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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、拟南芥酵母文库构建一材料:1total RNA trizol 法提取 1mgRNA(两批材料):拟南芥 7 天幼苗全株:250ug14 天幼苗全株:250ug早期花序:已刚看见花蕾,未抽薹为准,250ug晚期花序:已开花的花序,250ug2total RNA 1mg 经 promega mRNA isolation 试剂盒 纯化 沉淀 浓缩 成 10ul。3BD Matchmaker Library construction 试剂盒第一链合成:Synthesize First-Strand cDNA using an Oligo (dT) Primer1. Combine the following reagents in a sterile 0.25-ml microcentrifuge tube:3ul mRNA 1.0 l CDS III Primer4.0 l Total volume2. Mix contents and spin briefly.3. Incubate at 72C for 2 min.4. Cool on ice for 2 min.5. Spin bri

      2、efly.6. Add the following to the reaction tube:2.0 l 5X First-Strand Buffer1.0 l DTT (20 mM)1.0 l dNTP Mix (10 mM )1.0 l MMLV Reverse Transcriptase9.0 l Total volume7. Mix gently by tapping. Spin briefly.8. Incubate at 42C for 10 min.9. Add 1.0 l BD SMART III Oligonucleotide.10. Incubate at 42C for 1 hr.11. Place the tube at 75C for 10 min to terminate first-strand synthesis.12. Cool the tube to room temperature, then add 1.0 l (2 units) RNase H.13. Incubate at 37C for 20 min.15. Any first-stran

      3、d reaction mixture that is not used right away should be placed at 20C.First-strand cDNA can be stored at 20C for up to three months.4. BD Matchmaker Library construction 试剂盒 ds cDNA 扩增:Amplify ds cDNA by Long Distance PCR (LD-PCR)1. Preheat the PCR thermal cycler to 95C.2. 2 l First-Strand cDNA70 l Deionized H2O10 l 10X BD Advantage 2 PCR Buffer2 l 50X dNTP Mix2 l 5 PCR Primer2 l 3 PCR Primer10 l 10X GC-Melt Solution2 l 50X BD Advantage 2 Polymerase Mix100 l Total volume3. Mix gently by flickin

      4、g the tube. Centrifuge briefly.4. Cap the tube and place it in a preheated (95C) thermal cycler.5. Begin thermal cycling. If you have a hot-lid thermal cycler, use the following program: 95C 30 sec 20 cyclesa:95C 10 sec68C 6 minb 68C 5 min.6. When the cycling is complete, analyze a 7-l aliquot of the PCR product from each samplealongside 0.25 g of a 1-kb DNA size marker on a 1.2% agarose/EtBr gel. Typical resultsobtained with Human Placenta Poly A+ RNA are shown in Appendix A. If your PCR produc

      5、tdoes not appear as expected, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.7. Proceed with Section I or store ds cDNA at 20C until use.胶电泳图:1 2 3 4 marker bp200010007505002501001. 第一批样品ds cDNA 7ul上样2. 第一批样品 第一链cDNA 1ul上样3. 第二批样品ds cDNA 7ul上样4. 第二批样品 第一链cDNA 1ul上样5. 0.1ug 2000marker5. Purify ds cDNA with a BD CHROMA SPIN TE-400 Column,结合两批材料样品沉淀浓缩成40ul 。二Constructing & Screening a Two-Hybrid Library 按 Protocol A 构建:1. Transform yeast strain AH109 with ds cDNA and pGADT7-Rec.a. Prepare competent yeast cells

      6、 (Appendix B).b. In a sterile, prechilled, 15-ml tube combine the following: 20 l ds cDNA (from Section IX.I, Step 16) 6 l pGADT7-Rec (0.5 g/l) 20 l Herring Testes Carrier DNA, denatured*Transfer 50 l of Herring DNA to a microcentrifuge tube and heat at 100C for 5 min. Then,immediately chill the DNA by placing the tube in an ice bath. Repeat once more before adding the DNAto the 15-ml reaction tube.c. Add 600 l of competent cells to the DNA.d. Gently mix by vortexing.e. Add 2.5 ml PEG/LiAc Solut

      7、ion.f. Gently mix by vortexing.g. Incubate at 30C for 45 min. Mix cells every 15 min.h. Add 160 l DMSO, mix, and then place the tube in a 42C water bath for 20 min. Mix cellsevery 10 min.i. Centrifuge at 700 x g for 5 min.j. Discard the supernatant and resuspend in 3 ml of YPD Plus Liquid Medium.k. Incubate at 30C with shaking for 90 min.l. Centrifuge at 700 x g for 5 min.m. Discard the supernatant and resuspend in 30 ml of NaCl Solution (0.9%).2. Select transformants on SD/Leu plates.a. Spread

      8、200 l on each 150-mm plate (150 plates total).Note: To check the transformation efficiency, spread 100 l of a 1:10, 1:100, 1:1,000, and 1:10,000 dilution on100-mm SD/Leu plates.b. Incubate plates upside down at 30C until colonies appear (36 days).c. Calculate the transformation efficiency.results: 1:10, 616个1:100, 66个1:1,000, 10个1:10,000 1个2.08 x 106 transformants / 3 g pGADT7-Rec3. Harvest (pool) transformants.a. Chill plates at 4C for 34 hr.b. Add 10 ml Freezing Medium to each plate.c. Use ste

      9、rile glass beads and gentle swirling to dislodge the cells into the liquid.d. Combine all liquids in a sterile flask. Mix well.e. Check the cell density using a hemacytometer. the cell density 2 x 107 cells/ml, 。f. Aliquot (1-ml) and store at 80C.g. To determine the library titer, spread 100 l of a 1:100, 1:1,000, and 1:10,000 dilution on100-mm SD/Leu plates. Incubate at 30C until colonies appear (23 days). Count thecolonies (cfu) and calculate the number of clones in your library.Colonies:11.46 x 107 个/ML,4PCR Colony Screening:This procedure uses the BD Matchmaker GAL4 AD LD-Insert Screening Amplimer Set(#9103-1) and BD Advantage 2 PCR Polymerase Mix. We recommend using the BDAdvantage 2 Polymerase Mix, rather than any other DNA polymerase formulation, because wefind that it performs well in yeast cell samp


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