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    • 1、第 1 页 共 10 页高中英语非谓语动词的命题设计常见模式与解题策略【模式 1】 名词 + 不定式(介词)(作定语) 【策略】1、把握不定式动词的性质,要不要介词; 2、把握不定式的逻辑主语,确定主、被动语态。 3、理论指导:当句子的主语为不定式的逻辑主语时用主动形式。I want something to eat. (I eat.) I want a room to live in.(I live in the room.) Tomorrow I will go to Beijing, do you have anything to be taken? 【模式 2】不定式的省略(to) 【策略】1、无论肯定或否定,保留到 to; 2、如果不定式为被动式或完成式,则保留到 be/have.-Would you like to go with me?-Id like to, but I have an important meeting to attend.Tommy liked to play football in the street, but his mother always

      2、 told him not to.-I didnt tell her the bad news. Oh, you ought to have. 【模式 3】只带 to 【策略】1、部分动词的记忆(从不认识的单词开始,动词略);2、序数词 + 不定 式He pretended not to see me when I said hi to him in the street.Lao Wang is a hard-working man. He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 【模式 4】带不带 to 【策略】1、从不带 to 入手,注意例外;2、理论指导:使役动词(let, make, have 等后省 to;get 后带 to);感官动词 (see, watch, notice, listen, hear, feel 等后省 to);but (to) do/except (to) do(谓语部分含实意动 词的 do 则省 to;无则带 to。);why (not) do(wh-词后接不定式的特例)。说明:参考答案为

      3、斜体,下同。Sometimes our teachers _ us to do much homework.(let/make/have/get)Today morning, I had nothing to do but (except)_(to sleep/sleep) all morning.In winter, some animals have no choice but (except) _ (to hibernate/hibernate).Why not join us in the discussion?I often hear him sing this song.(He was often heard to sing this song.) 【模式 5】表示动作的目的(to) 【策略】经过判断如表示动作目的,首先考虑使用不定式。We climbed to the top of tower _ a better view of the area. (getting/got/having got/to get)-Why was a special meeting was

      4、 called? - _.(To elect/Electing/Our electing/Elected)_ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.(To save/Saved/Saving/Having saved) 【模式 6】只带 doing第 2 页 共 10 页【策略】1、部分动词的记忆(从不认识的单词开始,动词略);2、句型结构;3、比 较使用不定式的结构(同时关注不定式逻辑主语的引入结构)。It is/was (no) + n. (use/good) + doing.(名词后接 doing)It is/was not any + n. (use/good) + doing.(名词后接 doing) It is no use arguing with him. It is no use regretting the spoiled milk. It is/was + adj. + to do sth(形容

      5、词后接 to do) It is/was + adj. + for/of sb. + to do sth.( 不定式逻辑主语的引入结构) 【模式 7】动名词的复合结构(关注否定式) 【策略】1、动名词复合结构的全面掌握(原式和略式句子成分);2、理论指导:动名词复合结构由“逻辑主语 + 动名词”构成。当此结构充当 主语时,用原式即“名词所有格或形容词物主代词 + 动名词”;作宾语或表语时用略式即 “名词普通格或宾格代词 + 动名词”。动名词复合结构的否定式中的 not 在逻辑主语之后。 _ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. (Tom will attend/Tom to attend/Tom attended/Toms attending) David apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan. (his not being able/his being not able/him not to be able/him to be

      6、not able) Is there any possibility of the film _ in Paris International Festival? (trying out/tried out/to try out/being tried out) 【模式 8】后接不定式与动名词之别 【策略】1、基本理论;2、特别句型(参见模式 6); 3、理论指导:双接,无含义差别;双接,含义差别不大(长短期习惯); 双接,含义不同(记忆特别的动词);特别的动词有: stop doing sth / stop to do sth (停止做某事 / 停下来去做某事) remember doing sth / remember to do sth (记得做过某事 / 记住要去做某事) mean doing sth / mean to do sth (意味某事 / 打算做某事) forget doing sth / forget to do sth (忘记做过某事 / 忘记去做某事) try doing sth / try to do sth (试着做某事 / 尽力去做某事) need do

      7、ing sth / need to do sth (某事需要被做 / 需要去做某事) cant help doing sth / cant help to do sth (情不自禁做某事 / 不能帮忙做某事) 【模式 9】主动表被动 【策略】1、基本理论和基本句型。2、理论指导:英语中有些动词形式上是主动结构,但意义是被动的。如: wash, open, write, sell, let, blame 等。 This kind of cloth washes easily. The door opens easily. The pen writes well. The novel sells well. be worth doing 中的 doing 主动表示被动(比较 be worthy of 结构)。 These books are worth reading.(只接动名词) These books are worthy of being read/to be read.(既接动名词又接不定式) 英语中有些动词,如 want, need, require 等后接动名词时主动表示被动

      8、,但接不定式 时却用被动形式。 The bike needs repairing/to be repaired.第 3 页 共 10 页 This plan requires discussing/to be discussed. 形容词后接的不定式作状语时主动表被动。 The articles written by Luxun are hard to read. He is hard to get along with. 【模式 10】独立分词(结构)/独立主格结构 【策略】1、从分析句子结构着手,注意主动(现在分词)和被动(过去分词),2、 几点例外(例)。3、理论指导:当句子的主语与独立结构中的动词不形成逻辑上的主 谓(主动)或动宾(被动)关系时,根据全句的含义加上自己的逻辑主语,此时形成独立 主格结构;部分非谓语动词词组需单独使用,此时形成独立分词(结构)。_ a fine say, we decided to go out for a picnic.(Having/Being/What/It being) The soldier rushed into the cave, his right hand _ a gun and his face _ with sweat. (held, covered/holding, covering/holding, covered/held, covering) Time _ (permitting/permitted), they will start to do a new job. To tell (you) the truth/believe it or not/lost in thought/suppose Considering/Judging/Generally speaking/supposing 【模式 11】连词 + 分词(-ed) 【策略】1、定语从句和状语从句与分词结构的相互转换,状语从句中的连词可保留;2、分词多为-ed 分词,如动词为不及物动词类则用-ing 分词。 When


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