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    • 1、.8B Unit6知识点巩固复习:1. What s the proper way to greet people there, Jenny?1). proper作形容词, 意为“符合习俗的 ; 正确的”,副词:properly。反义词为“ improper.”e.g He could not come up with a proper answer.2). greet为动词,意为“问候,打招呼”。其名词形式为“greeting”。e.g They greet each other with a hug and say Merry Christmas!2. Well, British people say“ hello” or“ nice to meet you” and shake youwhen they meet you for the first time.shake one s hands意为“与某人握手”。也可简略为“handsshake”。其中 shake的过去式为 shook, 过去分词为“shaken”。e.g Should I shake his hand when

      2、 I meetan American boy?for the first time意为“第一次”,对应短语为for the last time,意为“最后一次”。e.g I went to a baseball game for the first time last Saturday.3. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.close 作形容词时,意为“紧密的;亲密的”,其比较级为closer,最高级为 closest.e.g She is a close friend of theirs.另外: close 作形容词或副词,意为“靠近的(地) ,”常见短语为close to,意为“接近;靠近”e.g His house is close to the factory.(形容词 )Anna followed close behind.(副词 )4. But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money.avoid 作动词,其后可接名词、代词

      3、、或动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。.e.g He avoided answering my questions.5. Do people there behave politely in public?1). behave作动词 ,意为“表现”,其名词形式为 behavior, 意为“行为”。 behave oneself意为“有礼貌或行为检点”。e.g Please behave yourself before the guests.2). public作名词 ,意为“民众,群体”,其常见短语为“in public”,意为“公开地,公众面前”。e.g Remember not to be afraid to speak in public.6. They think it s rude to push in before others.“ push in”意为“插队”。e.g If you push in before others, they will be angry.类似短语为: push ahead继续前行push one s way挤过去,奋力向前push off出

      4、发,离开push asid e 设法忘掉;强迫(某人)离职push on继续push over把推倒7. Also, if they bump into someone in the street, they ll say“ sorrybump作动词 ,意为“撞,碰”,常见短语为bump into,意为“撞到”。e.g They stopped walking and he almost bumped into them.8. If you re in their way, they won t touch you or push 如past果你you挡了.他们的路,他们不会碰你,或者从你身边走过去。in one s way意为“挡住某人的路”9. British people are very polite at home as well, aren t they?as well意为“也,还有”。.1). as well常用作状语,相当于too , also, 常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。e.g Why don t you come alongas well?2). as we

      5、ll as意为“和,也”,连接两个并列的成分。e.g The boss provided lunch as well as breakfast.10. hit someone or something by accident11. She did not join the discussion.by accident 意为“偶然,意外地”。discussion为名词 ,意为“讨论”,其动词形式为“ discuss ”.e.g We won t have any discussion about it.12. He did not express himself clearly.express 为动词 ,意为“表达”。其名词形式为expression ,意为“表达”。e.g A smile expressed her joy at the news.13 Kitty was very busy with her dancing lessons.be busy with sth=be busy doing sthe.g He is busy with his homework.=He is

      6、 busy doing his homework.14. Help explain things and give us usefulinformation.explain作及物动词,意为“解释”,后可带双宾语,即 explain sb sth=explain sth to sbe.g The lawer explained the new law to us.15. Keep us safe from danger.keep from 意为“阻止做, 保护from免受”后,接名词、代词或者动名词作宾语。e.g You d better keep your children from going out at night.16.warn us not to do something.warn 意为“警告”, warn sb to do sth意为“警告某人做某事”。e.g The police warned us not to go out at night.17.everybody will be lucky or successful sometime in their life注

      7、意区别 sometime, some time, sometimes,和 sometimes的用法:sometime意为“某个时候”,可指过去或将来的某个时间。e.g We will take our holiday sometime in August.some time还可意为“一段时间”e.g We ll stay in Hong Kong for some time.sometimes意为“有时候”e.g He sometimes has a walk after supper.some times意为“几次”e.g I have been to Beijing some times.18. risk losing everything allat one timerisk 作动词,意为“冒险做”,risk doing意sth为“冒险做某事”。常见短语为:at the risk of 意为“冒着危险”。19. When one bad thing happens to you, other bad things happen soon after soon after 意为“不久之后”e.gSoon after we found that she was a good student.20. practice makes perfect熟能生巧practice为不可数名词 ,意为“练习;训练;实践”。常见短语为:in practice, 意为“实际上,事实上”e.g But in practice things are very difficult.practice作及物动词,也写作practise, 意为“练习”,后接 名词、代词或者动名词作宾语。21.Above all, when you are sitting at the table, you should not start until everyoneis ready.above all意为“重要的是,首要的是”.


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