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译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第4课时(Integrated skills)同步练习(含答案)

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  • 文档编号:503525495
  • 上传时间:2024-05-21
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    • 1、八年级英语下册Unit8A green world同步练习第4课时 Integrated skills一、根据句意和所给汉语完成下列单词。1There is a lot of_(灰尘) in the skyYou should close the windows2Its_(有害的) for our eyes to watch too much TV3The bottle is_(空的)Would you like some more juice?4I want to know the result of the_(调查)5We have the most fertile_(土壤) in Europe6The polluted air _(伤害) peoples health, so we should try to reduce the air pollution 7To our surprise, there was no salt in the fishDad did the cooking a little _(粗心地)8I think children should be ta

      2、ught to spend their free time _(明智地)9Please give necessary information but keep it _(简单的)10The _(塑料)can pollute the environment Do you think so?二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。in place, both sides, try ones best,help each other,harm, organize a charity show,run out,take place,take action, providewith11Smoking is_to our health12We should_to protect our hometown13We can support the poor people by_14Its important for us_15The deaf boy is_to make himself be understood by making gestures16Mr Lithe_ poor girl_mon

      3、ey to go to school17Great changes_ in my hometown since 2010Its greener now18He has_of all his money19Trees can help soil_during the storms20Many people use_of the paper三、单项选择( )21A little wine will not be_to your healthJust dont drink too muchAhelpful Bhelpless Charmful Dharmless ( )22Dont throw away the waste paperIt needs_Ato recycle Brecycling Crecycle Drecycled ( )23The dictionary may_for three weeksAkeep Bbe kept CborrowDbe borrowed ( )24Without enough trees, soil wont be kept_And then san

      4、dstorms may happenAin place Bin the place Con place Don the place ( )25Your application wont_until you complete the surveyAaccept Breceive Cbe accepted Dbe received ( )26The office phones are dirty and they_next weekAwill clean Bwill be cleaned Care cleaning Dare cleaned ( )27A lot of new roads_in order to develop the villages in the next five yearsAare going to build Bis built Cwill build Dare going to be built ( )28-Which sport are you in at the school sports meeting?-No decision yetI think it

      5、_after discussing it with MrZhaoAwas decided Bwill be decided Cwill decide Dis decided ( )29Here_the results _the students activity surveyAis; with Bare; of Cis;of Dare; with ( )30Everybody knows that trees can_dust and help keep soil in placeAreuse Brecycle Creduce Dreceive 四、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Wang Yueyue works at a supermarket in YangzhouThe story of her cellphone that _31_ from Yangzhou to Shanghai for a day without its owner has brought a smile to lots of Chin

      6、ese netizens Wang Yueyue _32_ her cellphone on MondayAfter that,she didnt _33_ to see the cellphone againWang was packing _34_ into boxes to be sent to Shanghai to help with the citys food supply during the lockdown Wearing a sweater with _35_ pockets,she had already dropped her phone on the floor three times _36_ the phone disappearedAfter looking around,Wang couldnt find her phoneAll her _37_ didnt see it,eitherShe guessed that she _38_ it in one of the boxesHer sister posted on Sina Weibo, _3

      7、9_ in Shanghai who got a cellphone in a delivery box please contact meMy sister was busy packing the supplies and _40_ left her phone in one of the boxes The post was quickly _41_ onlineWang Yongyong,a supply chain manager in Shanghais Hongqiao township,saw the post on _42_ She together with some volunteers helped to search the _43_ At last,they managed to find the cellphone in a truck Many local people in Shanghai said in their WeChat groups that _44_ should try to find the cellphone in order n

      8、ot to fail the people who were _45_ them It was an interesting experience for Wang Yueyue and her cellphone( )31AtravelledBsentCworkedDposted( )32AlostBfoundCboughtDreceived( )33AwantBexpectClikeDchoose( )34AclothesBbooksCvegetablesDphones( )35AbeautifulBdarkClightDsmall( )36AafterBbeforeCbecauseDso( )37AclassmatesBrelativesCworkmatesDneighbours( )38AhidBputCdroppedDthrew( )39ASomebodyBAnybodyCNobodyDEverybody( )40AquicklyBslowlyCcarefullyDcarelessly( )41AarrivedBspreadCusedDlost( )42AMondayBTuesdayCThursdayDFriday( )43ApacksBphoneCtruckDsupermarket( )44Awe

      《译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第4课时(Integrated skills)同步练习(含答案)》由会员147037****qq.com分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第4课时(Integrated skills)同步练习(含答案)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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