts and TV movies. Among them, the application of saxophone music in the movie music is much loved by the world, because the saxophone music can render a strong rendering for the plot of the movie, and also make a profound interpretation for the expression of the theme connotation of the movie and the expression of the c

      4、haracters personality.Saxophone music is a representative combination of western modern music and classical music. It has made special contributions to the development of western music. On the one hand, the saxophone music for solo, also suit to cooperate with other instruments in ensemble, whatever the form of playing method, the saxophone music all have the characteristics of slow and melodious music, though saks USES the treble clef, has the branch of B and E reduction, but also does not hind

      5、er the saxophone music with deep feeling of music art expression means to interpret the emotion. On the other hand, saxophone music also USES soothing tunes to interpret the musicians thoughts on life, as well as the composers attitude and emotions towards life. When the saxophone music performs a solo, the musicians soulful tunes are haunting, engaging and bring people into the atmosphere of music. When saxophone music is performed in ensemble, it can be combined with other instruments to make

      6、the whole song full of rhythm and interesting. So no matter what kind of performance, saxophone music tension, people feel the mood of life.Saxophone music is a music expression form for western music lovers to express life and comprehend life. Music is widely spread because of its long development time and rich connotation. On the one hand, the saxophone music is spread in the west and formed a school of its own under the influence of western classical culture and pastoral culture. Under the in

      7、heritance of several generations of famous musicians, it has become the representative of world-renowned control instruments. The enduring popularity of saxophone through baptism and integration of Chinese and western cultures is the most powerful proof. , on the other hand, the saxophone music with the western 40 s folk culture, gradually in the process of inheriting the combination and development of the style of music such as jazz, based on the fusion of different music elements, also further

      8、 strengthened the saxophone music cultural tension, let the saxophone music became a fusion between Chinese and western, including a variety of music elements of classical music style, for the development of world music played a rich and push for concrete.Like other music styles, saxophone music is widely used in all kinds of music programs, such as concerts and concerts. Among them, because of the beautiful melody of saxophone music, it is often used in all kinds of movies music, such as the fa

      9、mous song chengdu, there are versions of saxophone music, which are used in some famous movies by filmmakers. The reason why the saxophone music is loved by the producers of the movie music is that its melody is melodious and beautiful, which can foil the movie plot and render the movie atmosphere.Saxophone music also has the role of expressing the thoughts of the film characters and edifying the sentiment of life. For example, we often see scenes in western movies where some old saxophonist is playing soulfully in a bar to the tune. Although the musicians may not be known and may not have too much rich life, they still insist on expressing their love for life with music melody, and the film picture of cultivating life sentiment with music melody still makes us moved.In some films reflecting the life of old beijingers, we can see some white-haired old people playing saxophone music in parks and elderly activity centers, which often evoke


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