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Listed company's accounting fraud of the Causes and Prevention1773

  • 卖家[上传人]:夏**
  • 文档编号:431727632
  • 上传时间:2023-05-28
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    • 1、Listed companys accounting fraud of the Causes and PreventionABSTRACT from the analysis of accounting information distortion that is illegal, because the accounting fraud, manifestations and hazards start to analyze the accounting fraud of Chinas listed companies the motivation to find out the real causes of the accounting fraud, and through drawing and learn from foreign countries in the prevention and treatment of accounting fraud experience, to present my accounting fraud prevention and treat

      2、ment response. Key words listed company; accounting fraud; Governance 1, the listed companys accounting fraud and harm the performance of the form (A) the manifestation of accounting fraud 1. Fictitious business activities. Listed companies, the most common means of accounting fraud, namely through the fictitious transactions, increasing sales revenue or other income, and inflated assets. Such methods often need to forge economic contracts to cope with bills, tax invoices, customs declarations a

      3、nd a series of legal documents, which not only had violated accounting rules is contract law, tax law and other important economic laws and regulations of the open defiance and provocation, is of a serious nature economic crime. 2. Manipulation of related-party transactions. Fraud, fictitious companies, apart from economic activity, more by way associated with particular transaction, such as debt restructuring, asset replacement, non-monetary transactions, etc. to achieve the purpose of manipula

      4、ting results. In a normal transaction of the related-party transactions is justified, earlier this without too many restrictions and regulations, but in recent years, an increasing number of listed companies by the trade name, line of actual control. 3. Accounting methods distort. Compared with the first two types, the use of some special methods of accounting distortions reflect the business situation, manipulation of accounting information of false acts were committed abroad in cases of accoun

      5、ting fraud is more prevalent. (B) the hazards of accounting fraud Intensified the listed companys accounting fraud had been to the countrys economic, political, and cultural fields caused immeasurable losses. 1. All kinds of departments for distortion of accounting information will lead to macro-decision-making out of control, seriously affect the industrial structure optimization, the rational allocation of social resources and the orderly flow of weakening the authority of state laws and regul

      6、ations, and have serious social economic problems. 2. The impact of accounting information users make the right investment decisions, damages the interests of investors and creditors, and has hit investor confidence and affect the healthy development of capital markets and undermine the investment environment. 3. Resulted in state tax revenue and a huge loss of state-owned assets, affecting the management of production and operation to make the right decisions, undermining the normal production

      7、and operation enterprises. 4. Disrupt the market rules of the game, increased market speculation and market volatility, severe damage to primary and secondary equity. 5. Accounting fraud contributed to a variety of corruption and unhealthy trend. According to statistics, Chinas due to fraud and corruption resulted in economic losses and consumer welfare losses are estimated annually 978500000000-12 between 57 billion yuan, accounting for 13.6% of Chinas GDP of around 16.8%. All these have seriou

      8、sly affected our normal social and economic order, and hinder Chinas market economy and a steady, healthy and rapid development. Second, the accounting fraud cause analysis (A) lack of clarity of property rights The reason why Chinas current accounting fraud to become a common phenomenon, one of the causes is the enterprise business system in transition, the relationship between property ownership are not clearly defined, leading to the original functions of supervisory authority has been weaken

      9、ed, but on behalf of corporate property rights monitoring body has not been established. Therefore, the problem of accounting fraud will be more prominent. (B) inadequate corporate governance structure As the shareholding structure of Chinas stock market congenital defects, so that listed companies in China and Western countries are generally characterized by state-owned shares due to the dominance of the shareholding structure, thus resulting governance structure of listed companies, including shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors of mutual checks and balances between the distorted. (C) the accounting legislation is not perfect Since December 1990 Chinas Shanghai Stock Exchange since it

      《Listed company's accounting fraud of the Causes and Prevention1773》由会员夏**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Listed company's accounting fraud of the Causes and Prevention1773》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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