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1、WORD资料.可编辑 周 次第 周,第 1-3次课编写时间2018.9.20章节名称Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams教学目的与要求:Uponcompletionofthisunit,teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents(Ss) to:1. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;2. build up an active vocabulary to talk about the pursuit of dreams and know how to use the key words a。

2、专业 专注 周 次 第 周 第 1 3次课 编写时间 2018 9 20 章节名称 Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams 教学目的与要求 Uponcompletionofthisunit teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents Ss to 1 have a thorough unde。

3、周 次 第 周 第 4 6次课 编写时间 2018 10 5 章节名称 Unit 2 Freshman Year 教学目的与要求 Uponcompletionofthisunit teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents Ss to have a thorough understanding of the tex。

4、MeiWei_81重点借鉴文档】周次第周,第1-3次课编写时间2018.9.20章节名称Unit1ThePursuitofDreams教学目的与要求:Uponcompletionofthisunit,teachersareeRpectedtohaveenabledstudents(Ss)to:1. haveathoroughunderstandingoftheteRtconteRtuallRandlinguisticallR;2. buildupanactivevocabularRtotalkaboutthepursuitofdreamsandknowhowtousethekeRwordsandeRpressionsinconteRtproperlR;3. knowwhatmakessuccessfuldreamchasers;4. talkabouttheirowndreamjobsandeRplainhowtomaketheirdreamscometrue;5. writeawell-developedparagraph。

5、周 次 第 周 第 4 6次课 编写时间 2018 10 5 章节名称 Unit 2 Freshman Year 教学目的与要求 Uponcompletionofthisunit teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents Ss to have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and ling。

6、1周 次第 周,第 4-6 次课编写时间2018.10.5章节名称 Unit 2 Freshman Year教学目的与要求:教学目的与要求:Upon completion of this unit, teachers are expected to have enabled students (Ss) to:have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;build up an active vocabulary to talk about freshman year and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;communicate with regard to freshman year experience;understand what American parents and their children think o。

7、周 次 第 周 第 4 6次课 编写时间 2018 10 5 章节名称 Unit 2 Freshman Year 教学目的与要求 Uponcompletionofthisunit teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents Ss to have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and ling。

8、Deaf DJ By Robbie Wilde as told to Kenneth Miller1 I was born in England with perfect hearing. In 1990, when I was five, my family moved to the United States. I started getting ear infections every three months or so. We didnt have health insurance at the time and when I got a third infection, my parents couldnt pay for the treatment. I went deaf in my right ear and was left with 50 percent hearing in my left. Over time, my remaining hearing dropped to 20 percent, where it is today. My d。

9、Language Focus 一 Text生词 slow down 减速 放慢生活节奏 e g The doctor has told him to slow down or he ll risk a heart attack 医生要他放慢生活节奏 不然会有心脏病突发之虞 property n possession s land an。

10、ThePursuitofDreams 1 UnitGoals Contents PartOneOpener PairWork PartTwoReading Interacting GettingPrepared TextStudy FocusingonLanguageinContext PartThreeIntegratedSkillsPracticing Viewing Listening S。

11、周 次 第 周 第 1 3次课 编写时间 2018 9 20 章节名称 Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams 教学目的与要求 Uponcompletionofthisunit teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents Ss to 1 have a thorough understanding of the text contextual。

12、Who are they Scan the QR codes on page 75, and search out ination to discuss the questions with your partner.,Opener,In your mind, what are their biggest achievements respectively,There were ups an。

13、Who are they? Scan the QR codes on page 75, and search out information to discuss the questions with your partner.,Opener,In your mind, what are their biggest achievements respectively?,There were ups and downs in both mens political career. How did they react to stsbacks?,How did the two men spend their youth before entering politics?,Opener,Li and Me,Li and Me,1).,2).______________________________________________________,2).______________________________________,1).,3).,The meeting made natio。

14、Language Focus 一 Text生词 slow down 减速 放慢生活节奏 e g The doctor has told him to slow down or he ll risk a heart attack 医生要他放慢生活节奏 不然会有心脏病突发之虞 property n possession s land and buildings 财产 房地产 e g Yes I ve。

15、全新版大学进阶英语1-Unit-2-教案 周 次 周,第 4-6次课第 编写时间 2018.10.5 章节名称 Freshman Year Unit 2 教学目的与要求:Upon completion of this unit, teachers are expected to have enabled students (Ss) to: have a thorough und。




19、U1 1.杰克是个如此勤奋的学生,他无论走到哪里身边总是带着本书。(diligent) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.这是我的论文(paper)提纲(outline),对于你的任何建议,我将不胜感激。(a。

20、周 次 第 周 第 4 6次课 编写时间 2018 10 5 章节名称 Unit 2 Freshman Year 教学目的与要求 Uponcompletionofthisunit teachersareexpectedtohaveenabledstudents Ss to have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and ling。

【AAA】全新版大学进阶英语1-Unit 1 教案
全新版大学进阶英语1,Unit 2 课程教案.doc
全新版大学进阶英语1 uint 1 text with translation
全新版大学进阶英语1,Unit 1 教案.doc
【AAA】全新版大学进阶英语1-Unit 2 教案
全新版大学进阶英语1,Unit 2 教案.doc
全新版大学进阶英语unit1 语言点
全新版大学进阶英语unit1 语言点.doc
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