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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、联合国会议口译词汇ABCC= Advisory Board on Compensation Claims 索偿事项咨询委员会 Abolition of posts 员额裁撤Absorb 匀支absorption factor 承当系数Accommodation units 办公室安排股Account for 点清;查明Accountability Panel 问责制专门小组accounting conventions 会计惯例Accounts Division 帐务司accrual 应计制;权责发生制ACPAQ = advisory committee on post adjustment questions 工作地点差价调整数问题咨委会(调整数咨委会)Active missions 现有特派团Additional estimates 追加概算Administration of justice 司法行政Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the UN PKOs 联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题Adm

      2、inistrative business processes 行政事务程序advocacy 倡导Age profile of the staff 年龄分布状况Alignment of the NCE and G-P Exam 协调Apportion 分摊approving officer 核签人Archiving 归档Arrears 积欠会费ASG for central support services 丹羽敏之Associate expert 协理专家Audit certificate 审计证书Audited financial statement 审定财务报表Auditor, visiting 巡回审计员Award of contracts 订立; 决标Back-office consolidation in the Common Services area 稳固共同事务领域办公室后台工作Backstopping of PKOs A/49/717 ; Balance sheet 资产负债表Base /floor salary scale 基薪/底薪表Benchmark 基准bid

      3、 出价;投标Board of Auditors 审计委员会 Sir John Bourn KCBBONUCA = Peace-building support office in Central African Republic 中非支助处Broad banding 宽幅工资制度Budget proposals 概算Business processes 业务流程Candidate 投考人Capital expenditures 基建支出Capital Master Plan 基建总方案Career development 职业开展cash basis 收付实现制;现收现付制Cash-flow situation 现金流动;现金流量CCAQ = consultative committee on admin questions 行政问题协商委员会CCISUA= Coordinating Committee for International Staff Unions and Associations of the United Nations System UN 国际职工会协调委员会CC

      4、POQ = Consultative Committee. On Programme and Operational Questions 方案业务协商会CEB = Chief Executives Board for Coordination 执行首长协调理事会Central Evaluation Unit 中央评价股Charge-back 事后收费方法Civilian component (of PKO)文职局部; 文职人员Classify 叙级Closing balance 期终余额COE = contingent-owned equipment 特遣队所属装备co-location 共用同一地点Commitments, enter into 承付款项Committee for Programme and Coordination 方案和协调委员会Common scale of staff assessment 统一的工作人员薪金税率表Common services 共同事务Common services platform 共同事务平台Common Services Task Fo

      5、rce 共同事务工作队Common staff costs 一般人事费用Common supplier database 联合国供给商共同数据库Common support services 共同支助事务Common system 共同制度Compendium process 简编进程Competitive bidding 公开招标Component, percentage distribution of resources by构成部份computer-assisted translation software 计算机辅助翻译软件Consolidation (incorporation in base/floor salary scale) 工作地点差价调整数并入基薪净额Contingency fund 应急基金Contingent liabilities 或有债务Contract services 定约承办事务Contracts and Procurements Service of DDSMS 合同和采购处开展支助管理事务部(开展支管部)Contracts Committees

      6、(local and Headquarters) 合同委员会Contracts, 11-month 11个月合同Contracts, continuing 连续合同Contracts, permanent 长期合同Contracts, requirement 有条件供给合同;备用合同Contracts, when-actually-employed 实际受聘合同Contractual services 定约承办事务Contributions past due 过期未付会费Coordination, instruments of Resident coordinator system; country strategy note 照会;programme approach 方案方法;national execution 国家执行;field committees 实地委员会;Cost- accounting system 本钱核算Cost effectiveness, enhance 本钱效果Cost efficiencies in the delivery of programmes

      7、本钱效率Creation of posts 设立员额Credit v. 记入。名下Creditable contributory service 可以成认的缴费效劳culture 思维方式customized services 特定效劳DAM 行管部DDSMS = Dept. for Development Support and Management Services 开展支管部Death and disability benefits 死亡抚恤金,伤残津贴Department 部Dependency allowance 抚养津贴DESA 经社事务部Desirable ranges, the system of 理想幅度DGAACS department of general assembly affairs and conference services 大会事务和会议事务部,会议部DHA department of humanitarian affairs 人道事务部Disaster Mitigation Branch 减灾处Disaster Relief Coordinator

      8、 救灾协调员Dividend 股息Dry lease 干租赁DSC = direct support cost ECA 非洲经委会ECE 欧经委会ECLAC 拉加经委会Economies of scale 规模效益EDP 电子数据处理Effect of extreme values 极值效应Efficiency gains 效率增益Efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the UN 行政和财政业务效率Electronic United Nations 电子联合国Emergency Relief Coordinator 紧急救灾协调员Entitlements 应享权利Entry-level Professional staff 起职专业人员Episodic work 零星工作Equities 有价证卷ESCWA 西亚经社会Estimates 估计数; 概算Ex post facto cases 事后核准个案; approval of contracts on an ex post facto basisEx-gratia payment 惠给金Exigency (needs)紧急需要Expected accomplishments 预期成绩FACS (Field Assets Control System) 外地资产管制系统FACS = Field Assets Control System 外地资产管制系统FALD field administration and logistics division 外勤司; 后勤司Fellowship 研究金FICSA = federation of international civil service associations 国际公务员协会联合会Field connectivity 外地连接Field office 外地办事处Field service 外勤事务field service category 外勤事务人员职类Financial report 财务报告flat ra


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