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    • 1、美食类微信公众号内容营销模式研究摘 要根据腾讯2017年第二季度财报数据显示,微信和WeChat的合并月活用户数已达9.63亿。微信公众号的数量在2017年也达到了2101万之巨,而且种类繁多,推送内容良莠不齐,可恰恰内容决定公众号质量。本文所要研究的便是美食类微信公众号的内容营销模式。民以食为天,中国作为美食大国,从未停止过探索美食的脚步。2016年中央电视台大型美食纪录片舌尖上的中国播出之后,大家对于美食的关注热情空前高涨,各种美食类的微信公众号也得到了前所未有的关注与发展。在这篇文章中,我将以“掌厨”“陛下开饭了”以及“下厨房”等公众号为例探讨美食类微信公众号的内容营销模式有何特点?分析美食类微信公众号内容营销策略的利弊,同时结合本人运营公众号的工作经验,提出行之有效的改进方法。本文首先对内容营销以及微信营销进行了基本概述,之后研究并阐明了美食类微信公众号的内容营销策略,最后进行分析总结。通过一系列分析研究所得出的建议策略不仅有利于文中所提及到的公众号的发展,对于其他美食类的微信公众号也十分具有参考价值。关键词:美食;微信公众号;内容营销Research on the Marke

      2、ting Mode of WeChat Public InformationAbstractAccording to the second-quarter results of the second quarter of 2017, WeChat and WeChat has 963 million monthly active users. The number of WeChat public accounts has reached 210.1 million in 2017, and there is a wide variety of content, and the content of the promotion is spotty, which can determine the quality of the public.The research of this paper is the content marketing model of WeChat. China, as a great food country, has never stopped explor

      3、ing gastronomy. 2016 CCTV large food documentary on the tip of the tongue of China after the broadcast, everybody pays attention to enthusiasm for food to an all-time high, all kinds of public food class micro letter, it has received the unprecedented attention and development.In this article, I will discuss the characteristics of the content marketing model of WeChat public number of gastronomy WeChat with the public number such as cook, your majestys cooking and the kitchen. This paper analyze

      4、s the advantages and disadvantages of the marketing strategy of WeChat, and puts forward some effective methods to improve it.In this paper, the content marketing and WeChat marketing are briefly summarized, and then the content marketing strategy of WeChat public number is studied and summarized. The proposed strategy through a series of analysis studies not only facilitates the development of the public number mentioned in the article, but also has great reference value for the WeChat public number of other food classes.Key Words:Food;WeChat Official Account;Content Marketing 目 录摘要-1Abstract-目录-一、内容营销概述-1(一)内容营销-11.内容营销概念-12.内容营销的特点-1(1)针对性强-1(2)应用范围广泛-1(3)成本较低-1(4)时效较长-1(二)微信公众号内容营销-11.微信营销概念-12.微信公众号分类-13.微信公众号内容营销概述-1二、美食类微信公众号内容营销策略-2(一)明确公众号生产内容类型-2(二)内容策略-2 1.持续性内容-2 2.结合热点生产内容-2 3.特定时间生产特定内容-2(1)传统节日-2(2)节气时令-2(3)西方节日-2 4.挖掘粉丝需求生产内容-2(三)内容来源-2 1.依托于APP-2 2.原创-2 3.软文广告-2三、美食类微信公众号内容营销的不足与改进策略研究-3(一)美食类微信公众号内容营销的不足-3 1.内容原创难以长期坚持-3 2.软文广告数量过多-


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