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    • 1、YY XXX COMPANY LIMITEDXX 酒业有限公司(the Company)简称:“XX 酒业 ”RESOLUTIONS IN WRITING OF THE SHAREHOLSDERS OF THE COMPANY PASSED PURSUANT TO THE COMPANYS ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION ON 5 MARCH 20XX3 月 6 日由全体股东表决通过的决议1. PURCHASE OF SHARES OF SCA DOMAINE DE COURTEILLAC (hereafter the “Project Acquisition”) 收购 SCAXXXX 酒庄公司的股份1.1 It is noted that the Company has agreed to acquire XXX shares (“Sale Shares”), representing 100% of the share capital of SCA Domaine de Courteillax, a civil company organised under the

      2、 laws of France, with a share capital of Euro XXXX, having its registered office at Domaine de XXXX 33350 RUCH (FRANCE), registered under number XXXXXX RCS BORDEAUX (“Target Company”). XX酒业有限公司同意收购法国政府确认的SCAXXXX酒庄公司合共XXX股的股份,(酒庄净资产XXXX欧元,酒庄注册地址:法国如兹市XXX酒庄 33350,公司注册号:波尔多 RCS 418 878 161)1.2 The purpose of these resolutions is for the Shareholders to consider and, if thought fit, to approve the acquisition under conditions precedent of the Sale Shares (“Acquisition”) between YY XXX Co., Limited a

      3、nd the Company and to approve :此决议目的是由公司股东共同确认是否批准XX酒业与酒庄公司签署带有前置条件的酒庄买卖协议- The signature of the Sale and Purchase Agreement under conditions precedent (“Promesse synallagmatique de vente et dachat sous conditions suspensives”),带有前置条件的酒庄买卖协议- The attachment to the Sale and Purchase Agreement under conditions precedent of the draft of the “Guarantee Agreement”.- 作为买卖协议附件的保证协议- The payment of a deposit.支付相应定金2. CONSIDERATION OF DOCUMENT 文件内容2.1 There are attached to these resolutions the following

      4、 document :以下有两个附件对应此决议The Letter of Intent dated 16th and 18th February 20XX. 20XX年 2月 16日 及 18日 签 署 收 购 意 向 函(Referred to as the Document).2.2 It is noted that having considered the terms of the Documents, the Shareholders are of the opinion that the Acquisition by the Company is in the best interests and for the commercial benefit of the Company and its shareholders. 股东需对以上提供的文件及公司的收购行为,确认符合公司及股东的权益。3. RESOLUTIONS 决议After full and careful consideration of the terms of the Document, IT IS RESO

      5、LVED that the Acquisition under conditions precedent and the Companys entry into of the Documents are in the best interests and for the commercial benefit of the Company and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED:经过详细考虑,根据相关文件的内容,股东一致同意带有前置条件的酒庄买卖协议符合公司的利益,并确认以下内容(a) THAT the terms of, the entry into and performance by the Company of the Documents and the transactions contemplated therein be and are hereby approved and THAT THAT Mr. XXX (Peoples Republic of China Passport No. XXXXXX) and Mr. XXX (Peoples Republ

      6、ic of China Passport No. XXX) (the Authorised Signatories) be granted of all powers and authorized, on behalf of the Company, to, separately, each of them being allowed to without the need of a double signatures of both Authorised Signatories (a) finalize the terms of the purchase of the Shares under conditions precedent and execute for and on behalf of the Company any necessary documents to complete such purchase, (ii) perform all other acts to give effect to the above transaction for and on be

      7、half of the Company, especially discuss and sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement under conditions precedent including the draft of the Guarantee Agreement, (iii) accept on behalf of the Company to perform the payment of any deposit (iv) take all necessary steps to finalize the terms of the purchase of the Shares under conditions precedent and sign all necessary documents.根据相关文件内容及交易执行推进,现授权XX先生(护照号XXXXXX)及XXX 先生(XXXXXX)作为签署人,拥有一切相关权利代表公司签署相关文件,且任何一人的签名即可被确认生效,无须共同签名确认。1、授权签署人代表公司确认带有前置条件的酒庄买卖协议及

      8、收购相关的文件具备可执行性;2、授权签署人代表公司参与收购相关的一切行为,尤其针对带有前置条件的酒庄买卖协议及相关保证协议的谈判及签署;3、授权签署人代表公司签署确认定金支付;4、授权签署人采取一切必要措施促进带有前置条件的酒庄买卖协议及相关文件可顺利签署。(b) THAT the Authorised Signatories be and is hereby authorised to take any and all actions and/or steps in connection with the Projected Acquisition (including but not limited to accept and perform the payment of deposit), to accept, on behalf of the Company and the entering into of the Documents on behalf of the Company and any other documents referred to in or conte

      9、mplated by these resolutions and/or any matters in connection therewith as such Authorised Signatories shall consider necessary, desirable or appropriate to give effect to the Projected Acquisition, the Documents and/or any such other documents; and授权签署人必须确保与收购相关的一切行为和/或措施(包括但不限于接受和履行支付定金)得以实施。并代表公司按照股东决议的内容,及与签署文件相关的所有事宜,考虑采取一切必要及合适的措施;(c) all actions taken by the Authorised Signatories which would have been authorised by the foregoing resolutions but were taken prior to the date hereof be severally approved, confirmed and ratified in all respects.所有与授权签署的行为,需同时符合以往确认及获批的股东决议的连带内容。 _ Signature of Shareholders股东签名XXX YY Investment Industry Group Co., Ltd.XXX YY Wine Co., Ltd


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