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Writing training wants beneficial result hardheaded it is essential

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741664
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Writing training wants beneficial result hardheaded it is essentialBegan in December 2009, the author begins in high school one grade began writing 0902 classes to coach. After coaching a few times, I discovered a strange phenomenon, that is Gao Yixue unripe writing foundation is quite poor, can say the writing knowledge that is a system basically is a blank, the writing that neither one student has accepted a system coachs and compose training almost, be aimed at this

      2、kind of phenomenon and circumstance, fine is experienced in my heart much, education of writing of high school English and writing training are imperative, but shoulder heavy responsibilities. New tax mark “ English course standard “ point out: Writing is written expression and the intercourse ability that pass information. English writing is omnibus very powerful practice class, train through writing, can promote a student to master the knowledge such as speech, vocabulary, grammar well and tru

      3、ly, increase study interest, build study confidence, develop ability of rich imagination, logistic thinking and language organization ability. Accordingly, we must take writing seriously to train in 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询education of English of middle school phase, level society and the skill that master English writing and method learn in making the student is in, can draw up with English daily practical writing, and the article of the other style of common content. Will take advanced cours

      4、es further henceforth for the student or enter a society to undertake with English intercourse lays next good foundations. And as tall one student, facing the enormous pressure that the university entrance exam attends after two years, they to writing, must want to satisfy the requirement below ) can dictate is shallow the essay at the text, the dictate inside 10 minutes 200 - 250 words. 2) the sentence-making inside language limits can learn in place, basically do not have solecism. 3) can capt

      5、ure a text main content adapts, abbreviate text, without serious solecism. 4) can change a text (or model essay) look of mid ones duty, according to text form, copy writes the essay of 500 words, without serious solecism. 5) can by pedagogic proposition or him selection of subject, draw up 150 - the essay of 200 words or practical writing, do not have Chinese type English basically, 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询without serious solecism. And such requirement learns to say natively to the majority, s

      6、till have quite great difficulty, accordingly I am mixed in real education in coaching, study the experience result of others, sum up the writing that gives a system to train method slowly through progressively time. English of 1. middle school is fancy pedagogic Hu Ying is to be in “ sprint of English of the university entrance exam “ 3 want “ “ in, mention use 7 paces to compose a law to raise a student the integral level of written expression: First instance (careful person, tense, stylistic)

      7、2 calm (calm theme and structure)3 (list compendious point, protocol outline) 4 even (conjunction is become sentence, couplet sentence existing writings) 5 beauty (apply transfer sentence, a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter or longer ones, pour outfit, blame predicate verb, emphasize sentence pattern, compound sentence, the beautification article such as advanced vocabulary)精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询6 check (check big the ordinary for

      8、m of a Chinese numeral, punctuation, tense, voice, advocate call consistent)7 copy (get on copy out of soil preparation of draft and fast labour to examination paper)Mr. Hu Ronglian that 2. Guangdong saves is in “ the characteristic that English of the university entrance exam writes a composition and for reference point to should “ in mention: at ordinary times English composition education must learn from strict requirement unripe, the arrangement that writes time to an article especially is m

      9、ore such, want to let them be finished inside formulary time; careful clear title, around scene writing. Writing Wu is necessary and pertinent, buckle clou closely, do not omit detail, also cannot develop indefinitely, break in order to avoid word surely more. The written expression that asks 100 words are controlled, do not exceed 120 words little perhaps at 80 words. The speech is little, the point is written for certain not complete; The word is much, mean possibly inserted too much the content that has nothing to do with content. takes keyword sign, accurate expression information. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Write an article to want complete piece arrange as a whole, do ones best is clear and coherent and coherent, language tunnel is normative, syntactic structure is correct, the spelling is not had correctly by accident. Use vocabulary and habitual expression method, primary language and commonly used sentence pattern correctly, this is ve

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