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Watch examination questions of English of nearly 3 years of the university entrance exam to read pair of inverted sentence model check

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  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Watch examination questions of English of nearly 3 years of the university entrance exam to read pair of inverted sentence model checkInverted sentence it is calendar year comes the heat of check of the university entrance exam, to classmates also be a difficulty. Actually inverted sentence it is to have the law but of abide, if classmates can in hand inverted sentence basic a type and propositional characteristic, encounter this kind of problem again can be readily sol

      2、ved. Be opposite below 2009, mixed 2010 all sorts of inverted sentence with medium 2011 examination questions of English of the university entrance exam of countrywide each district do one summary to analyse, hope classmates can grasp its proposition pattern from which, master the usage of this kind of sentence pattern neatly. The inverted sentence in English cent is installed to fall entirely and install two kinds partly. One, install entirelyWill predicate verb is put completely in the sentenc

      3、e before subject, call complete inverted sentence. (one) the adverbial Here that shows azimuth or pattern, there, in, out, up, down, over, away, off, back, now, then, 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询thus is put in sentence head when, predicate verb is Be verb, or Come, go, run, when the intransitive verb such as Rush, the sentence is commonly used and complete install. For example: 1.Here Comes Our Bus! 2.Out Rushed The Children. 3.Now Comes Your Turn! Attention: If subject is person pronoun when, adv

      4、ocate call need not install. For example: 1.Here He Comes. 2.Here You Are. 3.Away He Ran. (09 Shanghai) 38. Hearing The Dog Barking Fiercely, away _ . A. FleEing The ThiefB. Was Fleeing The ThiefC. The Thief Was FleeingD. Fled The Thief(09 Fujian) 25. For A Moment Nothing Happened. Then _ All Shouting Together. A. Voices Had ComeB. Came Voices C. Voices Would ComeD. Did Voices Come(10 Jiangsu) 33. , Is Everyone Here? , Not Yet. . .Look, there _ The Rest Of Our Guests. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询A

      5、. Come B. Comes C. Is Coming D. Are ComingAway of adverb of position of 38 titles spot is put in sentence head, the sentence is used install entirely. 25 inscribe a meaning: At first what thing also did not happen. Subsequently everybody cheers together. Adverbial Then is located in sentence head, advocate call should use install entirely. There of 33 problems adverb is put in sentence head, the sentence is used install entirely, sentential subject The Rest Of Our Guests is plural form, predicat

      6、e also should use complex number, tense is commonly used and general present tense condition need not undertake tense, sentence meaning: Look, the guest of the others came over. The answer is respectively: D, B, A. (2) the preposition phrase that shows a location makes adverbial modifier be located in sentence head, the sentence should be used install entirely. Predicate verb often is Stand, sit, lie, stand, run, the intransitive verb such as Come. For example: 1.In Front Of The House Sat A Smal

      7、l Boy. 2.Inside The Temple Live Many Monks. 3.Round The Corner Came A Group Of Children. (10 Chongqing) 33. At The Meeting Place Of The Yangtze 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询River And The Jialing River_ , one Of The Ten Largest Cities In China. A. Lies ChongqingB. Chongqing LiesC. Does Lie Chongqing D. Does Chongqing LieSentence meaning: One of 10 big cities of Chinese Chongqing is located in Yang Zijiang and Jia Lingjiang two rivers reach the place that collect. Preposition phrase makes park of pla

      8、ce adverbial modifier sentence head, and subject is a noun, the sentence should be used install entirely. The answer: A. (3) predicative is located in sentence head when, the sentence is commonly used and complete install. Main effect is maintain a sentence to balance or make context joins. The structure often is: Adjectival segments subject of of Be of of preposition phrase. Be like: 1.Great And Beautiful Is Our Motherland. 2.Gone Are The Days When The Chinese People Were Oppressed. 3.Around Hi

      9、s Neck Is A Red Tie. (09 Jiangsu) 32.Distinguished Guests And Friends, welcome To Our School. _ The Ceremony Of The 50th Anniversary This Morning Are Our Alumni (alumnus) From Home 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询And Abroad. A. AttendB. To AttendC. AttendingD. Having AttendedSentence meaning: Respectable guest people, friends, the welcome arrives at my school! Attend us 50 years this morning of anniversary of the founding of a school is to come from domestic and international alumnus people. Predicative park sentence head, with install entirely. Normal word order is: Our Alumni From Home And Abroad Are Attending The Ceremony. . The answer: C. (4) “ There Be “ sentence pattern expresses “ existence “ , it is complete install. Be can change Live, lie, come, stand, remain, exist, run, the intransitive verb such as Flow. For example: 1.There Is Nobody In The Classroom. 2.Once Upon A Time, there Lived A Princess Who W

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