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人教版新目标八年级下Unit6 Period 3导学案精修版

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    • 1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)课题:Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 【听说课】 Section B 1a2e Period 3授课教师 : 学科组长:教研组长: 学习目标重点单词:gold, emperor, silk, nobody, stupid, cheat, underwear. 重点短语:sound stupid, ask for, once upon a time, try to do sth重点句型:1.One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow.2.Dont eat it until you get to the forest.3.When the moon is shining bright, well be able to see the stones.4.Its leading us to that wonderful house made of food, cake and sugar.自主学习Task 1 翻译下列单词及短语。1.听

      2、起来愚蠢_ 2.在森林里_3.整个家庭_ 4.制定一个计划_5.去睡觉_ 6.沿路_7.迷路_ 8.醒来_Task2 Work on 1a Ask one student read words in 1a. Tell Ss to match thewords with the letters in the pictures in 1b. Let some Ss tell their answers. Then check together.Task3 Work on 1b: Tell Ss to look at the pictures in 1c. Tell them these are the pictures from the story: The Emperors New Clothes. Listen to the tapes and number the pictures. 小组交流以组为单位,Use the pictures in 1c to tell the story. 我的疑问自主学习后,我还有不明白的问题:_ 合作探究探究一 感叹句的两种基本结构形式:1.What

      3、引导的感叹句:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!What a kind girl she is!What+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!What bad weather!What beautiful flowers they are!2.How 引导的感叹句:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!How fast he runs!3.What感叹句和how感叹句可以进行转换。What an interesting book it is!=How interesting the book is!探究二辨析wear, dress, put on, be in1. dress做名词时,意为“衣服”,一般指女装,指女士长裙或礼服;做动词时,意为“穿衣服”。强调动作,后接人,即dress sb, dress oneself给自己穿衣服,get dressed穿好衣服。The boy is too young to dress himself.2. wear做动词,意为穿着,戴着,后接衣服帽子等。Kate is wearing a red dress today

      4、.3. put on意为穿上,强调穿戴的动作,后接表示衣服的名词。He put on his coat and went out.4.be in意为穿着,强调穿着的状态,后接颜色,衣服,帽子等。这里的be in=wear教师点拨知识点一 Nobody wanted to sound stupid.Sound此处为系动词,意为:“听起来”,其后常跟形容词作表语。常见短语sound like“听起来像”,后跟名词,短语或句子。The music sounds very pleasing to the ear.这音乐听起来十分悦耳。Paris sounds like a city that I like.巴黎听起来像是我喜欢的城市。常见“感觉”类连系动词:Look(看起来),feel(摸上去),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来)等,后跟形容词或+名词。What he says sounds like a good idea.他所说的听起来像是个好主意。Those oranges taste good.那些橘子尝起来不错。拓展:魔法魔法 魔法记忆:“是”be; “感”feel; “保持

      5、”keep;“起来四”是指look(看起来),sound(听起来),taste(尝起来)smell(闻起来);“好像”是指“seem”;“变了仨”是指get , turn和become.中考链接 2012浙江温州I like soft and gentle music. It _ nice.A. tastes B. looks C. sounds D. feels课内巩固A. 我一定行!一、根据首字母或汉语提示写词。(5分)1I think emperor was only wearing his u_.2I think emperor didnt want to be sound s_.3S_,I heard a strange noise from the forest.4The old man never k _anything for himself.5. He was so bad that he wanted to c_ the boy.B.我要进步!1.-Listen!Someone is playing the piano.-Wow!_beautiful music!A

      6、.What B.How a C.What a D.how2.-When are you going to tell Henry the good news?-_he comes back.A.Since B.As soon as C.Because D.Until3.Stop making so much _. The children are sleeping.A.voice B.sound C.noise D.whisper4.Marry is a singer. We can often hear her _.A.singing B.to sing C.sing D.sings5.She spoke so fast_I couldnt hear her very clearly.A.which B.that C.when D.since6.Toms mother told him _eating too much meat.A.stopping B.to stop C.stops D.stoppedC. 我自豪,我骄傲!用适当介词填空1. They lived near a fo

      7、rest_their their parents.2. he is going outside to get something _the moonlight.3. Ill drop pieces _bread.4. Its leading us _that wonderful house.5. The book is made _paper.用所给的词填空1. A neighbor _ (call) Tony, helped me repair my fence yesterday.2. The Monkey King can make 72_ (change) to his shape and size. 3. His uncle isnt interested in _ (play) chess at all.4. The two boys kept _ (skate) for one hour. 5. No one _ (be) able to answer him at that time. 根据汉语完成句子。1.他说他和同学们相处的很好。He said he _ _ _ _ his classmates.2.上周考试时他很紧张。He _ _ when he _ _ _ last week.3.我参观杭州时就爱上了他。I _ _ _ when I visited Hangzhou.4.你不应该和你的姐姐吵架。You _ _ _ your sister.5.他们试图欺骗我。They _ _ _ me.课后反思课后反思教师寄语:Never do things by halves.不要半途而废。 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_感到自己有待加强的是_

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