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Paper写作范文-The national security council

  • 卖家[上传人]:mee****论文网
  • 文档编号:100180818
  • 上传时间:2019-09-22
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    • 1、www.ocscf.org Paper写作范文-The national security council本篇paper范文- The national security council讨论了美国国家安全委员会。二战前,美国长期奉行孤立主义。然而,二战后美国以国家安全委员会的创建为主要特征,在政府体制、国家安全观念和总体政治发展趋势上发生了剧烈的转向。二战和冷战的开始重新塑造了以美国国家安全委员会为轴心的美国国家安全体制。作为总统制定国家安全政策的主要平台,国家安全委员会已成为美国国家安全政策的中心。The United States had long been an isolationist before World War II. However, after World War II, the United States, with the establishment of the national security council as the main feature, experienced a sharp turn in government system, nation

      2、al security concept and overall political development trend. The beginning of the World War II and the cold war reshaped the U.S. national security system centered on the U.S. national security council. As the Presidents main platform for formulating national security policy, the national security council has become the center of U.S. national security policy. Here, this paper attempts to analyze the reasons for the birth of the national security council from the following aspects.On December 7,

      3、 1941, as the smoke of war broke out at Pearl Harbor, the United States rushed into World War II. In this age of new long-range weapons, the United States has learned that neutrality cannot protect itself, and that the sea is no longer a natural defense for the homeland.World War II shook up Americas traditional national security and exposed many serious institutional problems. During the war, the United States governments military command system, governmental organization system and decision-ma

      4、king process were all in trouble, especially the lack of coordination between the services, the military and diplomatic departments, and the lack of the mobilization of domestic resources necessary for the war. When the army and navy are separated, there is only one joint army and navy commission to coordinate and coordinate the two services. Therefore, during the war, there were many institutional changes or temporary organizational changes in the government and the army. For example, in Februa

      5、ry 1942, the President of the United States used his wartime prerogative to establish the joint chiefs of staff in the wake of the British, to assist the President in commanding the joint army and navy operations. In December 1944, the coordination committee of the state department-war department-navy department was established to coordinate the views of the three departments on issues related to political and military affairs. However, due to the defects of the system itself, the departments in

      6、 these mechanisms still tend to solve their own problems from their own point of view, unable to dismiss the interests of the departments and integrate the diplomatic and military at a higher level.At the same time, the global war made the United States realize that after the war, national security would become a high politics above all government affairs. A country must be placed under the framework of the international system, which is the best way to protect its own security. National securit

      7、y is not only limited to homeland security, but also needs to actively promote American values to the international community through development forces, otherwise it can only be in a passive position. To adapt to the new situation, the reorganization of institutions is imperative.In the American history before World War II, the relationship between the President and the congress is balanced. No party of the President and the congress is always in the position of dominating foreign policy, and t

      8、he achievement of dominant status is changing with the constant change of political environment. During World War II, due to inherent defects such as large personnel, decentralization of power and slow decision-making speed, it was difficult for congress to make timely foreign decisions. Therefore, congress often transferred diplomatic power to the President, and the presidential power was expanded.Franklin Roosevelt became President in 1933. He is a President who likes to handle politics throug

      9、h informal, AD hoc institutions. In 1939, under the government reorganization act, Roosevelt established the executive office of the President, an agency whose staff served the Presidents needs. Due to the complexity of affairs, Roosevelt soon expanded the size of the executive office of the President to become the Presidents aides and advisers, and relied on these non-fixed, flexible and adaptable bodies for daily administration. The President did not make it into a designed role, despite the creation during the war of coordination between services such as the joint chiefs of staff. This approach provided great convenience for Roosevelt to run the government for national administration, but it also brought great hidden trouble - the formal institutional structure did not play its due role, and even caused chaos in the institutions and administrative personnel. Many top leaders do not want this chaotic organization to continue. Roosevelt died i

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