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2022牛津译林版必修二Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》word教案

  • 卖家[上传人]:ni****g
  • 文档编号:495803918
  • 上传时间:2023-12-16
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    • 1、2022牛津译林版必修二Unit 1Tales of the unexplainedword教案Aims and requirementsRead a news story about a missing boy and a magazine article about YetiListen to a dialogue between a boss and his employeeTalk about aliens and conduct an interviewWrite a reportTell a mysterious storyProceduresPeriod one, Wele to the UnitStep 1: Brainstorming1. Boys and girls, have you ever heard something not only interesting and attractive but also unexplained at all even with the help of modern science and technology in th

      2、e world? Here are some pictures on the screen. Can you tell me what they are? The chances for seeing a UFO are greater for those people who live in small towns or in the country and are outside late at night. UFOs. Yes, they are called UFOs, meaning unidentified flying objects.UFOs e in all shapes and sizes. Some are only small spots of light that move in strange patterns across the night sky. Some can be seen in the daytime are often disk- or saucer-shaped.UFOs were once seen in different parts

      3、 of China. Look at some pictures on the screen, please.Do you think such kind of things mysterious ? Are you curious about them? Besides UFOs, can you list anything more unexplained youve ever heard or seen in your daily life?They are Yetis, the Loch Ness Monster, Stonehenge and the Pyramids in Egypt.2. Open your books and lets look at page one. Please read the instruction and focus on the five pictures and illustrations first. Then answer the following questions:Do the five pictures have someth

      4、ing in mon? If so, what is it? (unexplained; no satisfactory answers; mysterious; no evidence.)Can scientists explain these phenomena?How do you feel about them? Are you a bit curious?3. Think of as many expressions as possible to answer the questions above. Try to make up some sentences and read them to the class. I will also offer you some examples.They are mysterious because no satisfactory answers have been offered to explain them. Though these mysteries have puzzled people for a long time,

      5、they still show great interest in them.People feel puzzled by the mysteries.4. Report the information you have collected to the class. Your answers are quite different. Now we will use some of your answers as a prompt for a class discussion. For example, Teacher: What information have you got about UFOs?Student A:.Teacher: Do you think Student As information interesting? What about the information youve got? Is there anything different?Student B:.5. Please discuss the topics in pairs. Here are s

      6、ome questions.About UFOs:Have you ever read some reports about UFOs in China?Are you interested in UFOs?Are they really from another planet? What do the letters UFO stand for? Why do you think UFOs visit our planet?About Yetis:Where are the Himalayas? Whats the weather like there?Why do some people make great efforts to climb them? (hobby; dream; challenge themselves; make discoveries; overe difficulty,.)A Yeti is reported to be half-man and half-beast. Have you heard of it?Do you think some cli

      7、mbers disappearances are connected with Yetis?About Stonehenge, the pyramids and the Loch Ness Monster:Stonehenge and the pyramids in Egypt, the most famous of which is the Great Pyramid, are cultural relics.Where were the pyramids built, on the east coast of the Nile or on the west coast?What are the reasons?Do you think the Great Pyramid is a wonder in human history? How was the Great Pyramid built?I havent heard of Stonehenge or the Loch Ness Monster. They are a bit new to me. What about you?

      8、Would you be interested in discovering more about them?Step 2: Sharing information1. Lets deal with the questions in pairs. For the first question, you may discuss it this way: Do you believe in UFOs? What might be the most acceptable explanation for UFOs? You may give different answers such as:-Aliens from space.-Military test aircraft.-Some UFOs are alien, some are test aircraft.-UFOs are evidence of human space travel.-UFOs are neither alien nor test aircraft.-UFOs dont exist.You can express

      9、your agreements and disagreements with each other.2. Summarize your answers and then report to the class.Sample answers1. I have a firm belief in UFOs. In fact, I have seen a few myself. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, that is, an object, apparently moving in the sky, which we cannot identify. However, if you ask me whether or not I believe in spacecraft carrying visitors from outer space, I would have to say no. I do not believe in them.2. The continent of Antarctica was discovered in 1818. It was once supposed to have been covered by ice for hundreds of thousands of years. However, in 1949 scientists took samples from sediment deep beneath Antarctica, which revealed that great rivers had once flowed into Antarctica until about 6,000 years ago, Many more mysteries remain to be discovered.3. Im always inte

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