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安卓APP | ios版本




1、课题】Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionA 1a-1c(1)(1课时)【学习目标】 1.识记假期活动的词汇。2.学会使用现在进行时来谈论将来的打算。【重点,难点】 现在进行时表将来。请根据第一幅图片所示,完成后三幅图片的描述。fish do homework sleep play soccerLook! What is he doing? Look! What____________? Look! What is he doing? Look! ___________?He is fishing. She______________. He ________________. They_____________.知识链接:需双写末尾字母加ing的词:getgetting变得,sitsitting坐,putputting放,sh。

2、1Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教学目标: 知识与技能:1) 能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect 能掌握以下句型: What do you want to watch? What do you think of talk shows? I cant stand them. I dont mind them. I like/love them. / I dont like them.过程与方法: 学会陈述自己的看法;学会谈论自己的喜好。情感态度与价值观:学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己的喜欢。 注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念,大力培。

3、Unit 1 Where did you go on Vacation?目标导航1掌握anyone,anywhere,wonderful ,few,most,something,nothing,everyone,myself,yourself, seem,bored,someone,diary ,activity,decide,try,building ,difference,top,umbrella,wait,wet ,below ,enough,hungry,as ,dislike,quite a few,of course,feel like,because of 等重点单词和短语;理解和体会一般过去时的语意功能。2能听懂、读懂与话题度假旅游有关的信息并能围绕此话题进行交流;能用日记记录自己节假日的活动并表达感想。3了解各地的旅游名胜和风。

4、双柏县大庄中心校(中学部)双柏县大庄中心校(中学部) “一、二、四一、二、四”阳光课堂教学案阳光课堂教学案学学 习习 目目 标:标:1知识目标知识目标(1)Study the new words:grow, grow up, programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional, act(8).(2)Talk about future intentions: -What are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be a computer programmer. 2.技能目标技能目标:能与同伴谈论自己对未来职业的打算。 3.情感目标情感目标:通过学习,向同伴描述未来自己想从事的职业及原因。学习重。

5、八年级英语上册第四单元教案Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?Section A (1a1c) 1重点单词:theater,comfortable,seat,screen,close,ticket2重点短语:comfortable seats,big screen,close to home,buy tickets quickly,short waiting time3重点句式:Whats the best movie theater?It has the most comfortable seats.It has the best sound.Its the closest to home.1形容词最高级的构成及用法2能用最高级的基本句型来描述人物能用最高级的基本句型来描述人物一、预习课本 P25 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1戏院______。

6、千叶帆服装资料分享社区 http:/www.5doc.net/仁爱英语教案Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 3 What were you doing atthis time yesterday?Section DThe main activities are 1和5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn a new word:dish2. Review the past continuous tense:(1) What was he/she doing at about nine oclock last night?(2) My mother was doing the dishes and my father was reading the newspaper.3. Review agreement and disagreement:(1) I think so./I agree./I。

7、Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A 1a2c(第一课时)一学习目标:熟记运用 5 个单词: housework、hardly、ever 、once、twice掌握 2 个句型 A: What do you usually do on weekends?B: I often go to the movies. A: How often do you watch TV? B: Twice a week 二学法指导:生活实际与学习紧密联系;培养良好的习惯;加强锻炼,保持健康。三 自学导航 (10 分钟)1.We cant only study,we can do many other things in our life.(说出这些短语的意思)help with housework go shoppinggo to the movies have dance and pia。

8、1高二英语上册第八单元高二英语上册第八单元教案教案Unit8 First Aid Period 1 Warming up, ListeningSpeakingSpeaking广西桂平市第三中学 李秀华Class Type(课型课型): 听说课。 Analyses of Teaching Material(教材分析)(教材分析): 本单元主要涉及一些普通伤害和对这些常见伤害事故如何进行急救以及在家庭中怎么确 保安全等,让学生懂得急救的重要性。 第一课时为听说训练课,重点培养学生口头交际能力。本节课的主要内容: 1. Warming up:溺水、交通事故、烧伤、划伤、噎塞等六张常见受伤害情景图片, Integrating skills 的普。

9、新目标英语八年级上册第二单元教案Whats the matter?教案教学目标: 学习身体各部位的名称,新目标英语八年级上册第二单元教案。学习表达身体的各种不适。能够对他人的不适给予适当的建议。学会合理安排自己的饮食结构。教学步骤: Period 1Step1 GreetingStep2 1) Learn the ne ordsT: Ho man parts of the bod an ou name?S: Head, bakT: I have a headahe Ss look at the piture and finish 1a bthemselves.3) Pratie .A: “Whats the matter?”B: “I have a old sore bak”Step3 1) Look at piture , anser questions.T: “What par。

10、英语(新目标) 八年级上册第二单元教案Unit 2In this unit, it unfolds teaching around the topic of health, forcal point of studying is the content like these:1. Teaching words and expression: Learning the use of “have a cold/stomache/toothache.,should, see a dentist, stressed out, lie down, get some rest.”2. Teaching Drills: To talk about the topic of health, be able to answer the questions what the doctor ask. Be able to give advice or make suggestions.3. Teaching Grammar: Pay attention to the。


12、Unit10 Im going to be a basketball player.广西省桂平市南木镇南木一中 甘春兰新目标英语八年级上册 课时:4 课时 一. 单元教学内容分析本单元的主要目标是用一般将来时谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因,学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式,为实现理想所做出的打算和安排,以及制定未来一段时间内的学习计划。 本单元的语言目标: What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be an actor. How are you going to do that? Im going to take acting lessons. 本单元的重点词汇: Computer programmer, professional, bask。

13、Teaching PlanUnit2 whats the matter? (Period 1) Grade Level: Junior School 2Lesson Type: Integrated lessonDuration: 45 mObjectives: 1) Talk about your health;give advice.2) By communicating with each other, Ss can learn to care about others, and can give proper advice to others. In this way, a student can get along well with others.3) By learning, Ss can know how to express their ideals and how to ask something in UK or USA.Key point: Learn some words about body parts and the expression of si。

14、Unit 2 Whats the Unit 2 Whats the matter?matter? 怎么了?怎么了?Unit 2 Whats the matter?怎么了? l Have:【说词】1.Do you often have a cold? 2.My father had a toothathe two days age.3.Lets have a walk after supper!4.Reamember to have her come.【解语】 作动词,意为“得病,患病”,常用于短语“have+a+表疾病 的名词。”如句1、2 作动词,意为“从事”,常用于短语 “have+a+表活动的名词。”如句3 作使役动词,意为“使 ,让”,后面接不带to的动词不定式。即:have sb do sth 意为“让某人做某事”。如句4 常见短语。

15、八年级上册Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Unit 2 How often do you exercise?第1课时学习内容:Section A,1a-1c.学习目标:1.掌握本课时单词、短语及重点词的用法。2.掌握频率词汇及询问活动频率。学习过程:一、自主预习(一)背会本课时单词。(二)短语翻译并记忆1.在周末 2.去看电影 3.每星期三四次 4.每月两次 5.帮忙做家务 6.动物世界 二、合作探究1.检查预习情况,解决存在的问题。(小组汇报)。2.1a. 看图,完成练习并大声朗读。3.1b. 听录音,跟着说句子。4.1c.做对话。三、精讲释疑总结复习一般现在时: 1.当句子表状态说明。

16、Unit 2 How often do you do exercise ?Period OnePeriod One: Section A (1a2c)Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim:1. Vocabulary and phrase: always usually often sometimes hardly ever never ,once a day ,twice a week ,three times a month, my eating habits ,healthy /unhealthy lifestyle , keep in good health, junk food ,eat less meat, the same as, be different from ,the difference betweenand, of course 2. Sentence patterns: What does she /he do on weekends ? She often goes to。

17、1八年级英语上册第二单元教学案一、短语1. how often “多久一次” 表示频率 (与一般现在时连用)通常与下列表示频率的副词或短语连用:1) usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never2) every day/week/weekend/Saturday/month/term(学期) 、year/3) Oncetwice + a day/week/month/year/three times an hour/注意: A: 划线提问 1)2)3)时,要用 how oftenB : 句子中出现 1)2)3)时,要用一般现在时Mary ________________(go) shopping once a week. (划线提问)___________________________________________________________。

18、1十 河 中 心 中 学 导 学 设年级:八年级 学科:英语 设计教师:冯新华审核人: 时间;2013-9-10【课 题】 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section A 1a1c New(1)【学习目标】 1、 熟记运用 5 个单词: housework、hardly、ever 、once 、twice2、掌握 2 个句型 A: What do you usually do on weekends?B: I often go to the movies. A: How often do you watch TV? B: Twice a week 【学习重点难点】频率词汇及询问活动频率一般现在时态的熟练运用 新课 标第 一 网【学法指导】 生活实际与学习紧密联系;培养良好的习惯;加强锻炼,保。

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